I'm going to use pic related as my main OS until support ends and then switch to GNU/Linux forever. How about you?
I'm going to use pic related as my main OS until support ends and then switch to GNU/Linux forever. How about you?
I stopped using Windows like 8 years ago
Windows for me is just for games.
OP here. Gotta use some Windows specific software ony my desktop and on my laptop it greatly improves battery life while making battery management easier. I guess I could get the same results if I had the motivation to get into TLP or TPL or whatever it's called but right now I just don't. I only game occasionally but there's just no denying that Windows 7 is a million times more comfy than anything that Microsoft produced since 2009.
I am going to use 8.1. If new hardware doesn't support it, I won't upgrade to that hardware. I just don't care anymore. I like 8.1. I want 8.1.
I would go to GNU/Linux if there was an Adobe Premiere alternative that could render 2 hour videos in 4k.
I'm going to use it even after support for it ends. Eventually switch to Debian.
Install GNU Forwardslash and AND Linux Forwardslash and AND Gentoo
i hardly even boot my windows 7 anymore, i'll just install posready or server on a virtual machine when 2020 comes
I'm going to use it until support ends and then keep using it
>I'm going to use pic related as my main OS until support ends and then switch to GNU/Linux forever. How about you?
gnu/linux currently, win7 in a vfio vm/native until win7 support is dropped, then win8.1, that gives me 6 odd years before I decide whether I still need to run windows natively and 6 years of deciding whether windows 10 is worth the hassle just for some gaymen, since win10 in a vm with a (white-listed) firewall shouldn't be too bad
>tfw Linux performs better than W7, but you use W10 anyway because it's comfy
>Windows 10
no it's not, also win10 kde themes exist
I plan to continue using it even after support ends.
Kde is dogshit Kevin.
What meme? Windows 10 is a clusterfuck.
>Kde is dogshit
So is Windows 10.
Is the third best OS from Microsoft behind XP and 2000. The aero did the same erros as KDE3. And remember the board for tech support is /wsr/.
Kde is ugly and non functional. W10 is aesthetic.
I never said KDE looked good. Windows 10 doesn't either though.
>I'm going to use pic related as my main OS until support ends and then switch to GNU/Linux forever
Except that I'm also branching out to macOS, but Apple won't be coming out with worthwile computers anymore so the future looks Linux
(posted from my mbp mid-2012, the only macbook worth considering)
You're too late. You should dual boot into Linux half the time already or you'll be cucked by Microsoft forever. I'd recommend getting ZorinOS just to get you into Linux and only boot into windows when you really need it. Learning how to use a different OS takes at least 6 months. Will you have that much patience and be willing not to use windows during that time? Probably not, so you should switch now instead of later when w7 is no longer an option.
all the updates are fucking bloat, specially the telemetry shit added later on
just install sp1 and disable updates
Windows 10 is completely inconsistent and optimized for touch input. It's not quite as bad as W8 but the UI is a massive piece of shit compared to Windows 7. It wastes so much screen real estate because every 32x32 icon needs a 128x128 border around it.
Will switch to either Win10 LGBT edition or linux
Get an ISO with SP1. Updates don't work anymore anyways. Update servers are broken and Microsoft refuses to fix them. For the better, if you ask me. Just use some sort of script blocker in your browser and scan your PC weekly with Malwarebytes and you'll be fine without updates.
Yeah but it's aesthetic. It has character.
And yet it's still more functional that 7.
Thanks for keeping my botnets healthy. I need more people not installing security fixes.
>Windows 10 doesn't look good
>but it's aesthetic
That's not how that works.
stopped using windows when '95 wouldn't run on my 486dx with 8megs of ram. Wasn't interested in it again until Windows 2000 came out.
Will probably switch back to Windows since systemd is breaking everything. Latest example is systemd-resolved not resolving link-local dns.
You're welcome Mr. Hackerman.
>what is rugged and unique
>Yeah but it's aesthetic. It has character.
It's a shit, user.
support for windows 7 IS already ending.
I got a brand new Windows 7 key and tried installing but it would not work. And when I called microsoft for help, they just ignored me and told me to buy windows 10.
Which I ended up doing btw and haven't looked back.
>what is a hideous failed abortion
>Learning how to use a different OS takes at least 6 months
Not really. Or I guess it depends on what you are going to use it for, but most stuff is pretty much the same imo.
not sure if just plain dumb or trolling
>keep using Windows 7 till support ends
>W7 ends and go to Windows 8
>W8 ends and go to Windows 8.1
>W8.1 ends and Windows 11 comes out and hopefully not shit
>or W11 is W10 but with more botnet
>install gentoo
>W8 ends and go to Windows 8.1
Why would you choose 8 over 8.1?
More importantly, where do you even get 8?
why would i need support?
you could still use windows xp now and it would work fine. i dont see why windows 7 would not work in 10 years
The...the botnet! The botnet that will harm you if you have had updates off like you have for the last 7 years!