I do not understand why people on Sup Forums like japan

I do not understand why people on Sup Forums like japan

I am native japanese, but I move to thailand and become much happier.

Japanese culture is bad and oppress the emotion of people, a lot of japanese are depressed.

t. japanese living in thailand

You don't understand why people on an anime imageboard like Japan?

Me neither. Just roll with it.

We want to live around our own race exclusively.
We're tired of other race's cultures and bullshit.
I wish I could call an old white guy grandpa and a random guy on the street my brother...

I'm glad to be Japanese, very positive to Japan.

I hate the whale world so make manga?

Japanese have some amazing energy emanating from their eyes.

83% of Japanese say that they want to be born in Japan again.

is troll in japanese thread everyday.
he is chinese.

How old are you?

and 100% of japanese know rebirth is not probable

>why in the world people on a weeabo imageboard love Japan
I wonder why


true. never come back again.

I was born in Japan and brought up in japan.
But I feel I'm happy


Because anime

Chinese guy here, don't worry we still hate you.

Hi Kim-san in Thai,
Do you get along with Thai?
I hope Koreans never be hated in Thai :D

smţh tţbh faţm

PW is Jap, Jap, Jap.....
But no Japanese mind it because we are proud of Japanese/Nipponese and realize Jap/Nip is just abbreviation of our country.
The worst word for Japanese, Finn and even Chinese is "You look like Korean"!