There is nothing wrong with Argentina

>good food
>good weather
>good people

>gommie people

I pass

>he fell for le meat meme

I wish I lived in argentina

"""""por favor escupanme"""" """""soy inferior"""" ""'abrigado""""

Native Americans don't like meat. It's not our fault.

At least its better than Beans and Rice

but ur with argentinians

Why not both? Feijoada is great btw.


I wish I lived in Bariloche tbqh.

Is it true there are many cute Native Americans there?

negros de mierda

Don't believe in menes lad pls. The place where you will find qt "amerindians" is Peru or Ecuador.

jkakjkajkjakjakjakj monito trolo ****psh*** jkakjjkakjakjak

He looks like this guy. And reminder that Atlético btfo Racing.

But every school there are full of cute Native American looking girls on google

Resto de aborto retardado do caralho.


Ugly tbqh.


un simio que habla seniores.-

Cerrá el orto pelotudazo, volvé a /lat

You can't change my opinion regarding argentinians, no matter what. I've fucked so many argie cutes already, that I can do nothing but like Argentina.
Memes, most argentinians look like Spaniards or Italians.

en un foro de internet te animas, pero cuando te buliaban en el cole:

no te animabas.-

Also, come to Búzios please.

Volta a postar teus memes do taringa, macaco albino.

el fresco de la selva seniores, le gusta ponerla mas que comer bananas,,,, con eso te digo todo


Pero que gracioso que sos!!

Pedazo de repelotudo.

Vas a la pública en bondi, pobre.


>most argentinians look like Spaniards or Italians

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I'm pretty sure you are not talking about the ones that come to Florianopolis

Good meme, but I will be going to Bariloche again, during june and july this year and there's nothing you can do.


Por qué Argentina es un país tan terrible cuando es 95% Europeo?

los amerindios le van a aplanar la casa

Porque no es europeo. Light skinned mestizos. Es puro maymay.
Europeo es norteamerica.


Pero no és terrible.
I only know argies from BA, Bariloche and Búzios. They mostly have the same phenotype I saw in Italy and Spain. Maybe the ones in Floripa come from Northern Argentina?
Memes. The US is far less european than Argentina, have you ever traveled abroad lad?

Just one autistic argie can ruin a whole thread with a few posts...

Did you see how funny is he with those simpsons memes? And that funny "jakajskaksjakjs"?

>ywf you live in a shithole full of poor assholes like him.

>Defending beef
Nice proxy faggot

Why are you speaking spanish with him? retard

Ocupar hilos, los principales "generals", es garantía de triunfo futuro. Retirarse al country y al hilo chicano pedofilo para no toparse con argentinos es señal de derrota y garantía de extinción como grupo nacional.

what you lack
what we SURPLUS.....

>The US is far less european

US whites - 99%~100% European


Yes. But I just wanted to share my love for Argentina here. So mission accomplished. Can't wait to eat those alfajores.

OP é carioca

I am.




>mestizas with blonde hair


estas picante hoy