/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

'Who's got time for this shit' edition.

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9/10 OP, very comfy
would be a 10 if you had a nicer aesthetic to the shelves and desk, but i digress

Anyone look at these threads for inspiration? Im building my first ever PC and looking for desk ideas and whatnot, gonna try to make it comfy

Just did some heavy cable management today. It's still not perfect but it's definitely a lot better than it was. Also get a new keyboard with some blue switches instead of the brown I had previous. I'm enjoying the clickiness.


clutter edition

Why are there 2 threads/


because some retard didn't put /bst/ in the subject line

ITT: Rich white kid Trump supporters who's parents buy them everything

stop being poor

here, and I am proud to say that everything in this room was bought with my own money.

Fuck cleaning for you faggots edition

Just finished building this desk with my dad, loving it.

Looks nice dude. First thing I looked at was the desk.

Why do you post this in every bst thread you fucking raging, cock-guzzling faggot

>case on desk
>speakers on floor

>these triggered drumpftards

Don't really like the lens you're using for the pictures, but the desk area is nice. Cool keycaps, cute D.va and pretty neat overall.

Some stuff seems a bit messy and out of place, but still looks kinda comfy. Is that a 76 statue?

This one still looks great. The poster isn't really my thing, but it would look considerably better framed. As for the cables, you could improve it a lot by taping the power strip to the underside of the desk or the wall right below it.

Already said that on the last thread, but this picture looks a lot better than the other one. What are you using as wrist rests and how comfy it is? Also, do you like the Steam Controller? Curious how it compares to a DS4.

Always good because of Miku, just not a big fan of the Mac monitor and the cable management. Are you developing something?

Megumin a best. She was cute in the last episode.

Don't clean for us user, do it for yourself. Don't really like the clutter, because you have some nice stuff, but still, would look nice better organized.

Damn, that desk looks great. Wish I had room for something with this much space and depth. Maybe not something this glossy, but everything looks really clean.

My X2s should be coming in the next couple of weeks, and the TADA68 also should be here around that time. Also got some Brainwavz sheepskin pads for the Clouds, even though I still like the HM5 velour ones.

>Always good because of Miku, just not a big fan of the Mac monitor and the cable management. Are you developing something?

Mhm, the silver Mac is pretty out of place with all my other hardware being black. But it was free so it's hard to complain :).

Getting started with OSVR on the Mac (well, the Windows VNC) and working on a Mycroft skill in Acme on the left.


Desk is gorgeous.
Should definitely move the speakers to up on the desk though.

Thanks senpai.

Ikea is a good place to start especially if you're on a budget.

>Don't really like the lens you're using for the pictures, but the desk area is nice. Cool keycaps, cute D.va and pretty neat overall.
Thanks senpai. I've been using my Hero3 to take these pictures lately. The results aren't perfect but its better than the alternative of using my phone. I love your setup btw. The dusk lighting is very nice and your cable management is on point. cozy/10.

I really like this desk, how expensive was the pipe + fittings? And did you blacken it yourself?

Work In Progress!
Done a bit of Cable management Today.





This is my student battlestation, PC need an upgrade but it will wait, cause I just bought an home theater

Ayy lmao



>Windows 10
Whatever floats your boats anons.

Kind of, I looked for good peripheral suggestions. Bought this monitor because of someone here which I'm very happy with. It also made me decide on an L-shaped desk.

>a cat
Post what you like user, I certainly do not mind at all!

Best website for L shaped desks, or just general best L shaped desks? Need one, preferably black or dark brown, thanks.

> (You)
Already said that on the last thread, but this picture looks a lot better than the other one. What are you using as wrist rests and how comfy it is? Also, do you like the Steam Controller? Curious how it compares to a DS4.

The wrist rest I got from work. I've had it for like 3 years and I stole it from someone after they quit. It's super comfy and I much prefer it over the gel pads. My wrists kinda sink into it. You can get similar ones at Best Buy but they're a lot more firm.

Steam controller is absolute shit if you have to use the touch pad. It's OK for racing games because you don't have to use it. The "hack" tool from the Arkham games just flat out doesn't work and trying to play fps just isn't worth the learning curve. They tried to reinvent the wheel and having a touch pad adds absolutely nothing of value. It's nice to have a controller that has a community for custom mapping and integrated steam controls but other than that I would strongly advise against it.

I really love your setup. I really like the mood lighting. How often do you have your room lit like that? I also just noticed your clean ass cable management. 10/10.

I like your desk, it looks custom. Why are your speakers on the floor? Put your computer on the floor and make room for your speakers. And then get real speakers. 5/10. 10.10 if you step up your audio game.

Very clean. I like the view. 7/10.

Buy real speakers. I like the lighting. 5/10.

I really like the natural wood of your desk. I like your setup. Very simple. 8/10.

Can't see shit.

I royally fucked up my response haha. was supposed to be to you but somehow I replied to myself lol.


Disappointing to read that about the Steam controller, specially now that Steam has official support for the Dualshock 4, which I love, even with custom mapping and similar stuff like they have for their own controller.

Lately I've been leaving the lighting like this pretty much every night, only turning on my actual ceiling fixture when I need to see something that isn't my monitors or TV. During the day I have everything off with just sunlight coming in, but when it gets dark, I turn all LEDs on and everything gets super cozy, without also looking too dark, so I'd say the pictures are pretty accurate representations of how the room looks 90% of the time.

stop being poor

is it worth getting a steelcase Leap for 260$ (CAD) to replace an ikea markus? Is it as great as they say?

Like there's anything actually wrong with Win10

It could support more filesystems, provide proper access to all partitions including system partitions like the ESP and while they're at it they could fix the hundreds of different types of user access control and file permissions in order to make them not actually bypassable like they are now. Removing windows live intergration, allowing outbound network traffic while microsoft websites aren't accessible and ceasing the mix of backslashes and forward slashes would be great too. At least .NET has come a fantastically long way and the old VB shit is coming to a rest albeit a slow one.

Yeah but who actually gives a shit about anything you just said

Why do you need a counterweight though, when all that is solidly bolted on the wall? Loose bolts?

>this monitor
P2414H right?

System administrators and network admins in offices and businesses or an increasing amount of home power users that require harder locks on shares care a lot about the failed integration of user access policies initially designed around Active Directory and Windows Server now present on the desktop are frustrated at how hit and miss getting lockdowns on files and filesystems can be, especially when considering the SMB protocol.

More filesystems is just a convenience thing, good for those who dual boot and have specialized usage for Windows like an encoding machine, though I believe Windows Server is getting or has gotten a new FS available that is more efficient. Same with the filename encoding issue; it's a huge pain mixing operating systems in a workspace when users are copying files across operating systems, a lot of LAN setups will have a server running a Linux variant with the end users having a Windows client and have to deal with a lot of weird and hard-to-debug issues dealing with filenames and encoding.

The .NET ecosystem has been notoriously awkward for developers to create desktop applications with, low level access to the sound ecosystem comes to mind, very strange behaviour can be expected when allocating resources with windows sound architecture, dealing with unmanaged APIs.

23" version, P2314H

let me know when I can play games on it and use the adobe suite natively

On what? I'm talking about Windows, I'm sure you know you can do those things if you're comparing it to OSX or something

Looking good m8!



being a faggot is so COMFY

Any experience with the Dell U2211HT anyone? I have a chance to buy one for cheap. Is it IPS or not? Can't find shit about it on legit sources.

What the fuck is that wall pattern. Christ.

Do you see any sys admins in this fucking thread? No. Just average joe consumers. Sys admins still have win7 if they need it. No one here gives a shit.

Sure, we're on Sup Forums technology, plenty of walks of life here past the average consumer. I've seen a few people with some costly setups here over the long while that are software devs and sysadmins. Spoke with an embedded dev here once too.

A lot of those things affect your average consumer too user, I'm just contradicting the notion that there is nothing wrong with Win10. For example, Windows has always sent your credentials with a (now) weak hash of your password to any SMB server that serves you an image in their products like MS Outlook or IE. This is still present in modern MS Outlook and Edge, but now your credentials might be your Windows Live ones!

I think there's a lot of room for improvement. If it weren't for the updates I think most admins would have been, some are already, pushing for win10 to be adopted in their office as a client machine since it's a good improvement over win7 actually. A lot of under the hood changes have been made to make these things less complex, win10 might be worse from a front-end perspective though.

Well, maybe I'm retarded, but some sites say it's IPS, and all in all just another name for the U2211H (which does have specs on Dell's website).
Anyhow, how is he in person? On par with a couple years newer IPS Dells?

post butt

What do you actually use that triple setup for?

dell ultrasharps the the standard.

stock base and arm is nice and text is crisp. I have two 24 inch models.

Every university and hospital have these installed, or viewsonic.

Does anyone know of any good articulating vesa mounts under $40? I see some on amazon but the reviews are pretty sketchy. My monitor was a little over 11 lbs.


didnt read
but i direct you to

Already answered that one user.

Oh im sorry, i meant to link to this

That's the same post!

my current project:

cd ..
cd /programming


We shit station now.

>his waifu is from 2016

is that a model 60 you got there? hard to tell from that far away bruh

No, it is a das keyboard that was 65% or 70% off, I forget which.

oh ok. nice power strip you fucking nigger

Nothing has happened yet, the only issue was during a lighting strike but the manufacturer replaced the entire thing so everything worked out.

the model M must feel pretty much like this girl when you're using it with windows 10. poor thing


Nice chapstick

hey guys whats a quick way to move your mouse between monitors. I hate having to move my mouse across like 3 screens and I don't want to up my sensitivity.

isnt there like some keyboard shortcut I could use to my mouse between screens?

Hello there senpai, I started playing csgo too. How much of a mistake did I make in getting into that game?

Inb4 led fag, potato camera, meme mics

Don't ever put anything heavy on that glass.

Friday morning, friends.


cs go is alright as long as you're playing it with friends

pretty good, i like normie stations more than weebshit ones

Know you're all jealous of my shitty IT job battlestation

Love all of the statues. The Alter Asuka is my favorite from my collection, ant it looks great there too.

What VN are you reading?

If you are getting in to csgo you'll need a much bigger mousepad

cs go is a shit game. better search for another game

Will be ordering a Model F 62 key Kishsaver soon! Can't contain my excitement to finally get one.

what the fuck is that roof

Cassette players. Nice.
Totally makes up for all the console faggoting and weebshit.

I do not own a console in this flat or possess any weeb shit bar one Attack on titan poster that I got for 50p from a charity shop.

Sansui deck, proper quality!
I have just got another sansui deck currently out of my flat. an SC-1100.
They are reliable and easy to fix.

Where's your standard issue magic wand? How are you supposed to instantly fix everyone's problems? You must suck at your job.

majikoi, one of my faves if you're into moege

What desk is that?

I Like your headphone holder, what is it?
Best monitor position, i want to do something like this when i move.
That desk looks great user, I like the colour of the wood.
Really like this.

close your right drawer. What's the lil' thing on the left side of your monitor stand?