Do you like Vietnam?

Do you like Vietnam?

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I only respect countries that beat us in wars.

>All Along The Watchtower starts playing


t. nu male Bernie voter


Are you feeling the BERN?

Really need the webm of the South Vietnamese guy shooting the VC guy in the head on the street with a small revolver.

the viet kong ceased to be a fighting force near the end we killed them 2 deth

This is the proper response to Krautchan comics.

Thanks for screenshotting me, friendo.


Yes, If they fight the enemy China.

Yeah that one, but there was a webm of it too.

"In 1975, during the fall of Saigon, Gen. Loan fled South Vietnam. He moved to the United States and opened a pizza restaurant in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Burke, Virginia at Rolling Valley Mall called 'Les Trois Continents'.[14] In 1991, he was forced into retirement when he was recognized and his identity publicly disclosed. Photographer Eddie Adams recalled that on his last visit to the pizza parlor, he had seen written on a toilet wall 'We know who you are, fucker.'"

I saw you Chink on another thread :D

This. If they stand with gommie China, we will be so disappointed in Vietnam. They are also stupid commie.

germany won ww2 because they had a higher k/d than he soviets :D

The guy getting capped was the head of a VC death squad.

Jesus, chinks really were like the posters, look at the asian on the left

Yeh but libtards acted as if it was some poow innocent kid being shot by the illegal imperialist lackey regime in Saigon.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Due process is something that separates us from third world shitholes.
Found a video

It was a war, dude. War isn't supposed to be nice. My grandfather had a picture from WWII of his platoon holding up a severed Japanese head.

>Lém was captured near a mass grave with 34 civilian bodies. Lém admitted that he was proud to carry out his unit leader's order to kill these people. Having personally witnessed the murder of one of his officers along with that man's wife and three small children in cold blood, when Lém was captured and brought to him, General Loan summarily executed him using his sidearm, a .38 Special Smith & Wesson Model 38 "Bodyguard" revolver, in front of AP photographer Eddie Adams and NBC News television cameraman Vo Suu
>The general killed the Viet Cong; I killed the general with my camera. Still photographs are the most powerful weapon in the world. People believe them, but photographs do lie, even without manipulation. They are only half-truths. What the photograph didn't say was, "What would you do if you were the general at that time and place on that hot day, and you caught the so-called bad guy after he blew away one, two or three American soldiers?"
Summary execution of unlawful combatants is allowed, especially for wastes of skin like him.

Since the Mekong is drying up, Louisiana should use more vietnamese to reclaim the Bayou and Nawlins

It's not combat. People dying in combat is legal and fine. Executing prisoners without a trial is savage. Something niggers in Africa do.

This was in the middle of a battle though lol.

My science teacher was Vietnamese and she was strict as fuck so hell no.

>killed them 2 deth

Yeah sure, why not. There are a bunch of programs in my school to teach English in Vietnam over the summer; either no one wants to go or they need a lot of English teachers. Was thinking about doing it myself, any Vietnamese/people who have been there want to chime in about experiences?

>tfw no qt3.14 gf to repel the Crusaders together