Has technology ever failed you when you needed it most?

Has technology ever failed you when you needed it most?
Have you ever been cockblocked/cucked/put in danger/failed an important task because of faulty tech?
I'm sure most of us have needed to make/answer an important call but been outside of service range before (unless you're underage).
Any interesting stories?

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Not necessarily me, but this was when MS Office made a few changes.
During University one of the first class presentation assignments practically the whole class I was in were fucked since they all saved their documents as .DOCX when the lab machines had older copies of office which couldn't open them.

The lecturer didn't take any prisoners and roasted the class pretty hard for not turning up work, I however was a cool guy who brought my laptop and quickly converted my work into a usable format on the sly and got top marks (buddy of mine in the same class over said mine was used as an example).

>inb4 should've use PDFs

should have used .txt

Why does universities push the microshit that hard? I thought their job was educating people, no?

ever wonder why your school taught you on TI calculators?
it's not because TI is the best offering

>got to the airport late
>about to drop bags off
>entire airport system goes down
>no idea what to do
>airline staff tell me to wait
>can't wait, I have like 10 minutes to run to the gate
>after 5 minutes of nervously waiting I tell them the plane will leave without me
>they check my check-in status via a staff member's smartphone using his own mobile data
>clear me, tell me to hurry
>I run like I never ran before
>get to the gate
>there's no line, afraid it took flight already
>look at monitor, 45 minute delay
>45 minute later there's another 1h delay
>and another one
>in the end they offer me a round trip in any other flight to any destination of my choice as compensation
>all turned out better than expected

Universities are not about education. They are about making money.

spoken like a true neet who never got a degree "because he didn't want to"

Yes, Libreoffice started to erase all my math expressions that took me an entire afternoon to write (calculus homework to be sent via email to professor) and I didnt have a scanner handy so I emailed with half the shit done anyway and got low marks. Should have learned TeX at the time.

Computer and internet also likes to be slow at the most urgent hours also (be it a subscription of any kind that is about to close because of late notice or the server gets fucked with high bandwidth).

Take a photo of the pages?

Let him think he is right user, what else does he have left in life?

Shitty dedicated GPS device froze on me on the freeway on my way to an interview.

When windows 10 first came out the mail app was completely broken and wouldn't actually send mail. I ended up getting replies from employers about a week too late.

At least he's not eyeballs deep in federal debt.

Look at this liberal fucknugget, how's it treating you in real life knowing all 699 genders and their pronouns

was it built into the car?
that's a lawsuit

No it's a crappy Garmin thing before I had data on my phone. It had like 4 screens of text input until it was ready to navigate, and it was laggy as fuck and stylus touch detection was not working half the time.

>school assignments
>late night
>barely staying awake
>have to be up in 2 hours
>finally done

Should have used LaTeX.

>chattin up a cutie in college for months
>good ass, good tits, cute face, 9/10, would bang
>finally hook up
>on a date, everything goes smooth
>"wanna come over to my place?"
>all according to plan
>gonna get laid tonight
>at her front door
>pull out my phone to mute it
>she notices its not an iphone
>"oh i just remembered i have to study for an exam maybe some other time user k? bye"

All I had was the webcam, which is blurry as fuck.

>judges you on the phone you have

2/10 for personality

>3 years ago
>walking to a certain videogame store to buy a weeaboo game for ps3 since only there they sell obscure shit like that
>owner says it hasn't arrived yet but he has these other titles
>leave and go browse the discount bin on other stores for ps2 jewels
>as I'm walking back home I see a cloud that looks like a twintailed little girl with a poofy dress holding a carrot/cucumber/baguette/something long in her hand
>take out my S5 to take a picture and share it with fellow retards on Sup Forums for laughs

>stock camera app crashes
>panic, clear cache and shit, still crashes
>don't have mobile data to download another one right there
>run back home to download another one
>when I go back the cloud is no longer there
>legitimately cry in my bed at night

>tfw the custom rom i had for months was buggy and i never actually tested if the stock camera worked since I never use it

Months later I also learned that bluetooth was also fucked, i still kick myself over that, pajeet cyanogenmod never again.

that happened

Probably not but women do look down on you if your phone isn't one of their gay toys solely for the green bubbles shit, they might forgive you if you have the latest galaxy S but any other one and you might as well be carrying a rock.

Just stay away from women.

honestly most believeable story itt