Why haven't you installed KDE Neon yet?
Why haven't you installed KDE Neon yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
because im using solus
I know
I know I've let you down...
No thumbnail preview in Firefox's file picker
Only openSUSE has this feature
Don't like KDE
>KDE Neon.
It's cute.
Why do you keep posting one of these threads everyday?
Because I'm bored and so far at least I've only made one once a day.
Might have to do with it calling up it's own GTK+ thing instead of what Chrome does and just calls up a dialog box so on Chrome it brings up Kdialog which is Qt and native to KDE.
>not installing gentoo
Come on guys step it up
Can linux into DPI scaling yet? I have a 1440p screen on a 12 inch laptop.
I've been a fool to myself
All memes aside, how is KDE these days? Serious, neutral answers please, no shilling.
What kind of rich cunt do you think I am that I could afford a computer that doesn't stutter and hitch with KDE?
Some small problems but overall very nice and easy to use
KDE is actually really good, much better than it was a year ago and longer. I haven't encountered any issues and the defaults are actually user friendly (back on Kubuntu 15.04 they weren't), and it feels like they've put a lot of time into making the user experience better and fixing a lot of bugs than when they were just making it look nice, and at the same time they've made better design choices. Also Qt is awesome. KDE Neon is a really solid distro choice, especially if you want the best KDE experience.
KDE isn't hard to run lol.
It's made for KDE developers and testers.
> $ kevin@kevin
lol why even use linux if you don't care about things like your username and hostname?
STFU faggot.
I thought that I could
Live for no one else
GNU/Linux, rertard
That MASSIVE FUCKING CLOCK bothers the life out of me.
I don't like apt as a package manager.
Ugly design. Disorganized.
Because I want my desktop drama free.
Thanks for linking something a year old!
Arch can do it.
I run it on an AMD-E350
I literally hate KDE because of your daily shilling. Stop. For your KDE's own good.
You can install another one but yes, I also stretched autistically when I saw it.
kill yourself
KDE / Plasma 5, GNOME 3, Unity, Pantheon, and Budgie, scale very nicely. Xfce and MATE do not. Cinammon is eh.
Manjaro KDE does this just fine.
natively or do you need to install the openSUSE customized version of firefox from AUR?
post screenshot pls
>not using i3wm
>Kevin not using Solus.