Please stop talking about CPUs

Please stop talking about CPUs

Other urls found in this thread:

Samsung Exynos

What would you like to talk about instead?

The shills have to shill.
> le more cores are better than single-thread performance le meme
repeat it until you absorb it or they will never stop

Operating systems, artificial intelligence, cool stuff that we made, programming, robots, telecom tech, biohacking, literally anything else that has to do with electricy

Well go ahead and make some threads on those subjects then.

Microsoft Windows 10

I do, constantly, but they get pushed down by Sup Forums kids with their fucking threads.
It's like when we had that GPU obsession some months ago

Go back to the programming thread, nerd.

today OP was not a fag

Fuck off back to your headphone general

>Intel faggot detected

there is a major surge in our field with AMD finally being a pressure to intel again. This is huge news. AMD has always been the company to invent or pioneer a new take in CPUs to make then viable, then Intel "masters" what AMD brought up and then AMD falls behind.

There is always a great feeling when you know there is a situation like this happening because it only promotes good around the whole CPU market. Intel will have to drop prices and AMD can generate mass income to try and keep pushing ahead.

But if you really don't care about this news then just filter it out with a 3rd party Sup Forums script or just look for other threads that aren't on the top 3 pages.
There are threads all the time for operating systems, there is a thread ATM about google AI for filtering out "hate-speech", there is the programming thread filled with user creations, robots are gay, telecom technology is gay and it's being assimilated by networking technology (make a neat thread about networking and shit, people usually divulge into networking), biohacking sounds fake and gay, and anything else with electricity doesn't exactly always involve technology, but usually I guess, I mean look at lightning, that's shit is new-age as fuck

baka AMD fucked up yet again. moar cores meme lel. can't even match a i5-7500 in single threaded performance.


If yo use Sup Forums X you can add CPU keywords to your filters and not see any of them.

Right now as posting having just "ryzen" filtered hides 17 threads on this board, I like it.


literally fucking anything


Ryzen threads on Sup Forums are like Trump posts on Reddit.

>calling someone a nerd on Sup Forums

Stop posting about CPUs, Sup Forums is a smartphone and desktopthread board.
