>wait for Ryzen
They said
>it will be good
They said
>it will be cheap
They said
The MoBos are also very expensive
>wait for Ryzen
They said
>it will be good
They said
>it will be cheap
They said
The MoBos are also very expensive
Other urls found in this thread:
>search what r$ means
>monkey dollars
Shouldn't you be running away from cartels or something? Computers are not meant for 3rd worlders, Pablo.
>Expecting to be cheaper on SA
>Where a PS4 cost 1000 Dollars
>Where an intel 6700k cost 544 Dollars
Where do you think you live?
They're in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PRICE BRACKETS and shit. The R7 1800x is as good/better than the i7 6900k for less than half the price.
You want to be waiting for the R5s or R3s if you wanna get the i3, i5, and mainstream i7 crushers.
comparing octacores with four cores
you cant be worse than this
Just another 4 month wait until end of Q2 user be patient you'll save a whole fifty dollars!
>living in brazil
Well, in the first place it's your fault for being born on a shithole
In second place, it's your fault for being born in a country where people follow portuguese business practices, portuguese are worst than jews when it come to business
What the fuck is wrong with your currency??
Cores don't matter
Intel has 4.2ghz and the most expensive Ryzen has 4.0ghz
nice try monkey
less than half the price
1399 is a pretty good price considering built in taxes and the usual price gouging that happens with brand new products
Prices will only lower with time too, so if you can only spend 1000 bananas, the R5 will come at a pretty reasonable price.
mono bobito
price in R$ = currency exchange * taxes
currency exchange multiplies dollar value by 3
you then multiply that by two, for the taxes
whys tech so expensive in brazil?!
whats up with that?!
explain .. thanks
>why are 8 cores more expansive than 4 cores
absurd taxes, you literally have to pay one for you and one for the government
wrong country, wrong continent, wrong currency
Ô retardado, o i5 nem sequer entra na comparação pois leva uma surra dos Ryzen 7. Para de ser burro!
The i5 does not even compete with Ryzen 7. Stop being dumb!
just rape and rob some tourists for the extra money like everyone else.
>blames 8-core i7-6900K tier chip for being more expensive than entry tier 4-core i5
Wait for Ryzen 3 or Ryzen 5 if you want cheap CPUs
>Being a Idian.
>Poo in the Loo Inidian currency.
Just go to bed already, Mohammed.
Kiddo, go back to high school and learn geographic.
I just bought a $180 chinkphone and I had to pay $200 of taxes to get it.
This country is a joke
> 2017
> ser macaco
Monkeys should be shot
>tfw juanrga is so desperate he's taken to shitposting on Sup Forums personally
GIve it a while, the prices have to come down. Asus and others are only launching with expensive mobos to suck out the eager early adopters.
I don't know a lot about what has been happening with ryzen, but long story short is ryzen worth it for gaming??
Is it better than Intel?
Is is price to performance wise better?
Please help, I haven't been keeping up to date.
Yeah, he really should, but that doesn't change the fact that OP is a massive, cock-guzzling shill and this thread is bait.
Sorry, OP, you have to go back. This place is for humans only.
Hey can someone please tell me about ryzen I don't have enough time to find out if it's interesting or not.
New architecture from AMD, they claim it's faster than intel's current lineup at a lower cost. Benchmarks for multithreaded stuff from their testing seem to prove so. Still single thread performance is worse apparently, comes 2nd of march. But only the R7 series - 8 core/16 thread ones. Later down the line they will release 6 core/12 thread and 4 core/8 thread CPUs labeled R5 and R3 respectively.
why are americans so dumb?
What is that in real money?
That's funny because our currency is called real
Thank you, I appreciate the help :)
>Living in a country with VAT
Fuck, you're so disgusting.
How does this work?
I thought Brazil is as poor as India, or is it more a nice tax to keep the not so nice out?
>placing import taxes on computer hardware
>despite having no domestic semiconductor/electronics industry
Brazil, everyone.
>monkey dollars
Pic related
>Cores don't matter
get a load of this guy
Is there supposed to be a problem with this?
It's not real as in existing, it's real as in royal, if I'm not mistaken.
>better parts cost more
>>better parts
>the Intel Damage Control Sale
government doesn't like imported tech, so they basically make you pay twice the price you'd pay in a civilized country
taxes on electronics and games here is absurd, that combined with shitty currency and shitty wages, makes having a decent computer something for the upper middle class only
Not surprised that a third world nigger is retarded
That's pretty retarded. Do the politicians really think that suddenly 14nm silicon chip manufactures will spring up like mushrooms after they imposed those import taxes? Not even other countries with a high tech industry expect that to happen.
please stop
No, they just want to suck money from every hole they find, they don't give a fuck to the population that aren't droolling savages
confirmed intel shill
zika niggers can't even read the amd slides from the 22nd apparently
Release is march 2nd. Heres talk of ndas finishing on feb 28th I think but not sure. Either way I assume by 5th you can take your pick of source and see benchmarks. Until then I think most people are tentatively confident that amd will have a competitive product in either performance or price/performance for the "enthusiast". Thats especially true for content creators and people shopping in the x99 type hardware. Gamingwise people are hopeful that itll be better songlecore than their last showing since they keep saying they hit that 40% ipc uplift which should put em around broadwell-e.
Anything else seems to be hype/shilling but 2 weeks out I think its better to just wait for the facts
Noone cares about your 3rd world shithole desu
Like every third world shithole their government is corrupt as fuck and stupid as fuck
This is what socialism looks like.
Meanwhile, in my hometown:
>Ryzen 7 1700 ~= 373.60 USD
>1700X ~= 450.92 USD
>1800X ~= 650.70 USD
>i5 7600k ~= 238.41 USD
>i7 7700k ~= 340.22 USD
Just the so-called "pre-order" prices but still damn those motherfucking leechers. If others shops are no better I'm gonna into Amazon.com.
Import taxes in general are meant to encourage local commerce. Giving money to an outside country means less money is in circulation in the country of origin. They charge you extra to discourage it in the first place and help make up the difference to the government.
This sort of stuff is just retarded when you're a third world shithole that doesn't produce anything worthwhile, though.
But anyway you can get i7 7700k way cheaper in smaller shops
no just full of murderous children, thieves, no sewage treatment, and lack of enough power.
of the most 25 dangerous cities in the world 8 are in brazil. 20 in the top 50. it's a real nice place to be.
it overclocks better too.
zen oc better? lol
He's talking about intel
AMD = Another Major Disappointment
Its no ones fault but your own that your country is a shithole.
Its also the shops fault they're not selling them for the RRP.
Shops are raising prices in the face of high demand.
Or intel are leaning on retailers to increase prices.. I wonder if intel 'Bribe the OEMs' would ever do such a dirty anti-trust thing
You deserve it anyway
Monkey shound't have access to internet in the 1st place
Intel shilling autism is spreading to South America
País de terceiro mundo kek
That's what you get for wanting to be independent and appointing literal mafia as leaders.
Yours Sincerely,
where the fuck are you buying it from?
sorry you live in a shithole OP
don't be sad monkey. it's only 50$ dollars more expensive than in my country.
because people there simultaneously get fucked by "europeon" prices, shitty exchange rate, 23% VAT and jewish distributors
so 1700X costs minimum $480
and 1800X is at least $615
and that's before stealership markup, because it's a RECOMMENDED PRICE that means fuck all
your also third world m8