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this isn't cute it's a fucking abomniation
and I love anime
Do your parents know you wax your carrot to fictional underage anime girls?
What Is suppose to be this?
Sa 殺
Si 死
Su 訴
Se 塞
So 訟
10/10 instructions are high quality
AI chan is cute
i think they have their suspicions
>the fucking quickdraw video
That's just you projecting. In anime terms she could be 18, 25, or 600.
shes cute
>amd back on the cpu business
>CUTE technology
2017 will be a great year lads
What does this have to do with technology? It's just an anime girl speaking. What is the special tech behind this? How is it different than any other animation? What am I missing here?
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
I hate jittery hair so much.
>That's supposed to be "cute"
Fuck off
I don't understand.
Wtf it's everything but cute, It look likes she's having a seizure.
She says it so goddamn fast I thought it was all one word
Watching her play SuperHot is adorable.
Yeah, I shouldn't assume the gender of AI Chan, what was I thinking.
I want to see the world burn.
>have massive parallel processors in the form of video cards
>still can't make decent hair
When will japan learn
What does this have to do with technology? Animation has been around for many years and this seems to be nothing new...
Maybe I can watch an anime when this comes out.
These stills and fucking 2 frame renderings really destroy it for me.
That video, including the sluts voice in it, has some kind of eyewatering cuteness to it.
Wow, after such a scandal she'll have to retire from streaming.
I hate seeing this artists work
Is she LIVE2D or not?
When they stop using Windows XP.
>blaming the tools
They're pretty autistic at making models and other stuff for various games, I don't get why the hair looks like ass.
Any potato should be able to render those models with a bit better hair physics
The hair looks less than stellar because the artist hasn't nailed down the setting quite right in the live2d software and maybe tried to fit too much hair into a single layer
Her voice sounds familiar. Is there a professional anime voice actress behind?
>am i kawaii uguu~
rest in piece aichan the gaijin have found her
came here for ai-chan. Suddenly got a bunch of exposure today from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and meme pages.
I don't get it.
What don't you get?
stop spamming this
it's photoshopped, you degenerate. delete it
the hair spazzing makes me think she's gonna go flying all over the place like some gmod sfm
>underage anime girls
The girl in this picture is 498 years old
she's too sexy
Still better than using proprietary hairworks
>tfw Google now uses cute anime girls to make you join the Botnet
I give up, sorry Stallman.
>What don't you get?
What this character supposed to be.
Also, is there an actual AI?
how about this 961 year old?
It's pretty obvious from watching even a single video.
You don't belong here.
>about page
>Nice to meet you! Virtual YouTuber's scratchy eye (o · v · o)
>Good luck on weekdays Post every day! It is! I would like to be famous more than that green one
>Thank you for registering your channel ლ ('ڡ `ლ)
>that green one
that zoom in and
I would donate all my money to her stream. We need AI 2D girl gamer streamers. This is the only way I will part with my money for watching someone else play a video game. 3DPD streamers are overrated. Someone please make this happen. We have the technology.
2-dimensional women are like wine
Bitchez love 'dem kinnikuh'
I just thought there is supposed to be some kind of technology somewhere.
>"Can I touch your muscle?", "Let's go out with me", etc.
"How to be a slut 101"?
I know it's unpopular on Sup Forums but I'll take real and flawed thanks
Gdam I'm in love with her voice. Whos the VA?
I don't get it. What's AI about this? Is that a real person or did a computer generate everything she said?
What's wrong with that?
desu most views are probably overweight, it makes no sense
So women will ask me out now?
Gaymen might ask you instead.
People believing it's an AI.
But she's Ai, dumb frogposter.
What exactly is this?
An AI? How?
Fuck I hate weebs
The waifu age is upon us. What a time to be alive.
>posting on anime website literally owned by a nip
Anyone who thinks Sup Forums is for anime is kidding themselves.
>He says as he posts on a Japanese image board who share a common interest of Japanese culture.
It's a game of pretend. She pretends she's an AI, we pretend we believe she's an AI.
I'm pretty sure that's not software they're using. They have a proper 3D model and we do get to see it from all sides in other videos.
The technology is to capture pose and emotions on human face and to render a 3D model using those.
Still can't beat hand drawn
Cute hand drawn youtuber? Which channel?
Sup Forums, /c/, /d/, /e/, /h/, /m/, /u/, /w/, /y/ and /jp/ are all undeniably weeaboo boards. /f/, /po/ and /vp/ you could argue are pretty weeby too.
I mean 3d can't beat 2d
I mean who is the 2D competitor for the cute youtuber girl position that Ai-chan can't beat?
Those things don't compute.
Why would there be a 'cute youtube' competitor?
She is competing with all cute girls in the whole world
She is just fine with best virtual youtuber position, not best girl in the world.
What build was she even playing? The game's been out for a year now.
You have to remember that normalfags can't distinguish between 2D and 3D.
At first I was all "what's special about this" then I realised for 3D animu it's fucking fantastic.
Like, blows old live2d stuff out of the water, just fucking look at those angles.
put on generated subs for the second video.
my sides
Does she mean miku or pewdiepies logo?
Eyes don't move. It's like uncanny valley for anime.
she has "AI" in her name, so of course she must be a real AI rather than a mocapped model and a person speaking into a mic
It's just mocap + facecap applied to an anime character instead of a cheeseburger or whatever. I don't see what the big deal is.
Sup Forums is an American image board you retard.
It's the power of imagination.
It's interesting that a CGI moe-blob has it's own YouTube channel, talking about current event shit and reacting to things like any other YouTuber.
Similar to how Miku is a moe-blob musician.
Does this mean that we can get CGI anime that isn't shit looking?
I want to cum inside Ai-chan.
its like someone wants to tear holes into the warp summoning daemonites or something....
mite b kewl
so japanese men are so fucking feeble as men, they need a 2-D girl to teach them how to corner and rape 3D piggus?
created by a weeb for weebs
Is she truly an AI? or just a person with an anime 3d avatar. I don't get it.