Capitalism or socialism?

capitalism or socialism?

Capitalism, it actually works and is humane.

Socialism is theft

Socialism, it actually works and is humane

Capitalism is theft

please dont make this a meme

Capitalism (not corporatism) with socialist policies.

Capitalism only works for the minority of people who benefit from it.

If Bob pays his workers $10 for every toy they make, but then sells these toys for $30, he's preventing his workers from receiving the proper value of their labor. Because there isn't much accountability under capitalism, he has no incentive to stop doing this.

If our economy is based on self-interest rather than what's best for the people as a whole, there's gonna be a lot of exploitation. Oftentimes, we see companies take advantage of poor workers in the third world who can't fight back. Many companies bribe local leaders to keep wages low.

Capitalism is a LOT better than the feudal system that came before it, but we can't say it's the best possible system. I think Marxist-Leninism is worse, although market socialism is an interesting alternative.

Corporatism is just what happens if there's little regulation. If there is nothing stopping competition, we'll see accumulation as wealth becomes accumulated into fewer in fewer hands.

In the US, there isn't much regulation on the banking industry. This has led to stronger banks swallowing up the smaller ones, ironically leading to less competition, which hurts the public tremendously. As large companies become big enough to substantially affect our economy, these bankers are able to influence our country even though they only care about their own profits. This is bad because it means the fate of our citizens is placed into the hands of non-elected people who have no incentive to do what is right.


>Capitalism only works for the minority of people who benefit from it.

Capitalism has elevated the standard of living of countless people in every country.

>If Bob pays his workers $10 for every toy they make, but then sells these toys for $30, he's preventing his workers from receiving the proper value of their labor

What is preventing them from? He has other overhead costs besides the worker's wages. The workers agreed to work for that wage and that's what he pays them. He's not "preventing" anything.

>Oftentimes, we see companies take advantage of poor workers in the third world who can't fight back

But we are helping the people in the third world.

Yes you can say that some Indian kid is working for 60 cents a day making shoes...

But *WITHOUT* the "evil American company" that kid would be instead working for *10 cents* a day working with scrap metal or some shit. Really we're giving them jobs and helping them. Without it they would be even worse off. Where exactly do you think the Indians would be working if all of a sudden all those factories shut down? They'd be starving and likely dead.

Japan was socialism. Now is Neo liberalism

Capitalism with some elements of socialism.

>Capitalism with some elements of socialism

Yes it is widely considered that a mixed economy such as in every major country is the ideal economic system.

Social democracy with some elements of socialism

Capitalism only helps the third world insofar as it's better than feudalism or colonial rule. If Nigerian companies controlled Nigerian oil, the Nigerian people would be better-off.


I know what corporatism is.

You basically just said this with more words.

>If Nigerian companies controlled Nigerian oil, the Nigerian people would be better-off

That's too bad because their governments are corrupt as fuck and they don't work.

>Capitalism only helps the third world insofar as it's better than feudalism or colonial rule.

Well by this logic since people in Indian sweatshops work very hard for so little pay they should be able to own their own factories and pay people a good wage and become rich selling things to the US and other countries, since they're such hardworking people, right?

Funny how they aren't capable of doing that though.

Well regulated capitalism that encourages competition. Not the corrupt shitshow we have. Though, the corruption has kept us a financial powerhouse. It's not very good for the working class though. They need to bend a bit before the mob starts chopping peoples heads off.

>Well regulated capitalism that encourages competition. Not the corrupt shitshow we have

It's only corrupt because of "regulation", dummy.

Every issue with capitalism can be attributed to government intervention.

Corruption is bad because politicians operate out of self interest, rather than the good of the people.

If private companies have power, we see the exact same problem.

>Corruption is bad because politicians operate out of self interest, rather than the good of the people

Yes....... That's the issue with politicians. They are all inherently corrupt. You're not going to fix the problem without removing government.

>If private companies have power, we see the exact same problem

Why? If no force is enacted there is no problem.


>Capitalism with some elements of socialism.

Seems like everybody is polarized one way or another.
Either big business is the great evil fucking everyone or government is the big evil fucking everyone..
The truth is they are both big evils who will fuck everyone and the entire country and world if given the chance.
The only time they don't get the chance is when they have to fight one another for power so much that neither one can fully reduce the people to serfs.

When capitalists control the economy, the well-being of the workers is an afterthought.

Japanization socialism is only successful socialism

socialism of course.
not communism. I still want freedoms
and with socialism you can keep developing it to get better, whereas communism stagnates

Capitalism has less human rights violations within it and is all around good.

Add a sprinkle of socialism within it, and it becomes an economic power house with god tier living conditions.


>not communism. I still want freedoms


the worst shitholes in the world are capitalist. Haiti, Colombia, Jamaica, African countries.

Literally hellholes on earth.

social democracy. keynesian economics. big fair government ala roosevelt

but national

>not communism. I still want freedoms

socialism and communism are the same
communism is the last stage of socialism according to Marx.

