What went wrong, Sup Forums?

What went wrong, Sup Forums?

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Smart men tend to be ugly so the women are gone.

The patriarchy and internalized misogyny, of course.

> wrong
Nah m8, that's delicious


This is click bait, make same post each week,same imagen,same text, never replied.

>giving a fuck about bullshit statistics
even obama sais how stoops statistics are.

CEO of the most exciting semiconductor firm in the world is a woman. Women are welcome in tech, but they can't just coast on being a woman; they have to work the same as men.

Women see that cs is a waest of time

Media went through a phase of portraying computer specialists as super nerds. What did you think would happen?

But the CEO of Qualcomm is Paul Jacobs, user, a man.

Did you maybe mean Samsung? Their CEO is also a male, namely Lee Kun-hee.

computers became available to the general public, then the media and entertainment industry demonized them as nerd machines, causing an entire generation of impressionable normie parents to disapprove of their daughters being interested in computers.

Because women don't want to be involved in tech as much as men

He's talking about Queen Su

But she's "queen" of an irrelevant moribund firm, senpaimalam.

Amiga and AOL (CVC)

Neckbearded mancave trolls secured all important parts of the industry and made sure their rampant sexism forms a nice thick borderline the women can't cross and wouldn't want to even if they could.

That said, no clue. No one in know in this my own industry is a misogynist, they're just all quite nerdy. 8 of the 30 people in our team are women, I guess that's above average for IT, but none of the women working here are nerds. It's a mystery.

>stock up 600% year over year, about to release new microprocessor that competes with Intel's best at a third the price, and has deals to supply CPUs and GPUs with all the big console makers, not to mention upcoming GPU advances.

Pick one.

And besides that, Su is a widely respected engineer.

Women asians.

this, I hate myself so much.
t. white cuck

They always disappoint. They will not deliver. And even if they did, that hardly makes them "the most exciting", ahead of Qualcomm, Samsung or even Apple.

Also, respected engineer successful manager.

CS is shit.

Clearly underage. AMD was the premiere x86 producer from the late 90s through the mid 00s and probably would have remained as such if it weren't for Intel's illegal business practices.

>m-muh dirty business tricks
AMD is shit, deal with it

Intel was literally fined billions of dollars both in the US and in Europe for their dealings with OEMs to strong-arm AMD out of prebuilt PCs.

Women think less logically and couldn't compete.

Except for Lisa Su.

This. What "wrong" are you speaking of, OP?

>what happened to CS women

Looking at the chart it would seem they went into stuff like law, medical and physical sciences...

Seeing all what is actually happening on the web (simple exemple, all the thread on Sup Forums) because of Ryzen, weither it's because "OMG Ryzen is great, Intel is finished" or "OMG Ryzen is gonna be shuit, AMD is finished", you can't deny that AMD is, at the current time, the most exiting one. At least until s835 is released or whatever

>computers became available to the general public, then the media and entertainment industry demonized them as nerd machines, causing an entire generation of impressionable normie parents to disapprove of their daughters being interested in computers.

Basically true. There is a stigmatization about IT and CompSci that makes it less prestigious in USA compared to aspiring to be a lawyer or doctor for example. This goes across all genders, but I think many women are people dependent and approval seeking.

Compare that to India, where CompSci is basically the Lawyer/Doctor of their culture, there are many Indian women in the field, and India produces over 10 times the CompSci graduates as USA does.

dumbass Chads are ruining employment in USA

fucking chad

Chicks are just 2 retarded to be in computer science

Nothing at all ;)

basically i'd agree in terms of performance, however i enjoy looking at women's asses and since i work as a coding machine, more women = more asses to look at.

Obama is one of the worst offenders when it comes to spreading bullshit statistics. He spread the 77 cents to a dollar thing farther than anyone else by seriously bringing it up at a televised presidential event.

... But AMD provides the CPU and GPU for the new Macs..

Because computers and their architecture have gotten more complicated over time, and they've surpassed the spatial and procedural reasoning abilities of most women?

Women can't in to technology

Women don't have to try as hard as men.
If an average guy with no connections or great social skills wants to get married he needs to increase his value by getting a high paying job and accumulating wealth. CS has less competition from normies so that's an easier way to achieve success than say law or business. This is why women in poorer countries go for stem

A woman has less pressure and can afford to live some years with a lower paying job that she enjoys then marry whenever she wants.

Who says there isn't science behind this?


Nothing. It's always the same case.

>Men and Women have different hobbies and excel in different subjects
>Men are okay with sitting 14 hours in front of a screen and becoming borderline autistic - women aren't.
>That hobby later becomes a job opportunity.
>Job becomes dominantly occupied by men
>Some pseudo-scientific liberal retard pops up and says that genders don't exist and there are no actual differences in brains of a man and a woman. Same way a pseudo-scientific rightwing retard is going to spout nonsense about creationism etc.
>Some stupid feminist bitch shows up and sees that computer science pays well.
>Starts bitching about sexist work environment that secludes women and uses that pseudo-intellectual talk without understanding or refusing to understand the actual reason why women don't work in computer science
>Companies pander to psycho SJW feminists like the faceless Goliaths they're in order to please widest possible customer base.
>Hire some women even if they're undereducated or don't have the passion to do it.
>Turns out women can't do it or aren't competitive enough
>They drop like flies
>The whole circus repeats itself.


You must be new. This is Sup Forums during literally every AMD release. Poolaris was undeniably bad yet we were also getting 5 threads about "RX 480 BTFOing Nvidia" at any given time.

This board has a very heavy bias towards AMD because they're portrayed as the "punished underdog" which attracts all those retarded contrarians Sup Forums always had.


Weaponised autism took over.

Why do you love big nanny state telling you what to do so much? AMD was free to make deals with OEMs too, nigga, nothing was stopping them. Intel was simply cleverer at business. Git gud.

Umm... no they don't?