/CUM/ thread

/Redneck Party Boat Edition/

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So how do you lads plan to waste your day?

going to continue the job search myself

American bf sent me pic of his benis, what did he mean by this?

burgers? did we nuke you already?

that you should suck his benis

yes, look at detroit


wait, you aren't burger.

>Still thinking crumbling soviet shithole is even 1/10 strong as USA


A tad gay

fuck yeah
What is second nuclear and military super power in the world?

>second nuclear and military super power in the world?
Definitely not country that gets his Airforce pilot killed by foreign soldiers and simply kokokoko's

China, half your missiles don't work.
They lie about so much stuff, why not lie about the number of missiles too?

shitpost, watch Finland vs. US later.

Class then dota then anime.

hate myself for fucking my life up
>tfw will die alone

Morning guys.

Morning :)

What's for breakfast?

>yfw the election is still months and months away.

It's been going on for like a fucking year now.

>im proud to endorse

With what money? Hahahaha!

Traveling to Memphis for work this week. I spend every monday balancing out how drunk I can get and still drive when I get to my destination city.

United fucker closed the plane door early but that means I won't land until 630pm now and can get pretty trashed all day.

Dope ass breakfast tacos

Morning rednecks.

how's everything going amigos?
have to buy food, maybe buy some beer and watch GoT later with friends

I live in Austin.

Uber was shut down today.

My flight is tomorrow at 6AM.

I'm so fucking salty right now.

Call a taxi company, they don't treat their drivers like expendable trash

I don't mind being alone.
However, I absolutely despise how people view me and how I can only assume they talk about me for it

good morning /cum/sluts


i don't know what you're implying but fuck off colgate ass mother fucker

hey bby

I will but I'm scared that there won't be any available.

t. Rasheed

Have you never called a cab before? Serious question. Just call them well in advance. Worst case scenario you can call another company

No I'm scared that all the cab companies will be fully booked because it's right after uber shut down and they can't keep up with the demand.

stop bitching about how you're scared and just fucking call them you faggot

Do you guys think that girl is posting in /cum/ right now?

Do you think she likes me?





I will tomorrow, but I'll leave more time just in case it's slower.


What girl

this one

Patties at chic-fil-a just keep getting smaller baka

Lunch alone again

ill eat with you

sup guys

I use to love eating alone in school then these two girls started sitting with me out in the hall even though I never talked to them, I would usually just put my music on and read

ill eat you

tell the truth if any of you could just be shiftless trailer people would you?

I'll trade my milk for your cookies

ok, can i get the apple?

Sorry my mom said I have to eat it, it's fruit

why does every country in the world it seems, except canada have school lunches?

because school lunches promote segregation

nah, I would love being one of those off the grid tinfoil nut-jobs that grow their own food tho.

wish I had a grill I could hug rn

oh, okay, you can have my orange as well then

dat boi is coming

I don't want to work today

come over

going to an oral surgeon today to find out when I get my wisdom teeth removed and die

honestly a bit terrified desu

The first days are hoorible, but you'll survive.
Get some ice cream but without any pieces, because they might get stuck in the stiches.

no im going to die

>literally right after posting this I get a call
>appointment scheduled because there is a big fire by the office

I get to live to see another day

why was it shut down?


nice. I wish something like that would happen here too.

>at a wedding
>sitting at a table watching everybody have fun because I'm an autist who is incapable of expressing himself in public
>everybody dancing
>uncle comes up to me
>asks why I'm not dancing
>say I don't like to dance
>says im not my fathers son if I can't dance
>secretly love dancing and I think im pretty good at it I just can't do it in front of people

I really wish I could figure out if it's even possible for me to break out of this autism or if I should just stop trying and accept it


wish it was that easy my friend

unless you mean be autistic which I have been forever

>during all the school dancing
>sit in the corner
>girls occasionally come up to me and ask to dance
>say no thanks
>they walk away and i still stand in corner

My life is literally a punchline, it's painful to think about the past

Start dancing with somebody you trust like your mom, sister who ever, or infront of your pet.
Maybe this helps.

I don't trust literally anybody lol

I live in a close family (my cousins are basically brothers and sisters to me), anytime anything embarrassing happens to me in my life it is shared with everybody so I've learned to never trust anybody

wew. Could you sign in to a dancing class at college, so people wouldn't judge you because they think you're a beginner, or would this already be a problem?

Why are American Muslims so weird?


If I could do that I wouldn't have a problem dancing in front of people I care about lol

Just drink liquor ffs

A lot of our "muslims" are just distraught black people looking for somewhere to belong that isn't gangs.

And a good portion of middle eastern muslims here actually assimilated and (for the most part) aren't islamists trying to gain control through politics.

I want to start a day trading club at my uni but more of an emphasis on no fucks given if money is lost.

Meet once or twice a week at a bar, hang out, advise each other on what to buy and shit on others for shit advice.

Jesus it sounds like I'm making excuses now but I have a distaste for drinking because I've seen it kill people I care about

How do you deal with the constant feel of fuck work and everything important in life?

Should I apply for a job with the forest service?

they aren't muslims in the traditional sense, it all stems from nation of islam which was started by an arab immigrant as a way to get black people to join his cult

Trying to figure that out myself

thats just NOI, their a cult that rips bits of science fiction, kemetism, pseudo-biblical prattle and hints of islam to promote afrocentism and black supremacy, sadly enough they have gotton the idea into blacks heads that we wuz kangs is true

most traditional muslims consider them unforgivably heretical and don't even humor them, even Malcolm X distanced himself from them, and in return they killed him

I was thinking last night. When people 1000 years from now think about what art was popular and what people enjoyed to look at to relax they will probably see the stupid edgy modern "art" that nobody likes in museums.

When in reality what should hang up in museums should be something like this

Get blackout drunk and die at 50.

imagine going to a museum/art gallery of memes


The brits have a litteral shit museum, so why not a meme museum.

I was actually cracking up in bed thinking about this

Out in the wilderness by myself, sure. In a trailer park, no.

from day to day to day to day to today

can someone be my friend please?

Good morning, fellow patriots

>I can get a 0 on the final and still pass


