Anti-Poland thread

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germans eat this too

There is one already

tartare steak is based you pleb
go have a gokkun if you like it more :DDD

Every thread about Poland becomes anti-Poland with the Islamic states of Europe

poland sucks? it must be those god damn muslims! or the commies! i swear to god communism held back poland from becoming a superpower

You eat raw whales without seasoning them, Japan.

I ate Tartar steaks in Hungary and Ukraine.

ungrateful kike

Lol no the fuck we don't Boris

I remember germans posting this in cuisine thread.

Why should he be greatful? We all know Polish death camps were built in a heartbeat much to the average Pole's delight

For collaboration with germans and giving away Jews was a death sentence in Poland.

More like more money in your pocket. Poles are the true nazis.

Of course we do, Ahmet.
And it is fucking great.

Poles will be the saviour of the UK from Sadiq Khan

they eat raw meat but in different form
Germs put it on bread

I love you Poland, you mean the world to me.





poland is love


I love Sashimi (raw whale, raw horse, raw deer, raw beef and raw seafood).

Maguro tabetai, maguro tabetai.
Pichipichi osakana tabetai

I know Rus loves Pol and Fin :D
I love a beautiful Polish actress in this movie
"Иpoния cyдьбы, или C лёгким пapoм!"
Do you know her name?