Dumb Java shitskin gets buttblasted because job interviewer required him to know algorithms

Current state of the software industry: this so-called "OOP-design expert programmer ;^P" couldn't do something as simple as TRAVERSE A FUCKING BINARY TREE!


This is almost as bad as that "gurrll programmer XD" who couldn't even do FizzBuzz and wrote a wild rant about how rectally pained she was.


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you sound like a cunt OP shut the fuck up

Found the pajeet who can't traverse a binary tree.

fizzbuzz is an incredibly basic test that anyone who has ever developed anything will know how to do

nobody gives a fuck about traversing a binary tree

Nigga, traversing a binary tree is literally 5 lines of code.

void print (link h) {
if (h == NULL) return;
printf("%d\n", h->item);

void print (link h) {
if (h == NULL) return;
printf("%d\n", h->item);

void print (link h) {
if (h == NULL) return;
printf("%d\n", h->item);

I hope you were just pretending to be retarded...

I actually rode the entire thing and I frankly root for him.
He just says that he know nothing about algorithm and that he's a litteral OOP code monkey, and that big companies waste his time by interviewing him while they don't need him.

traversing a binary tree is as easy as fizzbuzz

"There is no point in giving me binary-tree-traversing questions; I don't know those answers and will never be interested in learning them."

Holy fucking shit.

It's not about memorizing them it's about understanding what a fucking tree is, so when you get a problem in the future, you can say "oh, I can use a tree to help solve this"

What a retard

this is good new for me. and you.

Yeah basically this. What the fuck is an "expert in object-oriented design." Like, knowing how to use multiple inheritance? Does he think that makes him an expert somehow?

That's exactly what happens when you jump into pratice without learning the theory first.

He can probably write entreprise quality fizzbuzz

I was taught binary trees and tree traversal on my freshman year, right after I was taught linked lists and sorting algorithms. This is ridiculously basic. One could even argue Fizz Buzz is actually harder than tree traversal, since it's very easy to get the "Fizz Buzz" case (divisible by 15) wrong due to distraction - I've seen people do it many times.


My degree was dogshit so even though I've been a dev for years I had to look binary trees up again because I haven't seem them since high school

What kind of problems could you use a tree to solve?

Your compiler or interpreter heavily relies on trees to understand what the fuck you're telling him

Oh cute a freshman who has never done any programming outside of creating a fizzbuzz. Binary trees are regularly used outside your university bubble.

>What kind of problems could you use a tree to solve?
Parsing, displaying and storing any kind of hierachical data. Compression. Sorting and ordering multidimensional data.

Get fucked, niglet.

depends on your job

The guy in OP's link would never have to use or understand them for his job.

>"Oy, could you implement this GMail tree view?"


>$ npm-install imap-tree-view

>"This one isn't compatible to our angular meme structure and there isn't a compatible one. Better start writing our own or take your leave."

How about your text editor undo tree?

How about you're momma?

Hes not buttblasted and his post is honest you faggot

t. mathlet

whether this guy is or isn't retarded, Google's recruit process can be retarded.
for example when it screened out Max Howell the developer of homebrew (which Google uses very extensively) because he couldn't invert a binary tree.


Homebrew is dogshit though.

Le programming requires advanced math meme

t. brainlet confirmed

Ok I looked up Fizzbuzz and I am not a programmer but couldnt someone that is of a basic level of understanding do it in a round about way
like define all the numbers and assign them a value?
Am I stupid? am I not getting something

>Am I stupid?
No, you're just a woman "programmer"

Ah, yet another "I'm a student" thread.

Why is Sup Forums so racist now?

A lot of the Indians at my school (admittedly an elite CS university) are pretty damn good at math and algorithms.

basement dweller spotted

>tfw learned how to traverse binary trees in first year
>tfw forget it all

the most valuable skill in a programmer is the ability to learn new things

your CS class shit would take anyone mere minutes to pick up

it's painfully obvious that you have zero work experience

When they mean "traverse a binary tree", do they mean traversing a tree of pointers or a binary tree in an array?

The NSA wants shitskins so they datamine our phones better.

I work at Google. Nobody I know uses Homebrew, development is done on Linux. There's a lot of retarded shit that goes on here, but the interview process is not that hard. They literally tell you ahead of time what to prep for the interview.

It's fine, just don't feel entitled to a job at a software company.

I'm not a programmer just a lowly IT tech guy. Should I be laughing at this person?

Is there a comparison to be made that I'll understand?

I have no problems with the color of someone's skin if they have desire and work towards self improvement. Its the phone center and java monkeys I have issues with. Most others would agree.

Hmm not sure, maybe if someone applied to a Windows company as an administrator of some sort and then felt smug enough about not understanding group policy that he wrote an article about why no one should ever apply to that company.

because pajeet took their jobs

Creating an AST is trivial. I'm just not motivated enough to implement a few hundred node types.

Doesn't really make a difference.

Where do you learn the theory?
Because all that seems to be passed around on Sup Forums are resources on how to jump in practice head first.

>If she would have started her email with "We're looking for an algorithm expert," we would never have gotten any further and would not have wasted our time. Clearly, I'm not an expert in algorithms. There is no point in giving me binary-tree-traversing questions; I don't know those answers and will never be interested in learning them. I'm trying to be an expert in something else, like object-oriented design, for example.

Nothing I could add would make this any funnier.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

An algorithms text or online course, dummy

CLRS is well worth the money as a reference

I failed FizzBuzz last week.

Show us what you can do. Mr. so called algorithm expert.

Give me a hardcore fizzbuzz.

numbers from 1 to 100
if divisible by the following number print the following word
3 fizz
5 buzz
7 fuck
11 butt
17 negr

if divisble by multiple numbers print them the lowest divisor first (fizz then buzz then fuck, etc)

This is usually two stacks, not a tree


import co.stateful.RtSttc;
import co.stateful.Sttc;
import co.stateful.cached.CdSttc;
import co.stateful.retry.ReSttc;
import com.google.common.collect.EvictingQueue;
import com.jcabi.aspects.Cacheable;
import com.jcabi.aspects.Tv;
import com.jcabi.dynamo.Credentials;
import com.jcabi.dynamo.Region;
import com.jcabi.dynamo.retry.ReRegion;
import com.jcabi.github.Github;
import com.jcabi.github.RtGithub;
import com.jcabi.github.mock.MkGithub;
import com.jcabi.github.wire.RetryCarefulWire;
import com.jcabi.log.Logger;
import com.jcabi.manifests.Manifests;
import com.jcabi.urn.URN;
import com.rultor.cached.CdTalks;
import com.rultor.dynamo.DyTalks;
import com.rultor.spi.Pulse;
import com.rultor.spi.Talks;
import com.rultor.spi.Tick;
import com.rultor.web.TkApp;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.takes.http.Exit;
import org.takes.http.FtCLI;
Jesus fucking christ
How come retards like this get recruiters that suck their dick while i am stuck with research?

It seems that you are too clever to get a job. Sad!

>How come
Retards like this get their job done. Degenerates like you - don't.

Probably depends on your location.

Itt. butthurt self-important students that wonder why they don't get a job to pay for their meme degree while Pavel and Pajeet have the luxury to turn down google and amazon jobs.

Which job?
Importing stuff and hoping there is a library to exactly fit your problem?
I dont see how any company would need somebody like that i have even seen pajeets that could do more than that.

Trivial or not, it requires a tree....

There is one 90% of the time. Of course if you're deving some embedded systems or an os and that kind of shit prolly not but if you were doing that kind of work you wouldn't be posting here would you ;] ?

now do it for 1->10000

But I thought they were lazy welfare bums. Which is it?

Hi, moot!

It would also take mere minutes to figure it out by yourself even without prior knowledge given that it is so simple, as long as you are not a double-digit brainlet. Look at the solution, faggot:

Suk a dolphin u fag

Not moot, but I'll forever kick myself for not going to his presentation when he visited my office.

>Binary trees are regularly used outside your university bubble.

I have never had need to use it desu

>racism to slavs
what are you implying, angloshit?

A shitload of people want to work at Google. You do end up interviewing with your direct manager, but only after you get through the technical interview.

Exactly why he has a job and you don't. Importing the library takes seconds.

>Doesn't even instantly google how to do the task

what a fucking retard

>he doesn't carry a copy of Sedgewick's Algorithms around at all times

no arrows pls senpai

>"I'm also not saying that I'm a good programmer—let's face it, I didn't pass the test"
he didn't say he's expert programmer faggot shill

the whole point of programming is to get the computer to do the work for you, not just give it a list of things to print out because that's useless. what if you need to fizzbuzz numbers above 2 billion, are you going to define 2 billion numbers?

as other poster said there's nothing wrong with not understanding this as long as you accept that not understanding this means you probably shouldn't be hired as a computer scientist, just as somebody that doesn't understand what an element is shouldn't be a chemist

And it's useless in the real world you fucking retarded.

>binary trees are useless in the real world
I am a laughin!

>There is no point in giving me binary-tree-traversing questions; I don't know those answers and will never be interested in learning them. I'm trying to be an expert in something else, like object-oriented design, for example.
>object-oriented design
Is this one of those idiots who try to shoehorn factories and visitors and other shit "design patterns" around everything they see?

>this is the level of comprehension a retard has

Implying I said that you inbred.

He's not wrong. Modern languages abstract away most details, while it's useful to know how the inner data structures are implemented, it's not necessary to use. The same way it's not necessary to know how the electrons flow in transistors to program on a computer.

>i literally didn't say what i literally said

Not him, but lolwut?

To write fizzbuzz from scratch you must first invent all the numbers.


At least you didn't try to backpedal. That's good, I guess.

Well he kind of makes some good points. The recruitment/interview process is bullshit, but I'm a firm believer that companies can (or should be able to) hire and fire whoever they please. Even if you're perfect for the job but seem like a really lame person to work with, tough shit, its not your company. Its still bullshit though

That's true. But would an elite engineering firm hire an EE that didn't know about transistor logic and how transistors work?

>ok draw me a schematic for an XOR gate using ttl


int main() {
std::vector divisors({3, 5, 7, 11, 17});
std::vector strings({"fizz", "buzz", "fuck", "butt", "test"});

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
std::string result;
for (int j = 0; j < divisors.size(); j++) {
if (i % divisors[j] == 0) {
result += strings[j];
if (result.length() == 0) {
result += std::to_string(i);

Okay, students, so here I've written a supposedly fizzbuzz solution and I had never ever heard about this thing in my entire life, including 2 years of working as a developer.
Please, enlighten me - what's wrong with it and why do I require education?

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("FizzBuzz from 1 to 100000 by 3 and 5");
int total = 100000;
string fizz = "Fizz";
string buzz = "Buzz";
bool isFizz;
bool isBuzz;
for(int i=1; i

is this bait? I'm not falling for it.

>is this bait?

Because Fizz Buzz is sooooo useful, right?

He's not a programmer at all, fampaichan.

Why not use a map instead, you fucking beginner?

Reminder that this nigga is unironically trying to create his own programming language:


He doesn't know freshman year algorithms, but he wants to create his own programming language. You can't make this shit up.