Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

run something like ooshutup10 you retard.

>needing to install a botnet to stop another botnet
top kek, you can disable all this shit on your own.
you shouldn't have to by default, but that's life.

not OP but IMO the point is that you shouldn't need to do stuff like that in the first place?

>using 10y/o software

Nobody likes debian for a reason

Then run OpenBSD you pussies, because Loonix is insecure compared to it, and never run software that matters in your life.

>Why is this allowed?
Because muh gaymes, muh DX12, please take away all this control Microsoft, I am not worthy to decide for myself. Bless Microsoft for keeping my Pajeetware safe and out of my control.

>I don't know how to disable Windows Updates and I'm posting on Sup Forums

Why is this allowed?

> I know what everybody on Sup Forums uses


pacman doesn't have this problem

>j-just use this t-third party hack OP... d-don't you trust random proprietary shit form the internet?

and I swear the popular win10 tool changes every fucking month too. just like the start menu apps for win8 did.

the problem is not that people don't know how to disable WU (because that's what caused this travesty in the first place)

the problem is that people for some reason don't know any better to set updates to manual download and install, which is an effort of whole 3 fucking clicks every other Wednesday

Been using it since almost day one and I've literally never had those issues.

>using Windows 10
Enjoy being treated like a child. You seem to need it

Why are you using winblows 10?

Use Linux faggot.

Early Win10 forced the updates even while you were doing something. Modern Win10 will update any time you're idle outside of your selected active hours (you can only choose 12 hours, which is a big problem). Apparently, the linux hipsters on Sup Forums have never used the group policy editor and thus, don't know how to revert WU to pre-Win10 behavior.

Because too many people were oblivious to updates and later complained about problems fixed long time ago. As one of the MS guys brutally put it - "OS have to take control, when user refuse to".

But if you actually would care, you would find instruction and configure updates the way you want within 10-15 minutes.

Seriously, Im pissed off when I see yet another "WUTZ DAT STUPID UPDATEZ HURRR" thread and person in question didnt even tried to configure their own OS, holy fuck.

Complain about things you CANT change instead.

> not using a stable, actually good is that has shown it can handle its shit over the years

>Using anything newer than Windows 7


Today I got a tablet for my dad, because he wanted something cheap with 64gb of internal storage, windows and a small screen. I bought the toshiba encore 2 which is a bit dated. I turned it on and set it up and it's pretty god damned fast compared to what I used to experience with older tablets. I remember owning a Samsung ATIV Tab 3 and just wanting to burn it or hit someone's head with it, because it was so utterly worthless (slow as molasses with any system supported, couldn't get any linux distro to work on it)

Anyways, sorry for the blogpost.

The thing is, now I'm updating it to 10 because my dad uses -one- single piece of software available on the Windows 10 store that doesn't support 8.1. I'm hoping to god that the thing doesn't shit itself afterwards.

Since you guys know how painful Windows 10 is, in case it's getting shitty (I'm doing an update rather than going clean) have you ever done the process of going back to your previous system from 10 successfully? I'm afraid this piece of shit will tamper with the recovery partitions or whatever and I'm no longer going to be able to do a factory reset (and I have had some trouble with doing clean installations in the past with windows tablets in particular).

I was reverting from 10 back to 8.1 on my mother's laptop, it went fine and without any problems at all.

>current year
>not loving the botnet
>not accepting trans children as the gender they like at age 4
>not wanting Somali neighbors
>not desiring your freedom to be erased for others
>not embracing your subjugation and extinction
I sure hope you don't cracker.

Ok, thank goodness. My dad is used to Windows 10, but when I saw how well 8.1 worked on this thing I just had a bad feeling about updating. Say what you will about the fisher price UI but it's really touch friendly.

you can delay updates for up to one week with three fucking clicks

fuck off

Instructions on disable pl0x?

Win10 does not support retards. Turning off updates is task which is done 5 minutes.

Telemetry at 0 is not off.


>Why is this allowed?

Because you allow it. I don't understand why people ask this question.

>Telemetry at 0 is not off.

>The data gathered at this level includes:
>Connected User Experience and Telemetry component settings. If general telemetry data has been gathered and is queued, it is sent to Microsoft. Along with this telemetry, the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component may download a configuration settings file from Microsoft’s servers. This file is used to configure the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component itself. The data gathered by the client for this request includes OS information, device id (used to identify what specific device is requesting settings) and device class (for example, whether the device is server or desktop).
>Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) The MSRT infection report contains information, including device info and IP address (...) You can turn off the MSRT infection report. No MSRT information is included if MSRT is not used. If Windows Update is turned off, MSRT will not be offered to users.
>Windows Defender/Endpoint Protection. Windows Defender and System Center Endpoint Protection requires some information to function, including: anti-malware signatures, diagnostic information, User Account Control settings, Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) settings, and IP address. (...) This reporting can be turned off and no information is included if a customer is using third party antimalware software, or if Windows Defender is turned off.

To sum up: with MSRT and Defender off, the only thing that MS knows about your machine at this telemetry level is IP and class. Oh and OS version/build.

Its pretty much off at such state, nothing above it would normally need to even connect to the internet in first place.

"Basic" aka "level 1" at the other hand, is different thing.

That is pretty promising, I just don't like the wording of "includes". That doesn't explicitly say that is all they collect.

This has never happened to me. Ever.

I realize as far as privacy goes it's not the best, but other than that it's pretty damn solid.

"Includes", because "Connected User Experience and Telemetry" component is what actually manage gathering and sending data. Telemetry settings decide, what exactly will be sent and you can see at table that each next level include data from previous one.

First, component will establish connection with MS servers, then send in what it was configured to - if its set at value 1, it will send both "security" and "basic" data ("basic" includes, among other things, "processor and memory attributes, such as number of cores, architecture, speed, memory size, and firmware" or "storage attributes, such as number of drives, type, and size" but also "app usage data"). If the value is 0, it will send only "security" data, which I described in previous post. In case of MSRT and Defender being turned off, all it does is pinging that its still alive.

Basically, what user can control is content of sending packages. not the proces itself, which is always on - thats what MS had in mind when they said that this function cannot be technically turned off, but some users (like companies) could find periodic sending of data packages problematic, especially if device in question would not be even connected to the internet so said packages would not be send at all. Which is why "level 0" exist, that does not gather anything except said MSRT and Defender data.

I hope I made it more clear.


you realize you can set it to only restart when you want it to right?

>Plebs can't disable update
My main OS is pirate win 7 and even I know how to do it for 10
I only have 10 as a duel boot for gaemes

If you're gonna bash Win 10, at least criticize it's privacy aspects. The update issue is only complained about by people that never actually use the OS.

>you can delay updates for up to one week
>for up to one week
That's fucking great, user! I hope they make postponing updates a paid service for all you cucks on Windows.

>It fucks you just a little bit.

You're lost to this world. KYS

because you let it happen

You tell me why you installed this shit.

friendly reminder

Seriously? You can this "fucking up"? Informing main server that your PC exist and nothing more?

If you dont have anything intelligent to say, I suggest to simply stop posting.

>Have to configure everything down to a T in order to make linux run how you want

>Have to run a script or two to make Windows run how you want

Are those real messages or am I getting meme'd on?

>OS has to take control, even when the user refuses to.
This right here is why I'm 100% abstaining from W10. For normies and the technically illiterate this is fine and for all intents and purposes a good thing, but someone who actually knows how to use a computer shouldn't feel like they don't have control over their own computer.

They're real

>lemmie just run some closed source software in the vain hope of getting my closed source os to actually do what i want and/or stop spying on me

This sounds like a great time.

They can't be. I can't even process that in my mind. Why would anyone voluntarily use this system?

There's a setting for app suggestions, which you can turn off during install.

And that means what, exactly?

>Why would anyone voluntarily use this system?
For a lot of people it's that there is no other viable alternative.

For others it's because of personal preference, those who "have nothing to hide," and those who are in it for the latest and greatest. Normies, basically.

You don't see any suggestions/ads if you select "no".

To each their own, I guess. Personally, I wouldn't tolerate my own fucking operating system trying to talk me into changing the software I installed on it.

Y-you should have no problems with invasion of privacy if you have nothing to hide user :^)

I still get massive random drive usage spikes every time I try to run 10 on this box. For pretty much no reason.

This. I have a couple of friends who openly say they have no problem with W10. They even go as far as saying it's more convenient, especially with the update system. They never turn their computers off, so if updates roll out they are usually installed in the middle of the night.

to be fair clueless tech-illiterate shitters ignoring security updates and becoming part of botnets is a significant problem in previous windows versions

I don't so much consider it an invasion of my privacy so much as a "feature" I don't think ANY operating system should have. I pay for you. I install you. You do what I say, ONLY what I say, and then you fuck off when I'm done with you. You don't install/remove software of your own volition, and you don't bug me with suggestions about software you think I should change.

by default win10 also has lockscreen ads and ads for paid windows store apps in the start menu

That sounds lovely! I wouldn't even pirate that.

>doesnt work

why do i have to turn off everything so the fucking thing wouldnt leak RAM like a mexican spice tourism gone wrong, fuking hdd at 100% processor at 100%. what the fuck is it doing???

muh "fresh reinstall", go fuck off it didnt work the last 5 times.

broken garbage with broken gimmicks, they should have just kept on updating win 7.


I use edge, its only good lightweight browser nowdays. If it only had more extensions. It runs smoothly even on X5 atom and 4gb ram.

This is how it is meant to work, windows 10 doesnt shutdown completely, it hibernates so os can start for scheduled updates

Run something like Windows 7.

W10 is better, windows 7 was better than vista, but now it's new vista.

Pic related.

>>every other post in the thread that complains about something
There's setting that disables it.


That doesn't completely disable it you cuck.

That completely disables forced restarts.

This happened during a fucking final I was taking for my cs major. It sucked having to explain myself.

I have windows ten and do not have problems with updating all the time. the office things is annoying though.

>cs major
>doesn't know how to disable forced restarts
user, I think you should pick something like gender studies instead.

breh it's a user hostile OS, i'm not gonna click around 10 different menus to get it to behave until the next forced update resets it all

>the next forced update resets it all
This entire resetting meme stems from one fuckup Microsoft did when releasing the anniversary update which caused a bunch of settings to be reverted to their defaults.
They claimed that it was a mistake and I can certainly confirm that it hasn't happened since.


Sure. Tell me where I can buy a new laptop with it installed.

or where I can get a copy for my newly built machine

>tfw work computer uses win10
>starting to get used to it
It's not that bad

Are you guys stupid? You browse Sup Forums and dont even know where to get Win 7 iso???

>i use passive aggressive emotes because im suck a nerd

That's not full of viruses from a torrent site.

Dreamspark if you're a student.

>I'm too stupid to configure Windows
>I should use Linux!

De/g/eneracy at its finest.

>not doing a fresh install instead
what the fuck are you doing?

Literally google legitimate win 7 iso. Or type "legit windows 7 iso" on reddit into search.

Install it yourself. I uncucked a laptop I got a month ago with Win 7

You can buy an OEM Win 7 Ultimate Key from r/WindowsSoftwareSwap/ for $15.

They are official legit keys, and I've never had a problem with them. Used it on my rig, my laptop and on the rigs of 3 other friends.

They give you the download link as well for a clean one.

You can proceed to give me shit about going to LEddit now.

>He doesn't know how to disable reboot
It's literally renaming the reboot file and creating a folder called reboot.

You're really getting annoying.

did you try the website run by the company who makes windows 7?

>having to "fool the OS" to get it to do what you want.
>because you can't simply turn off the reboot with a setting.

Quality software you got there with your Windows, guys. Quality.

microsoft doesnt respect users' configuration settings and will often set things back to the default on updates
see: the win10 upgrade malware they shoved into everyone's win7 computers

Zionazi Enterprises, the forecoming New World Order.

Literally once;
>win10 upgrade
Have you tried reading pop-up windows instead of closing them? My PC upgraded to Win10 when I wanted it to. And it also only updates when I want it to - all done by the basic Win10 settings.

t. someone who had to keep PC from restarting itself for half a year due to motherboard failure.

same with fuckfox by MOZILLA CORPORATION

my PC did not upgrade to win10
the fact that I avoided microsoft's fuckery does not mean that they weren't trying to fuck me (and all their other users)

you're a fucking idiot and should kill yourself

You know you can just go to group policy and set it to not download automatically, right? You can also completely disable it in services or at least set to manual. Or you could just fuck off back to Sup Forums and keep bitching