Hiro said we can have a thread to talk about our board, so let's do it.
Is Sup Forums the best board?
How do we make Sup Forums better?
Sup Forums meta thread
Ban GPU threads and Windows users.
Ban all CIA niggers, ban all NSA shills, ban Sup Forumsedditors.
>How do we make Sup Forums better?
make a /gg/ board for all the Sup Forums consumerism general threads.
ban all the posters from 3rd world shitholes.
Ban anime haters
Ban phoneposters
Don't ban Sup Forumsiggers though.
Sup Forums needs Sup Forumsiggers to feel better about themselves.
Create a new captcha that's a code which can't be compiled, then you have 1 minute to fix the code so that it can be compiled. Failure results in a permaban. New captchas will be generated daily by an AI so people can't just copy and paste solutions.
Show OS and browser.
ban consumerism shill threads (ie phone and gpu shill threads) thinkpad general could stay because it actually provokes conversation and not pointless shilling
Move tech consumerism to it's own board.
Make admitting to using windows or any apple products a bannable offence like not catching them all on /vp/.
This. Like how Sup Forums shows location. That would be dank.
Geolocated IPs require a Sup Forums Pass and/or VPN.
Faking user agents is free.
So what? If youre going to extra trouble to lie about what browser youre using to shitpost from, that just makes it all the better.
Can't you just use a proxy?
Then you'll need a Sup Forums Pass
Even legit VPNs are mostly banned by default
So people are paying to shitpost?
The sticky needs to replace Stallman with Terry Davis.
yeah brah
>How do we make Sup Forums better?
Delete this thread and ban OP for at least 3 days.
bring back desktop threads
Establish a Council of Elders where Sup Forums Pass owners can vote for tripfriends to become official board spokespersons or moderators.
Like, we could then nominate 愛してるさわこ !BE/4wes0mE as the official president of Sup Forums.
I think Jordan should get it
this desu senpai
ban lincucks
LMAO kys u disgusting TRIPFAGS
Also whoever wins the weekly vote for the most beloved tripcode user, gets a heart icon next to their name, and gets their posts highlighted
Ban thread derailers
Reduce all shilling threads (intel/nvidia/samsung/amd/CSG/etc.), make it sticky and let it run to 3k posts before a new one can be made.
>ban all the posters from 3rd world shitholes.
>no USA on Sup Forums
Seconding this
How about no
More like range ban indians that ask how to inteview better and anyone that asks tech support bullshit. Actually just make a /dev/ board where we can talk about tools languages and industry stuff
>/dev/ board where we can talk about tools languages and industry stuff
there was /prog/ but it was super slow. I wonder if remaking it with images would make it better
Yeah those text boards were ok. Theyqere difficult to find though. I think you had to go to the main page and go to text boards. I would like to them and people would freak that Sup Forums had text onky boards
We need to dramatically reduce the number of desktop GNU/Linux topics due to the tiny amount of people who actually use it. We need more Windows and Mac consumer topics – let's discuss things that are widely in use and relevant to most people.
They were actually difficult to read and this was because
>CSS was very bad
>You didn't know exactly who was replying to who, you had to check the post #
>a lot was pure shitposting
Maximum memery
will instantly result in epic spoofing maymays
Fizzbuzz required to be allowed to post on Sup Forums
This would be fun
I'm like bitch who is your man's
the text boards were such a bizarre place
You'd regularly come across threads on google where people had been dropping in and replying to years old threads.
So you'd have a thread from 2005, then a single reply in 2007, then 2 more in 2010, etc.
Ban weebs.
Anime website :)
Ban anime lovers
It will also filter out Sup Forumsiggers who can't filter
Ban posters for calling someone a "Pajeet"
Terry succ me
t. pajeet