Face the facts.
GNU/Linux open source car VS
Shit posting in Sup Forums.
Face the facts.
Real men choice.
What is this?
The point was that closed source is the same spaghetti code bloat shit like loonix only they hide it from you (no looking!) and you get the NSA under the good driving with you.
While the entirety of the money is used for cheap adverts (badly photoshoped woman)
nah, at least with proprietary you're never expected to look into the bloated spaghetti code, and it's expected to work without user intervention... not the same thing
>expected to work without user intervention
>expected to work
EULA don't take any responsibility if their shit won't work.
Except it doesn't work. If proprietary software worked that well, it would be OK.
Spoiler: it doesn't.
Actually I never messed with the code.
The actual user level swap in system is great in most distros.
Can you change the web browser that is in windows?
Can you change the DE in windows?
NO. If you get shit like fucked up UI you can go and kill yourself.
Linux can no only change the web browser however you can swap out the DE without using the CLI.
So if you don't like gnome 3 because it turned to shit you can remove it and use a different DE even a previous one.
Meanwhile windows users are all like
>Muh start menu
after they get bitchslapper with win8.
Unless you define switching the web browser or DE to be messing in the spaghetti code you don't really ave a point.
It's the real gnu/linux car. It breaks everyday but when it works you can overcome anything
You don't mess in the code with mint and n00b distros like it.
The point is both are badly written the only difference is that you get more bottnet shit and the company is actively hiding how shit their code is.
The only thing that closed source has for it is it has massive amounts of money thrown at it and it actively tries to vendor lock you into itself.
If all application worked on the same standards like web browsing where everyone knows how to use the protocol shit levels of clusterfucks like IE fail.
Seriously who is using IE now? Its closed source while FierFox is open source so IE must be better according to your logic.
Yet all the money in the world did not make it more good or even decent.
When did your gnu/linux break every day?
Literally if you set it up it works practically forever the problem is that people can not set it up (do to no drivers and shit).
Gnu/linux is more like a tank, can drive on everything however a lot of public roads ban it because it looks ugly and clunky.
While windows is like some sisy car allowed everywhere however if the wind blows at it or it hits a tiny pothole it instantaneously breaks down.
>gnu/linux car. It breaks everyday
No seriously windows is not a production environment at this point its a cruel joke and toy OS.
What idiocy is this. Randomly turning off the computer. For faggoty updates. If the OS was written correctly it would not need any updates. And the updates can never interrupt important tasks.
Can you imagine if your car while you where driving decided to
>Restarting car to install updates
>You crash and die
This is how I feel about auto updates, taking away control is literally insufferable.
To do what? Install more spy-ware?
I hope win10 and win10+1 will have the same market share as windows phone.
All the facebookers are on phones (android, iOS)
No power users are on windows(video rendering, gaming)
GNU car in action
And Nvidia tells you
>Not on my roads!
>despite all this shit windows is still going better than linux
damn, linux really needs to step its game up
I don see a need to ever use win10 personally.
How is it better?
It was literally downhill after win98 and Win8 and then win10 are pure unusable shit.
What I don't understand is why are they making it go like this. Many people had to green light Windows just shutting down when it wants to update.
I major software devs start supporting linux its literally game over for windows.
Be serious if all the programs you have in windows are on linux would you rather run windows or linux?
Say how on its own win10 is better then linux?
And no X program is not on linux.
How exactly out side of vendor locking games/whatever do to winAPI DirectX12 is win10 good?
If MS was forced to sell winAPI binary blobs without the OS Windows would lose 50% of its users.
You are suggesting forcing the new spy-ware on every user as fast as possible is something the CEOs think is bad.
MS like every corporation is there to satisfy itself and if they need to bitch slap you from time to time they do it.
MS is not your friend and not there to satisfy you, only itself.
>gee what does my unix file structure look like
>lets see how do i make this tree show up
>user@compouter# pwd
>user@compouter# /usr/home/
>user@computer# cd
>user@computer# ls
>user@computer# pwd
lol fucking winblows cucks are so dumb the gman will never figure out this system I use
>user@computer# sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
Win10 is literally beyond seamer click bait levels of shit.
It literally plays mind games on you and if go to take a shit a window will pop up and if you are not there its going to install spy-ware or restart your OS.
And sometimes its not even asking only doing it and fuck you.
How do you get unix like systems to list the entire tree root can reach?
Spoiler: it really does.
No Linux can't. Linux is just a kernel which allocates the machines recouses to the programs that you run.
But muh gaymes!!!
>opensoresfags this delusional
Why would you even use a DE in Linux? A good WM is all you need
ls -lR /
>not building your very own open source plane
Shame on you.
my loonixes are more stable than any windows version I've used, I don't know what you're talking about
>No such file or directory
>[-L | -P]
the fugg?
Using windows 10 is more painful than installing gentoo
does being interested in tech automatically make you have the mental capacity of a 12 year old in elementary school
>It was literally downhill after win98 and Win8
You know that's not true.WinXP & Win7 were actually pretty based. Whereas I don't have a reason to use Win10 either, I sadly remember how all Linux distros failed to capitalize users from the Vista fiasco.
>pool is filled with CIA agents
>house is filled with CIA agents
>can't even take a shit without being spied on
>utilities that remove CIA agents just replace them with KGB agents
Let's sing along Sup Forums
Most people have been complaining most computer crimes come from Russia
most bot nets are controlled from hackers in russia
you don't hear about russia in your computer because russia kills the journalists
You were warned.
reminds me the first time I installed Linux, back in 2002.
Being hacked by a bunch of script kiddies in Russia is not the same as a massive global botnet run by the government.
Russian govt doesnt have the budget to support a program that would even be a tenth of what PRISM does.
Cyber criminals dont kill journalists.
>You know that's not true
The first windows who introduced the need for on-line activation.
The first windows to introduce the fisherprice interface.
The first windows you needed to change the UI in options to make it "classic windows".
Literally worse then vista.
Only for retards.
Windows cluster into gay icons of the application.
More shit needs to be changed to make it tolerable.
Fun fact MS started removing CLI tools in this release.
There is no potion to make CLI full screen(WinXP, WinVista did have it).
Post one where it restarts the computer on live TV to get these critical updates.
Bonus point if its win7 forcefully upgrading itself to win10.
Its so funny.
Its like a MEME from someone who never touched mint.
I did know a IRL winfag and MS-fanboy in work.
So I decided to show him mint one time his only response where IRL fanboy but-hurts.
Me: intelligent demonstration of how mint actually works
I can change the DE and I'm not vendor locked into one manufacturer so I will never have mint foundation try something bad on me, and if they do I simply change distros.
>[[[MS-FANBOY literally speechless bitter and salty in his own fanboyism]]]
I also don't have MS spy-ware
>I don't care about it nothing to hide!
good for you however I care about it
>[[[MS-FANBOY literally speechless bitter and salty in his own fanboyism]]]
The best arguments are:
>HA win10 is free U mad linux-fags!!!
Actually sir I prefers to pay for a operating system and I actually support financially mint.
I buy DVDs from them.
>[[[MS-FANBOY literally speechless bitter and salty in his own fanboyism]]]
And where you not one of these people who did say
"you get what you pay for" when you criticized linux before win10?
>Russian govt doesnt have the budget to support a program
okay ivan we get it vlad took all the big monies, stop acting like you can't afford to do bad shit
>Cyber criminals dont kill journalists.
they have cyber criminals actively attacking the internet. they admit it's not just script kiddies publicly.
mint is fuckin shit though
The think that bothers me about these niggers is that it's not actually hard to build a functioning plane.
It's really hard to build one that can transport a lot of passengers and cargo far, fast, economical and safe, but to build something one guy can do a few circuits in is something anyone can learn from a book.
From a borderline Microsoft fan boy, this is funny shit. Not so much the comments, but the pic. It's a perfect summary of the KB3035583 fuckups.
>No seriously windows is not a production environment
You might want to quantify that statement a bit. Windows 10 is borderline, sure. But Server 2012 R2 / 2016 exist, and things like Storage Spaces Direct is actively starting to put a dent in 3Par and EMC storage sales.
How big a dent? Unknown at this time. Likely small. But that's how things start.
>If the OS was written correctly it would not need any updates.
lolno. Even *nix needs updates. This is why ksplice exists.
> taking away control is literally insufferable.
You've mentioned production environments, but you seem to not have a solid grasp of how they work.
Settings like updates, firewall, whatever else are controlled through group policy. Now, an individual may not know anything about that, true. But in a production environment, it's not up to the user. The admins control policy. From update levels, to logon hours, all the way down to forcing the task bar to show all icons.
The more you know!(tm)
Let me stop you right there unix was the aborted dumpster fair baby made out of left over parts from multiks.
Its only the least bad of them all.
Windows is unimaginable shit, let this sink in.
>made out of left over parts from multiks
Multiks was a failure. Unix took parts of it and did something. Unix is intentionally not Multiks.
>Windows is unimaginable shit
Perhaps, but it still has > 80% market enterprise market share.
>Try to make a operating system
>Have great plans
>Only the some scraps are made
>System is abandoned
>Some autist glues these parts together
>names it unix = castrated multiks = eunuch
>Retards unironically start using this name
>idiots use unix and try to patch things into it with time
>no one is developing real operating systems
>if you have unix and only patch it a little
>unix is everywhere
>Some autists try to clone unix naming it GNU/linux + autism
Daily reminder we did not have a real operating system since the 1950s.
90% of the population is functionally retarded (this is a fact).
90% is facebookers and grannies.
90% is to stupid to change their browser
90% used IE
90% uses chrome now because
>Everyone uses it
>Why change
>To complicated
90% of the population is moving to phones because they are to stupid to know for what to actually use a real computer.
They only need a facebook terminal.
$ tree > tree | vi tree
2017-02-24 16:31:20 ubuntuserver in ~
○ → man tree
No manual entry for tree
>unironically shilling a Linux DE
go home kiddo
I'm not going to show him arche where after 40+ minutes you can finally start web browsing.
what you installed mint in front of him too?
besides, obviously you shouldn't use arch, that's what gentoo is for
>what you installed mint in front of him too
Live CD
Install it first!
It has a man page after this!
And it works exactly like on windows.
In other news why are you faggots running tree instead of creating a copy of the entire folder structure and having empty files for every existing file.
Far easier to searcher and process.
well there's your problem
No seriously what are you even talking about?
What is my problem? I have shown him how mint works using a live CD on a actual computer.
What are you sperging about?
this is about os
I hope you realize OSX (not OS9 and before) is literary repackaged BSD!
The only thing apple added is some API to keep photoshop vendor locked to their OS.
OSX is literally BSD!
Yes they are this level of lazy.
PS: Can you MacFags even use a graphics editing program(you did not cover the area corectly).
Re edit made in gimp under GNU+loonix in seconds.
>cover the area correctly
And yes os x has some bsd parts but the thing that matters is the GUI and it's all by Apple
>Its the same BSD shit the freetards have
>They put a shiny box with a cover on it so its better
You literally can not make it up.
my picture was about gnutards. BSD stems from proprietary Unix, so it's a-ok.
And the problem is?
>What is the BSD licence
WEW lad.
Not going into detail BSD is the same tinkered by hobbyist crap you have on GNU.
And apple simply took it (they can do to BSD licence) (they can not take GPL since it forbids this) and slapped some GUI on it with some API lock ins for their apps and its all.
You are literary ruining BSD.
>so it's a-ok.
WEW lad.
Apple took a hobbyist tinkered OS and slapped it into their box.
The insides are identical to BSD.
The literally have the same code.
However apple fuck boys are so desperate after OSX that they will literally argue that even the same physical chips will work better if you slap a apple logo on them.
You people are delusional.
If anything OSX fits this picture perfectly since the code is literally the same hobbyist BSD shit like you have on BSD.
Like literally copy and past.
You can disable the update service and only reenable it to update when you want to.
>Apple logos are magic
>If you take a Intel processor and put it into a apple branded box it will work 200% better !!!!111ONEONEONEONE
Apple fanboys after OS9 in a nutshell.
Why are you not running BSD?
Debate BSD VS OSX!
OSX has polish and actually runs shit
BSD was Unix once (proprietary). There were a few patches by hobbyists, but nothing noticeable. Really, it's just some nerd utilities no one cares about now, they replaced most of other BSD stuff in 10.3-10.5. Also it's not just API lock-ins - it's in the kernel (another Apple's/Next's in-house project)
>The GUI and apple logo is magic.
You can not make this up.
whom are you quoting?
>BSD was Unix once (proprietary)
Yes in the 1970s
So keep on seeing all the greatness of this proprietary code for dinosaur computers you don't have and that was removed.
>Really, it's just some nerd utilities no one cares about now
Why was apple incapable of writing heir own nerd utilities? If the gnutards did it in their free time for GNU/Linux?
I tell you why apple is incompetent in the extreme and is only here to scam more money so they took BSD and put a shiny apple box on it to sell to idiots.
At least MS has their own code base.
Same shit with intel processors, apple fuckboys are pathetic in the OSX-intel-era.
out of curiosity are you also arguing the cheap intel chips you overplayed will work better do to....apple magic in the logos or some shit
The only funny thing about that image is that Tesla runs on open source software.
Your argument basically boils down to that the GPL is inferior to the BSD license because GPL software only exists to be rewritten in a non GPL license. As you illustrated BSD doesn't have this crippling weakness. Apple doesn't have to waste resources to reimplement GPL software. The value of software increases as it's userbase increases. GPL completely fails in this regard.
>Apple sells me BSD without doing anything
>I'm going to ignore this BSD VS OSX debate and start ranting how GPL is bad because apple can not legally copy past it like it can BSD do to its licence
WOW this is pure retardation.
If you want to run BSD, run fucken BSD not over pay to run BSD + apple logo!