Why are you still a programmer, Sup Forums?
Why are you still a programmer, Sup Forums?
I'm not. I'm a civil engineer and a programmer and an artist. I'm a polymath, I'm free, I'm superior.
Haven't figured out a better option yet. Post good careers
>Claims to be a polymath
>Isnt a mathemetician
Got a book that teaches mathematics without wanting to kill yourself?
I see what you did here
ye me tu m8
He's in medicine you mean? Fucking doctors. Most crooked profession there is. Almost everything they tell us is bullshit. They don't even know how most drugs work. They literally pronounce most of their knowledge is "best practice". Jesus fucking christ. People trust that profession. Fuck. If we knew how it works, doctors would have less respect that the common plumber.
Anybody who claims to be a polymath should be fluent in math textbook style: dense, perfectly logical, without any sense of literary style and laden with symbols.
If you are in engineering you must know math.
glad I'm not the only one
I bet I know more about quantum mechanics than you are mathcucks.
Fits in wikihow.
you must also be a fedora connoisseur
my professor once told me
"mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets"
Nice wishy washy hand wavey bullshit you got there.
Because I have nothing else in my life...
Because of the $150k/yr?
I thought it was only 110 max and 80 min
Because it's free and I can code lewd. Can you code lewd?
to buy your mom
I'm not, i'm just a neet who likes computers and technology.
>reverse image serach
...does liking this make me a horsefucker?
Because I'm incompetent at anything I do, but there's so much demand for programmers that I'm still somehow employed as one.
I'm not. I'm a software engineer. :^)