Stop calling the GNU operating system "Linux".
Stop calling the GNU operating system "Linux"
Other urls found in this thread:
My favorite Linux is Ubuntu
GNU is useless without a kernel, the most important part of an operating system.
Please refer to it as "Linux + GNU".
Stop burning down churches varg
Kill yourself already. This debate's over. Everybody's heard it.
b-but gahnoo is the bigger part
I use a Hurd/GNU machine.
Fuck u loonix.
Why are you watching Stallman on YouTube? YouTube is a Google service which is the definition of a "botnet" according to Sup Forums. Isn't it ironic?
i block their ads, making me a leech and an unprofitable financial burden on them. in an age where the tech giants can't be killed, the only way to fight back is through a war of attrition.
stop posting pictures of that lying, ignorant, elitist, murdering nazi.
I'm a Norwegian black metal fan, I also like some of Burzum's tracks, but god damnit what a retard this guy is.
GNU is my favourite flavour of Unix.
>not being a member of the spiritual aristocracy
Julius Evola sneers in your general direction.
stop it,
surprisingly smart and useless
GNU are just tools. Linux is an operating system. Although useless without tools, it doesn't change definitions and the fact that the GNU toolset and libraries do not make an operating system, they are tools usable by the Linux operating system.
using the internet in any way that stops the server you're connecting to from knowing who you are is a legitimate use of the internet or any internet service.
provided anonymous use is permitted of course. which is allowed but frowned upon by google.
The term "operating system" can refer to either just the kernel or kernel plus other tools. GNU is using the UNIX definition (kernel plus other programs) since it is intended to be a UNIX replacement.
If it has a Linux kernel it's a Linux OS, quit being autistic.
GNU stands for "GNU's not UNIX"
They said Unix, not UN*X.
Shut up Varg, you're not even relevant anymore.