I don't like that feel
Maybe you should stop being black already, Jovan.
>take $30 worth of Monster drinks
>leave them sitting on the bottom of the cart
>don't ring them up
Who here /devilish/?
You're a nigger tyrone
you mean niggerish
I like the look of the woman on the left. That's assuming she doesn't have an "unexpected item" under her skirt of course.
There is usually, a very pretty chick working that.
I don't get it? Also not technology
>it's not my le epic gaymurr hardware shitposting thread therefore it's not technology!!!!1
Neck yourself.
self checkouts are technology
>tfw country too niggerish to even have those
I jew them sometimes.
Scan a cheap item twice and put a pricey item of comparable weight.
But I use them only for small shopping, fuck those machines otherwise.
I'd much prefer being served by a human.
What sucks about these is there's never much room in the actual bag area on the right (at least ones around here) so try putting multiple big boxes like if you buying 12 packs of soda
>12 packs of soda
How obese are you?
They last awhile when you get 3 for 9 bucks bro.
Also I dont mean 12 "12 packs" i mean like 3 or 4 they just come in packs of 12
>go to hot food area
>"I'll have a pound of your chicken nuggets and 1 corn dog"
>they put it all in the same bag with a $9 barcode sticker for the chicken and a $1 sticker for the corn dog
>just scan the corn dog sticker
>machine doesn't have the weight programmed in since it's a fresh food item
You are literally brain dead if you can't use these
Dno what kind of poor mans self checkout that is.
Here we have a remote that you use to scan product. It keeps track of all your items. In the end you just put remote into some hole and scan credit card. Easy as that.
why is this gook eating a worm?
It's consumerism. There is no discussion over the implementation of the technology itself.
There was a sort of prototype store around here called Bloom that would have this sort of self scanner thing but then they turned them all into Food Lions.
>Check weight display before starting.
>Pick different checkout if not zero
>Scale says zero
>Press hand onto scale
>Pick different checkout if it doesn't return to zero
It's as simple as that lads. The scales are just almost always shit and need constant calibration.
The best part is how thiefs end up cheaper than hiring people to police the process of paying.
>being this autistic at a grocery store
The fuck is this?
>not wasting time dealing with a poorly maintained machine is autism now
get back to Sup Forumseddit friend
Enjoy sitting there like an asshole waiting 5 minutes for an attendant while giving the people waiting behind you an exasperated look. Half the machines don't pass this test.
You have autism, do you also bow so you don't shake someone's hand?
>item has like 5 bar codes on it
>scan one
>the computer says it's wrong and locks up, saying I need attendant assistance
>attendant comes over looking at me like i'm one more person in a sea of retards
How is it in any way related to using self checkout machines?
If that wasn't allowed the mods would delete the OVER 9000 Ryzen threads and just have one rolling sticky for that shit.
Face it, Sup Forums has become consumer electronics.
>not printing up fake self adhesive barcodes and ringing up $12 items as $3 items of similar weight.
these machines are great.
>getting less than 10 things
>walk up, scan everything.
>while authorizing, bag em
>pick up bag, tear receipt, leave.
that simple morons.
Your Worst Nightmare Butthorn!
Whenever I do self checkout, I never bag as I'm scanning items. I do it at the end of the transaction, so that way the computer can't bitch at me for putting items in the bags.
>3 or 4 x 12pc soda
so this... is the power of... America
>this shit barely works
>tards still think robots would take everyone's jerbs