Post your country's beautiful landscape

Post your country's beautiful landscape







You called?

undeground landscapes are game too, right?

yeah anything interesting looking from your cunt goes


It's a pity Canada is full of Canadians.



Pictured: 90% of the Netherlands



Your "banter" is just downright annoying. Kindly fuck off.

the world's second largest thermal lake, and the biggest active natural lake

>second-hand butthurt

It is though. In terms of nature it's one of the most strikingly beautiful countries on earth, but it literally doesn't have a culture and the cities (aside from a couple in Quebec) are boring and generic.

He's just salty that his entire country is nothing but flat red desert. It's best to ignore him.

>biggest active natural lake
What do you mean by that? What makes a lake active?

How was your day, shitty Austria ?



This is pretty fun landmark. Went here when I was about 5. There are active volcanoes and lava tubes you can go in.


>How was your day

My morning hasn't been too bad, wealthy Turkey.

it has a unique flora and fauna due to the temperature and the chemical composition of the slightly radioactive water, with several bacteria and microscopic animals only found in here in the whole world, and it also has bidirectional flows providing bathers with free and constant massage

God damn do I love mountains. High-altitude mixed aspen forests and meadows are absolutely top-tier.

pictures like this makes me move in Canada



>New Germans
>reading comprehension

Protip: nobody except a handful of natives actually lives in those places and you have to fly for hours into the middle of nowhere to see them.



i know
>you have to fly for hours into the middle of nowhere to see them
still worth it

Same here.

I guess you haven't started attending the English courses yet, Oguz.

The Pyrenees are underrated

t. Buttfucked by Roaches for 100 years

>Turks fucked Germans harder in fifty years than they fucked Slovenes in five hundred years
wew, mann


I'm a Magyar Cuman, so please refer to me as such in your future replies. Thank you.


when my friends were planning on where to go this summer I had recommended Albania, but they said it's too far away and so we're going to Montenegro instead :((


Well you look like Turks, while we have these sub humans



Verdon gorges in Provence, one of the most beautiful place in Europe to be fair

>you will never visit literal Narnia

The water comes from higher in the Alps so it's really clear

zaozersk, russia

This area is the least populated of the country, even more than biggers mountains like the Alps



Nice, I thought the white was clouds and it was just a field until opened the picture

We look nothing like German women's boyfriends, sorry.

Calanques national park, Provence

kunashir, russia

It's not far from Marseille, the city may be bad but the region is gorgeous



French Alps


This peculiar mountain was successfuly climbed for the first time in 1492, by order of the King. It is considered by some as an early show or even the birth of alpinism, and it was only climbed for the 2nd time more than 300 years later in 1834







Mobile lake


shit ain't no joke

lol Albania with Montenegro are neighbors. if Albania seems too far, you ca say the same for Montenegro



Eastern Serbia waterfall


Vineyards in Savoie

A border of the sea in Vojvodina, which doesnt exist anymore


Where are the Dead Bosnians ?

Mountains in muh region, Haut-Languedoc regional park

They are all burried, silly.

Canyon of Uvac.

Canyon of Drina river, Bosnian border.


Another waterfall.

Here's a place that's sometimes nicknamed "The Bermuda Triangle of the Cévennes", Cévennes being the name of the mountains where it's located. It has the highest concentration of plane crashes of the country by far, and some other cases of weird disapearances. It's also basically empty

Mountain village.

Montenegro has goat nature.

Not really, the mountainous wilderness is like an hour drive north of Vancouver.


Anotherl gorges with blue water, not as grand as the Verdon gorges but still beautiful



Enough mountains

Britain is known for its huge white cliffs but we can do it well too

I made threads about ex yu caves but they were mostly ignored, kek. We have qt caves though, speleologists come here a lot.