Post your countries greatest ally

Post your countries greatest ally




All these people live in an area smaller than Greece. How different can thye fucking be from eachother

Are we allies?


Different enough. Most of them are stubborn cunts too.
Language is also an important factor.

actually from new zealand, but this would apply either way


Of course huebro
Are you a real jap or a gaijin?
But surely those are just different accents rather than languages. And how are they culturally different?


are you sure it's not germany? pay debts, remember?

are we not?

in witch sense Greece? i mean, thanks for all the philosophy of the western civilization. but i cant recall any political/economical aid we exchanged for a very long time. please can you explain ? By the way thats our greatest ally.

Or Motherlands were raped by the Aryan menace.

euheuheue now i get it. i remember pics of hitler checking up the coliseum. im not into soccer so i had a mental lag to get this joke.

Both of you are the worst allies that someone can have.

Italy is a great ally during the second half of a war's life span



You have the dubs so you won.

what the fuck are you talking about
just pay your goddamn denbs already