Why is he so based? Is he /ourguy/?

Why is he so based? Is he /ourguy/?


He has a point DX12 is becoming a forced meme. Not only is microshaft forcing gaymers to move to windows 10 but also shifting game distribution to windows store. Why do devs still support this shit?

This is how I imagine half of Sup Forums looks like
The other half being fat fucks

Because DX12 is objectively the better API, DX11 is an optimization shitshow, and there's no *profitable* alternatives for Microsoft to push.
Unfortunately it's being used for evil, but DX12 beats the shit out of DX11
And I see nothing wrong with Windows-Store games as long as they're linked across Microsoft accounts and I don't need to re-buy them (the Xbox cross-platform compatibility is nice too, to play with my peasant race friends)

As a fat fuck, you're not wrong.

>Microsoft games only sold on Microsoft store
Nobody complained when steam did this, like how steam is making retailers sell "physical copies" that literally need to be activated and downloaded in steam to play

The first microshaft shill appears. Get the fuck back to Sup Forums. You are basically no better than a leftist cuck, who accepts immigrants to fuck their wives.

Nobody told me Fallout 4 was actually a completely steam-only video game

>steam is making retailers sell "physical copies" that literally need to be activated and downloaded in steam to play

FUCK that pisses me off.

>being an Nvidiot
Don't be mad the only API worth using on your GPU is a steaming pile of shit

I said nothing about nvidia here mate. Stop being a tard. xD12 is far behind vulkan.

Name more than 3 vulkan games
Now name more than 1 good vulkan game

What game has both Vulkan and DX12 support? I mean there's barely any Vulkan games as it is, the star of the show (doom) didn't kick it off like people expected, and there's really no fair way to compare the two

DOOM and dota

Name 1 xD12 game that has better performance with xD12 than xD11.

DOOM, DOTA, and....?
>Inb4 hastily googled 3D Board Game

>Nobody complained when steam did this
What are you on about? There was and still is a shitload of complaining.

Still, at least Steam is better than MS Store because at least Valve is not an OS vendor.

Forcing games on the MS Store would be the same kind of anti-trust shitstorm that Internet Explorer was back in the day.

I mean, I doubt the majority will care because these days people are letting corporations get away with a lot of bullshit they couldn't get away with 20 years ago.

All of them on AMD cards, have you not been paying attention?

Most games are OS restricted, this isn't anything new

Because Nvidia hasn't released a DX 12 optimized card.

Missing the point. This isn't about the OS restriction, this is about the Microsoft Store.

The point is it's Microsoft games on Microsoft stores, there's plenty of OS-restricted games on steam, it just happens to be that there's plenty of cross-OS games as well, and steam itself isn't OS-restricted
I don't know about you but I buy my Microsoft games from the Microsoft store and everything else from steam


But I bet it would be better than on DX11 wouldn't it?

Nobody is complaining about Microsoft games being on the Microsoft Store or EA games being on Origin or whatever.

People are complaining about the idea that ALL Windows games will have to come through the Microsoft Store in the near future, as Microsoft has threatened a couple of times in the past but has never gone through with it in the end.

so you want to use one cancer distribution platform on your cancer OS instead of another cancer distribution platform on your cancer OS

Yes, Steam is less cancer than Microsoft Store by virtue of Valve not having a hand in making Windows.

I don't want Windows to turn into another iOS clone with app store walled garden bullshit.

No. Because even Nvidias cards are seeing gains in the API switch. Just on a much smaller scale.

If it was profitable for Microsoft they would've done it, not "threatened" it
Clearly the developers that don't have the Microsoft logo associated with it are not on the Windows store

Exactly, they are seeing gains by switching to DX12
You might've missed the "than" in my post?

Exactly, I have no problem with the current state of affairs on that end.

However, Microsoft restricting, say DX12 only to Microsoft Store titles in the future, or making something like UWP a requirement for DX12, is blatantly anti-competitive and bad for the industry.

Since the risk of that happening is non-zero, I'd prefer more games to move away from DX12.

Valve saw the writing on the wall and started the process of moving away, and they've done well so far.

So what did valve do?
I don't think they ever were allowed to have DX12 games

Valve's investing a lot of money and developer time into getting games working on Linux and getting developers on board with multiplatform development. They also contribute to the Khronos Group (Vulkan and OpenGL).

Ever since steamOS was a failure they haven't been doing much for Linux gaymen