Mac virgin here thinking of buying a mac. what model should i go with...

mac virgin here thinking of buying a mac. what model should i go with? i need it mostly for dev so it needs a decent screen size

> what model should i go with?

most expensive one, no other reason to buy mac

Let me guess, js web dev faggot

> decent screen size
You want the 15 inch retina
> mostly for dev
depends on what kind of development we're talking about, if you plan on developing 3D games, get the new 2016 15 inch with dedicated graphics, even the base model has a GPU. If we're talking about simple apps, web development or 2D games, get the older 2015 15 inch one with integrated graphics, it's about $400 cheaper.

Also, you should be able to find a used 2015 with dedicated graphics for much cheaper.
Don't get non-retina macbooks, anything beyond 2013 is fine.

late 2013-mid 2015 model if you want a solid mac and dont want to tinker with it. 2012 or earlier if you want upgradable storage/ram.

get it used

Get a 27 inch iMac. They're pretty thin, good sized screen, and easy to carry around

i'm a game developer

thanks, that helps

get out

Even worse.

and you are...?

op here, i am and have always been a pc person but i need a single actual mac device i can do tests on and possibly code stuff on the fly. it's impossible to make some cross platform product without actually being able to test and implement it yourself on the target platform

plus it doesn't hurt to get to know macs, and they do have a decent battery life and nice screens

Run OS X in a VM. Problem solved.
If you got an Intel CPU, there's basically no performance overhead and you can use VT-d to use a compatible graphics card inside the OS X VM.
VMWare emulates an actual Mac bootloader, so there's no fuckery needed with Hackintosh, the OS sees it as a real Mac.

i've considered that but there's 3 things wrong with that:
- it's not legal
- updates are fucked
- hardware specs don't match an actual apple device so you can't ever be 100% sure something will work on an actual mac


where did you get the Mac Os? i search frequentliy for a while, but i don't found anything

>It's more legal
Who cares?

>Hardware specs
Don't really matter.

Mac in a VM doesn't support VT-d, but it doesn't make too much of a difference.


Nigga what kind of developer works even on a 15 inch display?

>inb4 working on muh bus/train/bicycle
yeah, sure you will buddy

Just build a good hackintosh compatible tower, macbooks max out at 16gb ram anyway.

Use a god damn external display like everyone else and buy the best parts you can afford, resources are out there. Good luck.

like i said i would use it for testing and on the fly dev, not for actual development. i have my main pc for that

What are you, gay?

Get a 5k imac they're great. The laptops are too small. I have returned my MBP for the iMac instead. Much happier.

isn't there just two options?
A cheap one where you need dongles for everything and an expensive one.

So do you need to plug something in the laptop?
Do you have the money?
Then pick one based on that.
People get macboocks because they can get an expensive computer without having to do a lot of research on what they are getting.

>game developer
in other words you play video games and think that makes you knowledgeable about programming them

2012 master race here. Get it. 16 gigs of ram was less than $100 on Amazon. Swap the hard drive for an SSD if you want to. Or take out the DVD drive, put an SSD as primary and stick a 2 TB hard drive where the DVD drive was.

It's pretty much completely up to you how you customize it. And you can change it over time as your needs change.

Retina is kind of a meme. Yeah, it does look better, but no life-changingly so. And your monitor is still going to run at 1200x800 even on a Retina, so you're not getting any more space, just more pixels.

The processors since are only fractionally faster, and in some cases slower, so you're not gaining any noticeable speed by going a bit older.

Do yourself a huge favor - go with the 2012 ;)

>ivy bridge in 2017
yeah great idea to buy obsolete hardware.

OP, either get a 2015 rMBP or wait until the next refresh to see if they fixed their shit.
however, do not follow some poorfags rose-tinted advice

> non retina
It's shit. Too big, heavy and slow. Also display is utter crap and battery life is much worse.

> still going to run at 1200x800
Completely false, you can run it up to downscaled 1920x1200 (which is actually processing 16:10 4K downscaled to full HD, so it's fucking sharp)

why is that guy turning into a snake

Actually he's turning into a spiral.


$900 latptop, $250 ssd, $96 ram


non-retina macbook pros literally get hot and loud just watching 1080p streams, kek
>b-but the dGPU
wrecks battery life and is the number 1 cause of failure

I suppose if you stay on Snow Leopard or something and just use the terminal it's adequate.
for any kind of 'multi media' usage (which sadly includes bloated webpages of the current year) it's shit

>non-retina macbook pros literally get hot and loud just watching 1080p streams

Not even remotely true

>wrecks battery life

Ok yeah that one's pretty true. I'm guessing I could get at least 3 more hours that way. I rarely travel with it to anything more than a cafe tho tbqh

>Not even remotely true
idk dude I've owned a 2011 MBP which I specced out.
I loved the thing and didn't feel the need to upgrade. Got an opportunity to get a specced out 2015 rMBP in exchange for my laptop through work (that startup went bankrupt soon after that kek)
Just the difference in performance alone is huge.
Combined with the PCIe SSD you won't find a more responsive system anywhere

especially when you need to spend
>$900 latptop, $250 ssd, $96 ram
to deck out an old Macbook it's a better idea to put that money to a rMBP IMO

2012 15 inch. It's fully upgradable aside from the CPU.

Yeah, OP, if you want the best value for your money, you should get the 15" rMBP from 2015 or 2014. Good screen size, perfectly viable hardware, and a reasonable discount due to being an outdated model.

>apple batteries still swell

now instead of just replacing the battery and trackpad you have to replace the entire keyboard, mic, battery, trackpad, oh and the battery is not in the same hard plastic and is in soft pouches that could leak fluid with ease.

Seriously fuck apple.

>Game dev

oh no

definitely get the powerbook g4 series