/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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>Chink Shit Infographic v2.0 "Still Unfinished Edition"

• user finds vulnerability/bug on Gearbest and reports it to them in hopes of getting rewarded generously only gets 100GBpoints as thanks promises to share it with us next time instead • user shares some useful Gearbest coupons • Zuk and Redmeme's have new competition in the form of the 360 N5 phone • user likes his Bluedio Turbines • Lewd products on AliExpress can't be accessed in some countries • user reviews the Xiaomi Gloves after thinking they were lost for three months • user gets a watch strap • Geekbuying is kind enough to refund a item to user but begs him to still pay for it should it still arrive • user get some fake comply's • user's been brushing with a charcoal toothbrush for a week and now he's getting ulcers on places he never had them before in his mouth • user is asked to join the Gearbest shilling program for some sweet GoodBoyPoints Previous

Other urls found in this thread:


• user gets a wooden comb and is in need of camera recommendations • XK Alien X260 quadcopter on sale for $30, great beginner quad • The headband on user's Superlux headphone is in a terrible state and full of holes • user gets a card game for cheap (Secret Hitler) and some socks • user shows off his new wood case • Stuff came in for this user • More memory foam tips show up • user receives some China exclusive Overwatch figures • user doesn't recommend this wireless touchpad keyboard • user's foldable chopsticks and tiny fork+spoon don't fit well once put back in their case • 512gb Micro SD card turns out to be fake • user can't stop buying self stirring mugs • user reviews the Convoy S2+ and a laser • user's new DW watch is a little dinged


can anyone reccomend a cheap 4gb ddr3l sodimm ram for my laptop?

>512gb Micro SD card turns out to be fake
Shouldn't have used h2testw

> →
these self stirring mugs suck. the seal in the bottom doesnt work and the motor starts to get clogged with beaverage and rusts.
i suggest you use a milk frother that uses dual AA batteries.

how is the quality of this?
anybody experienced with this thing

I actually ordered aliexpress.com/item/EU-US-Plug-110-220V-HAKKO-936-Soldering-Station-Digital-Solder-Iron-with-A1321-Ceramic-Heater/920335654.html

But got image related.

To my understanding it is related to phone repair.

I like them though


He got something that costs double the prices

haha lmao who do the chinks think they're fooling

Has anyone installed remix os or windows 10 as dual boot on their android mi pad 2?

Is remix just a meme?

Why would anyone want to light up their shit?

>sitting on the randomizer looking for shit under 5 bucks
>lithuania flag comes up

I guess that user is a child with poor night vision and/or no nightlight in his bathroom already and needs help not pissing on the seat.

Just ordered 2 memebands. Buying one here, costs more than these 2. I just hope customs doesn't fuck me over. Is there a chink god I can pray to?

Cable of my Xiaomi Hybrids broke already after half year of usage.

whyd you buy 2 additional cables?

do NOT bully lietuva

One for on the go, and one for power bank at gym. (In case)

>$25 when it's $19 on giztop
>Delivery costs 26.43 + insurance 2.04
>buying from goyworst
is this b8

Not everyone lives in burgerland. Giztop doesn't have decent shipping to my country.


What are you gonna do with it

How is Singapore Post? Are they fast?

No idea.

Wasn't this thing supposed to be like $16 or something?


That is the exact one.

Guys, anyone has any experience with ordering anime posters?

Can't find any decent review of this, help. Cop or not?


I just tracked my tracking number of something I ordered from AliExpress and discovered that my package just got delivered in a completely different state in the West coast when I live in the east coast.
Do you think I should dispute it now or message the seller about this first? Maybe I was given the wrong tracking number?

Don't do it user, you know you shouldn't


Is this a legit 1 dollar mouse? Is there any other good price/value chink mouse?


It's only the mousepad that's $1, the mouse is $6

oh. I thought i saw the memes.

I want a natural-light lamp/lightbulbs. One of those fancy ones which simulates natural light. Anyone had any experience with them?

>What if girls see your lolicon posters

Nah man, it starts with posters, then you get a figure or two of your waifu, that's not too bad right?

Then you buy a body pillow after all it's just a cushion, then before you realise what you've done you're buying cheap knockoff figures to hotglue for /gif/ and /jp/


Anyone have any experience?

Should i replace my 512gb laptop hdd for a chink 256gb ssd?
can anyone recommend one?

Being a NEET is really fucked up.
I'm glad I dodged this bullet when my younger self got tired of endless DBZ battles that never went anywhere.

KingDian works fine, but it probably won't be cheaper than a Corsair, Samsung or whatever where you live. Not at this point.

Ideal to CSGO kill yourself.

>my younger self got tired of endless DBZ battles

And now it's back and you still ended up here, what bullet did you dodge exactly?

Locally its a bit more expensive but i rather pay more and not loose my data

I have a nice career earning over 100k, a small business starting to take off and a bad case of chink shit addiction which does not affect my finances at all. I think I'm fine. Except, of course, for still browsing Sup Forums well into my thirties...

can someone help me source a case/cover for a kindle 6" NOT PAPERWHITE ? it's slightly smaller than the paperwhite, and all that i find are for the latter

Those are material possessions, are you leading a happy and self fulfilling life?

Or are you trying to quell the swirling emptiness inside by buying cheap chinkshit for that christmas like dopamine hit once you get your package

it could be worse, you could be browsing reddit or facebook

Obviously I'm trying to deal with the all consuming emptiness and meaningless of life. And failing spectacularly at that.
I do love finally getting the packages, but the rush seems to be getting smaller with time. I guess I'll have to resort to doing coke out of a whore's ass to feel alive again.

I've got an order being shipped through Singapore post right now and it seems to be the slower than china post. The Singapore Post order has only just left the country after 10 days, whilst my orders with China Post have either got to the UK, or been delivered.

So fucking gay.

What you need to do is gain some electrical knowledge and do clive-style takedowns of questionable chinkshit you buy. That'll really fill the void.

Time to buy that soldering station, then!

Managed to pick 1 (one) lock with this thing.
Really gotta learn to pick properly.

>The brand of high quality.

i think i found one by searching for kindle 8th generation

Got the CREE today.
a step closer to a full EDC of chinkshit!

whats this


sgpost is shit because of how strict they are with regulations. go china or broke


Those edges look sharp as fug. Get a strip of 800 grit and round them off, concentrate on the hook, bent half ball, snake and city rakes. Maybe flatten out the top of the hook a bit.



which one is the one to buy? The one from the budget guide, the second one right? and is the first worth?

Redmi Note 3 Pro.

>Picture taken with my Zuk Z2

it shows

Just got a full sized magicforce with gateron blues. I have no experience with mechanical keyboards, but it feels very nice.

They keycaps have quite harsh edges, however. I'll probably replace them with something more comfortable.

Why? It's not that worth the price jump the Pro 4? I mean, they are pretty much the same, well almost in price tags, so I'm in doubt

Zuk Z2.

Snapdragon 650 > Snapdragon 625

everything else is pretty much the same aside from the design

Link to keyboard

I could buy it, but that seems way overkill haha I'm not THAT of a hardcore smartphone user

Yeah, the cyanogenmod rom I'm using seems to have pretty weak autofocus stabilisation. Either that or my hands are too shaky.

RN3P has
>more powerful processor
>more LTE bands
>best community support

RN4X has
>more battery efficient processor
>slightly better camera (in theory)
>longer official support (in theory)

The Zuk Z2 has crazy price/performance ratio but no microsd and worse battery, depends on your usage.

5" screen > 5.5" screen imo tho


You can just google "magicforce 108" plus whatever switches you prefer.

>no micro sd
into the fucking trash it goes

I have never run my Zuk Z2's battery below 30%. Generally I still have >70% battery left after a day of usage (though I don't play games on it).

But the again, yes, Micro SD is a deal breaker for me :C So the Zuk Z2 is a no go, even when I know Lenovo's are great.
Well, last question then:
If I can as I can, should I just lose a few drops of processor and buy the Note Pro 4 Prime asdfasdf?

I'm not saying it is bad but the battery is smaller than the RN3P's one.

Why are you typing like a total imbecile?

Anyway I'd go for the RN3P, RN4P seems like a sidegrade at best and that's if you get the one with 64gb storage and 4gb ram.

What did I get today /csg/???

It's a flashlight holster!


It fits my Ultrafire C8 perfectly.

Thinking about getting the Xiaomi Mi Mix, looks classy as fuck and I don't mind the price (I can find the 6g/256gb model for 150€ cheaper)

yeah, sorry for not being an uptight pussy and think this is ONU's debate room.

Thx, that's the kind of opinion I was looking for.
RM3P then

Here's a review on the Redmi Note 4x, they compare it to the RN3P favourably. I'd go with the 4x unless you want to install a custom ROM

My nana arrived today, look how adorable

breddy cool desu if you don't mind the risk of dropping it
nice b8

>not gay sex with hat on

That's a really nice collection of chink shit. What are the earbuds?

Received $5 to GB wallet, any new meme ?

I'd go for it because it looks pretty slick as opposed to other phones.

>think this is ONU's debate room
The fuck is that.

no you shilling piece of shit

looks like old hybrids, you're better off getting the newer ones desu

Are these supported on Linux?
Should I buy?

Why so jelly? Can't you just help a bro?

What wireless earbuds would you recommend?
I have been looking at the Xiaomi's bluetooth ones and the ones suggested on wiki.

r u retard desu?