Google declared war on free speech and Sup Forums

Google declared war on free speech and Sup Forums.

>Google launches robo-tool to flag hate speech online

>New York Times and other news media testing AI software that spots abusive comments

>Google has launched an artificial intelligence tool that identifies abusive comments online, helping publishers respond to growing pressure to clamp down on hate speech.

>Google’s freely available software, known as Perspective, is being tested by a range of news organisations, including The New York Times, The Guardian and The Economist, as a way to help simplify the jobs of humans reviewing comments on their stories.

How long before this shit is installed on Sup Forums?

Anyway, fuck Google! The most evil company on the world right now.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a fucking spam filter, calm down gnuman.

Spam filters attack free speech.

Spam filters attack your mom, bitch.

>Anyway, fuck Google! The most evil company on the world right now.- 2 posts shown.
Preach it brother. I can't believe Sup Forums is stuck to 1992 hating Microsoft more than Google. Microsoft is like amazing right now compared to google. They even open sourced the .NET code last here and they done $100,000 yearly to the Linux Foundation where Torvalds is on.

Google is literally the worst thing that exists on the Corporate Internet right now.

Whatever nigga

I hate Google

It doesn't work, I just tested it:

so... this is the project that GamerGate SJWs have been working on...

see pic. look at the people that are in that message...

Did moot sell us out?

If it's freely available get a copy and modify it to tag and hide libshit comments instead



>randi harper

Google is full of retards.

1 9 8 4

>How long before this shit is installed on Sup Forums?

It certainly can't make it worse. So I say go for it.

Wtf I hate Google now..

Also might stop using their gmail botnet crap,
any good alternative non-botnet emails guys?

>Google's Internet Justice League


also, from few days ago:

>Expanding Fact Checking at Google

You can guess what this "fact checking" is all about... can't have free press and free flow of ideas. Gotta have Orwellian-style truth police.

I mean, we already fill their captcha for every single post we make, Google's already got its dick firmly up Sup Forums's ass.

Google is run by niggers
Fuck those days
Dike, kike, beaner

No you retard nigger.

>a another botnet.
Stallman try warning you,Sup Forums, now is too late

Sup Forums will die in your lifetime

Just use Sup Forums and Sup Forums where don't have motive to flag "hate speech" or another site don't use this shit.

I'm tired of the filthy web.
Censorship is welcome.

(._. )

Who are we to know what is censored or not?

I mean I don't enjoy saying those 'fuck, bullshit, shit, faggot' all the time because they seem unnecessary but if some do them they can.
They express an opinion in a different manner that is more centralized manner and frankly simple-minded but that is the way the want to be.
Google just enjoy breaching everybody's privacy. I hope Google just burns up and perishes from our society.

thank god, I hope someone sets their datacenter on fire.

I wonder if moot approves of this.

Who cares...

>you will die in your lifetime

I hate spoilers.

He could fire the mods and buy a jewish bot waifu.

ITT more a bot filter in the wake of news controversies

That's what I mean. I look forward to Google censoring the internet.

m00t? Is that you?

They already censoring it in a way.

>Google declared war
Do they pay taxes for the war machinery?

>moooom, google wont let me shitpost on the internet anymore!

Looks like you faggots will finally have to grow up.

What about that old idea Sup Forums had about replacing "Nigger" by "Google"?

Google a roodypoos

>filtering (((hate speech))) on Sup Forums

we might aswell blankpost with forced user.

heh... they made a fecal mistake... of messing with us... the most dangerous hackers... this time... it's personnel...

Was just a stupid inner joke.

Watch your candyass newt gingrinch

It was such a retarded idea only a mid to low functioning autist would find funny they stopped it.

>Google launches robo-tool to flag hate speech online
>hate speach
by that they mean "words which could/would be used to expose and/or pose a threat to our plans of world domination"

there's a reason fascists hate free speach.

the source code is available?


>free speech means that everyone should let me shitpost on their site and help spread my shitposting by continuing to host it
Except it doesn't. Free speech means that it's not illegal. The gov't isn't going to come kick your door for it. Google and NYT can still decide to not publish your shite.

So it only effects Sup Forums?
Good riddance

We should create a(nother) board just for shitposting.

The minute trolling became a political platform it ruined the site.

>because what people say online matter!
rather than doing something about the booming slave industry, doing anything about chi raq and other mass amounts of murders and homelessness so widespread throughout the states.

instead, they decided that censoring peoples speach on the internet is the REAL issue that needs to be addressed.

It actually made it into the news though

Less edgy faggots, why are you so mad about it?


>government asks company to delete speech they don´t like
but muh companies are free to delete it because only the government is evil and can restrict free speech

Please be not real.

because playing on retards "feelings" with "mean words" or an offensive demeanor means they can control what words you're allowed to use and which you aren't.

because some faggots feelings matter sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much these scumbags are willing to give up their basic human rights.

Feels good, maybe imageboards won't be inhabited by children anymore.

I *would* take issue with that, but still nothing prevents you from self-hosting and spewing out whatever controversial shit you like, as it should be. The government isn't going to the shut down e.g. Infowars anytime soon.

>muh 4ree speech
>Sup Forums da tru political platform
>oniounsmouse posting on an international pot trading proto forum is da bes way 2 push a political agenda!!!
Fuck off underage chanology faggot.

that faggot's gone, retard. his rules don't apply anymore.

Really? Because by the looks of it, we still have rules and moderation, faggot.


Still a botnet.

Are you one of those idiots who don't realize that free speech isn't just some law for the government, but one of the most important fundamental bedrocks of Western liberal democracies of which the literal alternative is physical violence?

moderation is to prevent cp, porn on ws boards and spam. last time I checked, criticism and "bad words" were still allowed, nigger faggot.

Wait till the peoples champion hears about this

>physical violence
A.k.a races wars, the wet dreams of the Sup Forums.

>moderation is to prevent..
And low quality posts for the subject of the board. Sup Forums is turning in a new Furry or MLP.

On a practical level, it's mostly implemented as a law (although rarely pure, I think each country has some exceptions like libel and slander).

I'm just trying to highlight the distinction between people shutting down your speech, and people no longer providing their services for your speech.

I think the latter is justified, people who own the means to a community should be allowed to curate it. This is of course conditional on people still being able to make their own community.

I think the way it works on the internet now is decent, if it weren't for rampant DMCA abuse.

>that faggot's gone, retard. his rules don't apply anymore.
>okay yeah his rules still apply I guess but it's only for

kys you retarded faggot

Good. Independent thoughts and mean words must be banned. Who cares about solving problems anyway?

As far as I'm concerned, social media like Twitter, Facebook, whatever, aren't mere communities, they're public services, and therefore should in fact uphold free speech, by law if necessary.

>solving problems

This is what Sup Forums actually believes

As much as I hate these faggots who don't realize the importance of free speech, facebook, twitter, and all social medias are not public services, they're privately owned and I respect their right to do whatever they please within the boundaries of their product.

Maybe in the future social medias will be treated like electrical plants or water treatment facilities, but that day has not yet come, and honestly I don't know if that would be for the better.

The real problem is that we live in a stupid society that will give such powers to a company to begin with.

There's always TOR.

This is a fucking blessing and I'll tell you exactly why you retarded niggers.
>Sup Forums threads can be found easily with Google searches, try it out yourself, it takes literally a max of 15 mins to get indexed
>underage ebin politics faggots probably find this place by searching for it on google
>either that, or, and I'm not making this up, as links in comment sections of shitsites like breitbart
>because of Google's new thing, websites like that might get kicked off the results
>by extension, Sup Forums would also get kicked off the results
>less newfags
>less cancer
>implying the only people who don't see this as an absolute good to Sup Forums aren't reee frogposting 2015/2016 newfags

>I think the way it works on the internet now is decent
LOL because allowing companies (twitter) to mass ban people who are having laughs, or typing up common sense shit, while they recruit for terrorists and spam propaganda 24/7

that's working out real "decently" huh? who cares about the riots, city destroying, careering killing shitposts by twatter.
when they can ban people who are having innocent laughs.

>they're public services

>amerikansky always thinks about his own bumfuck county, alabama while google is obviously aiming for whole world

>kicked from the results
Like criplechan?

>while they recruit for terrorists and spam propaganda 24/7
meanwhile they still recruit

>Defending this in any way
>Muh pol

I thought Sup Forums was the most Reddit board.

The difference being that cripplechan didn't have a sustainable audience when that happened.

If you interpreted that as though it implied I didn't know they were private entities, then you are retarded. I'm saying they're private entities that provide a public service/platform which is in many ways vital to how we today communicate with each other and therefore should uphold the important principle of free speech, by law if necessary.

Are you less retarded now?

>an American company giving a fuck about America
What a concept you dumb whore

Nope, was the /r/The_Donald

Jesus Christ, that's disgusting!

>social media
Nope, is just the greatest cancer on human history.

Their Sup Forumss and Sup Forums are going "okay" (same shit as here). Probably their are the new 7chan.

Funny how "kill all white people", "jews did nothing wrong" and "rape culture" make it through but everything else doesnt.
hmmmmmmmmmmm, really makes you think

8/pol/ and 8/v/ are the only active boards. Rest are either really slow or dead.

>tfw modern Sup Forums is basically just a bunch of ex-redditors

>Are you less retarded now?
in fact, i believe everyone in here is now dumber having read that.

Cripplechan made the mistake of letting anyone create a board so the userbase is spread too thin.

If they only had a set amount of boards they would probably be fine.

>really makes you think
that white people are a minority in the world and especially on the internet.
would explain why anything anti-white is backed by a seemingly endless wave of white hating fat white bitches, and asians trying to perpetuate an american civil war

The real problem is that the economic sphere has eaten away at the political sphere.

What is their endgame? They will cull vitriolic comments written in simple language, which their dumb system will be able to detect, and end up with vitriolic comments written in extremely elaborate language, difficult to distinguish from acceptable comments, which would make it even more difficult for users they're trying to protect.

i am aware, we are a minority but the cause of jealousy amongst others, so they seek to belittle us. It will never happen. Only the outcast fat fucks etc hate their own race

A company with a name of a spying tool. How to trust them?

I accept your concession by way of lazy ad hominem dismissal and inability to argue against my argument.