Been using firefox for 10 years, never had an issue with it. Can count number of crashes on one hand...

Been using firefox for 10 years, never had an issue with it. Can count number of crashes on one hand. Red pill me on why I should switch to pale moon

just try it out for yourself and see if you like it, faggot. its not hard

just use the browser you feel most comfortable with.

Using it right now and it is literally no different other than uglier UI and shitty add on selection

Fuck Pale Moon. Stop being an autistic child and run Chrome. Are you running an illegal trafficking ring through the Venezuelan border and you're scared anyone even cares you exist faggot?

Here's the deal: just by asking this question, it's obvious that you are interested in Pale Moon.

Download it, but keep Firefox installed too. Set up Pale Moon just the way you like it, then start using it. Try to alternate using it and Firefox every other time you need the internet, and eventually you will start to use one more because it's faster/comfier/whatever. This is the only way you'll find out which one is for you.

Pale moon feels old to me. Waterfox however is noticeably faster and removes a lot of the tracking in normal FF

Firefox 57 will remove compatibility with UI-changing addons. That's a deal breaker for me, but not a big problem until FF57 drops.

Get the White Moon theme, the default theme is shit

>Palemoon feels old
It's literally a community maintained fork of Firefox 24 ESR

as someone who uses it: don't
i like the ui and design better but it's slower and fails more on common websites

Do people actually use pale moon?

Do you have any idea how crazy it is to run a web browser that is maintained by like two people? Your entire system's security is dictated by their ability to backport patches from Firefox-- many of which won't even apply cleanly because this project is basically frozen in 2011.

Stop suggesting pale moon, for the love of all that is decent in this world.

then why are you using it?
unless you just want to use it to say you did and then shitpost on Sup Forums about it

Then go help develop it you lazy faggot

>falling for the pale may may

nigga just use vivaldi

>your entire system's security
>he doesn't run his browser sandboxed

Why the hell would I do that when FIREFOX exists?

>faster than ff, especially the servo ridden trash
>less bloated
>site compatibility is ok
>compile time optimizations are great as they realized i686 is for toasters
>miss the console and firebug by default
>addon compatibility is acceptable

FF 52 lasts until 2018

>Been using firefox for 10 years, never had an issue with it.
>Can count number of crashes on one hand.

I use firefox but that is full of shit.

Firefox exists yet? :^)

I run grsec + selinux strict policy, for the record

then why would having a compromised browser risk your entire system's security
your browser should never be trusted to the point where being compromised can affect your system

You put mitigations in place not so you can be reckless, but to hopefully save your system if you do something reckless and don't know you're doing it.

Mozilla sells your browsing data and has inbuilt telemetry. Pale Moon does none of those.

>3 shekels have been deposited in your account

I need bitcoin.

Cause I'm not gonna talk shit on something before trying it. I am just seeing no tangible benefit to this browser other than shitposting in browser tier threads