Did women wear a headscarf in your classic national culture?

Did women wear a headscarf in your classic national culture?

No, they wore leafs

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Widows did I think and when women went to the church.

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Yes, it's called Zukin in Japanese.

What did he mean by this?

wtf japan

Girls don't look Hong Kong enough. Are you Arab? Btw, nice dress, why do MENA women tend to wear all black now days, or I mistook Gulf states for all MENA?
PS I post with Windows Phone

Yes but only old women. I don't know why though, maybe it's religious? And it was only worn outside and in churches.

Russian national clothes are ugly

... on an average women, but suits good for some.


Are you that qt poster from MENA thread? Can you post more MENA qts?

I remember that when I was a kid and visited grandma few of the oldest women wore this thing. I don't think I saw it lately tho, those who wore it died out I guess.

My great-grandma still wears that. She's born in 1923.

Yeah, they were about this old. I remember that one of those wearing it was my grandpas classmate on elementary school and he was bon in 1924.

Yeah, hijab was a thing long before Islam took over even
I don't usually like them, but if a cute girl shows a little of her hair when wearing it then I think it makes the girl even more gorgeous

Varied. Headscarves were more common in the east, Russian influence I guess.

Had a polish friend growing up whose grandma wore this


only countryside babushkas wear them
it's an orthodox thing

My grandma used to wear it even in her young days but she hasn't done so since the 1980s. Idk, mayke it was just that Grace Kelly fashion influence of the time.

Now we know where he went after retirement. lol

>Idk, mayke it was just that Grace Kelly fashion influence of the time.

slovenians being delusional as always

A long time ago, the women folk was suppose to

maybe that was generally
