
fertile slovakia

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What is that auto called?
We call them "Kispolszki" (little poland)

Best girl



Fiat 126p, aka "Maluch" - little boy

Maluch - little one

My eyes are burning so badly.
Same with my feet.
>just 20 degrees
Fuck,summer will kill me!

Lmao,I remembered there was a racing game with these cars.
The name "maluch racer" makes sense now

Sunglasses and sandals

>czech recommends me sandals
Is it a trap?

>maluch racer
yeah. that car had an engine in the back, so there was no need to fasten you belts as you would die anyway.

>29 degrees in the direct sunlight already

it's fucking roasting here, too

How does this make a Polish user feel?

but I will never 'porucha'

great weather, spent the whole weekend in szczecin having fun and bathing in the sun



Was in Gdansk last week end, shit was cash

thats a pozor then for you xdxdxdxdxdxdxd

how is she not girl ?

How can hand drawn cartoon squiggle have a gender you dumb fuck?
Give me a breakdown of its DNA and show me the XX in it.

I want a brown gf

go and buy Eržika some cigs then

I want a gf

by that logic you are neither boy or girl.

Your penis is too small to be called penis and yet you dont have vagina.

yeah gdansk if fantastic but szczecin is highly underrated. i was at a closed door party, saw the city and the biggest cemetary in poland (third in europe)


>projecting this hard


That cemetary looks pretty nice. Reminds of Lviv one.

It represents a person with a gender
It's a symbol of sorts that stands for the concept of a person who is, among other things, a girl


kill yourself my man

there's nothing 2deep4u about it, drawings of a fictional character are literally symbols of that fictional character, who can have a gender


fucking words have gender
most objects can be gendered, people and animals have sexes

Dear Diary
Today,I told a fat lady that she is fat.
I am apparently a "Jerk" according to the old people on the bus

the letters you've used to write that are also symbols

>I told a fat lady that she is fat.
why would you tell a random person that?

She called me uncaring and lazy for not giving my seat to her.

gj m8

i respect that decision, the heffer could use the exercise imo

was she old? or did she just demand the seat because of muh ankles?

>She called me uncaring and lazy for not giving my seat to her.

Muh ankles and muh shopping bags.

What exactly did you say?

senpaiília, it's 25-27 here, prolly one of the rare positive things around.

"You are not even old,just fat"

F-A-M is set to senpai,what a cucked danish shit

>"You are not even old,just fat"
what did she say back?


>"You are not even old,just fat"

you're a madman

family, familiar

gj desu

"Your mother must be proud."
Got called a "sicko" multiple times

must have been an awkward ride

5 pensioners arguing over my actions was really fun to watch.
Oh the shitstorm

oh man, fuck her, these entitled shits need to learn their place

also she got boobs

>so there was no need to fasten you belts as you would die anyway.
That was good car, there was no problem with fixing it. Every mechanic after high school could fix it. After 30 years I still seeing this cars on streets of villages.

>dat stealth Vágási Feri

porucha czyli przerwa techniczna?
wwhy there is no songs about Orban?

do you believe in our lord and saviour, son of Lyanna and Rhaegar, Azor Ahai the bringer of light, Avenger of Ned, liberator of westeros?


why didnt you just pick your fat ass up and stand?

why bother yourself with shit like that you tard


Because I don't care.

He doesn't have a personal cult around him like many foreigners seem to think. If anything, it's butthurt leftists who can't shut the fuck up about him.

if you truly didnt care you would pick your ass up you stupid fuck

of course you are gonna get shit on your head when you behave cunty like that

keep defending europe good work

I would not want to be in one when those suv-tanks are roaming street
One slowak-hun girl killed poland family in newer fiat like that

I don't care about fat people's problems to be specific

not him, but i usually offer my seat when i see a woman or a little kid or someone significantly older than me.
when i don't, it's because i'm tired probably as fuck and no amount of moaning and ugly stares will convince me to surrender my seat if i didn't offer it willingly.

you fat lazy pieces of shit
stop thinking you are so much more important than the others


>stop thinking you are so much more important than the others

but thats literally those who demand you to surrender your seat think

just gonna leave this here because I want to read it on my phone desu



kill all undead (except Seras)

>Werner Faymann stepped down earlier today

best day of my life.

>implying anyone ITT knows or cares about some krauts

Nah this is heavy and strong vehicle.
Realy hard to kill

>why there is no songs about Orban?

Lefist propaganda?
Lefist propaganda?

Nice palace, but i don't understand what are they talking about.

>youtu.be/f9EXKeDdrgQ [Remove]
Nice in Cohen style. That is nice, this is pro orban yeah?
Who do we call enemy?

the 3rd one is pretty baller.

Btw change speed in that second to 1.25 :D

all of them are leftist propaganda

all of those are anti-Orbán desu

>leftist artists

weren't they all put in balaton gulag?

but orbán is pretty shitty desu. a despotic dictator even if his exopolitics and foreign affairs are good

Go home Juncker you filthy jew. Everyone hates you

orbán is like assad- ok, he keeps away allahuakbars but nigga pls he is still an opressor, a zionist cancer of the country

my flag changes between eu and usa hourly. great.



>zionist cancer

JIDF pls go away


Fat people are unattractive.

t. obviously not trami


How do her knees hold her up?

they gather their energy from the devoured kfc drumsticks

what is fat tho? some people think this is curvy or think pic related is average

desu femanon is the cut-off point