Proprietary software suc

>proprietary software suc ....

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Proprietary software can be of high or low quality. The fact that it's proprietary is always a downgrade, though.

It does suck.

This. The fact that is proprietary is the down side of them all.

But a software can suck proprietary or not it doesn't matter.

this meme needs to fucking die.


>always a downgrade
how come there is no better photo editing tool than photoshop then?
I agree with you that in most cases an open source program is functionally better than a proprietary counterpart, but due to the larger market share of proprietary software it has more support.
Photoshop is an exception though. GIMP is definitely not at the same level as PS, and although krita is decent it's used for different tasks.

Open Source in competent hands

photoshop have a surprising amount of bugs for such a heavily used industry standard

most of the problems seem to be originated in the desire of keeping legacy functionality that was originally broken in the first place, tho.


Adobe software is of surprisingly low quality considering how high profile almost all of their products have.
Microsoft pumped billions of dollars into Adobe so their indian codemonkeys made Windows versions of their products that didn't shit the bed every 10 minutes.

So yes, all things considered Photoshop does suck.

>industry standard software

>surprisingly low quality

lmao ... you are just bad with it

>ubuntu in tesla
Literally being cucked by your own shitpost.

You never had a job "in the industry" did you?

Fuck didn't believe it, I should have known better and always trust an anons posts.

based as fuck


Photoshop does suck. They've been the standard for so long that they don't need to innovate so they barely do. Subscription based software that hasn't had any real improvements in 8 years.

They could at least make a 3D painting set up that doesn't blow hard chunks.

None of this has to do with it being proprietary, though.

Just got sent a frontend mockup by my manager. No assets included, just a .PSD

File size is 81.6 MB. Its an image with some layer data. What the actual fuck.

The image is probably high resolution or something. I have print quality PS files with 10-30 layers that are only a few MB each.

Until he shot himself yeah. He was a nut, but the city jerked him around a bit (the article I read tries to make it sound like he was unreasonable, but it sounds more like they fucked with him to me) and he decided to destroy the town for it. Didn't kill anyone but himself.

What's the latest word on Wine compatibility? Any PS version from the last 3 years good with it?

i don't know about photoshop since i don't really use it, but frankly a lot of "industry standard" or "enterprise" client software is really bad
it's just well supported or easy to set up most of the time