I just bought 6700k a month ago and now I'm being bullied by all those Ryzen/Kabylike W10 users

I just bought 6700k a month ago and now I'm being bullied by all those Ryzen/Kabylike W10 users.

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Waitfags win again!

Don't worry. :^)

Really makes me think.

Dont worry - youre not losing out. Win 7 + same performance.

u deserve it

Don't worry my man, we two are the only ones that can use win7 of this entire board.

It's okay, I bought Haswell-E at the beginning of last fall so I know that pain

I bought a 7600k this month and i'll bully you cuz you prob can't even hit 5ghz on it without needing ln2 or housefire voltages :^)

I got a 4790k after the 6700k was out.

>built an i5 6600k + GTX 1080 last year
4 cores is all you need right?

Ln2 is housefire voltages you dip, it just happens to also have good cooling for it
Feel with me brother

We were telling you all along, but you wouldn't listen.

You Are Like Baby.

I feel no need to upgrade

Ehh if you really want to, I reckon you can still sell the 6700k really easy.

>have a 4790
>over here normies still buy them used close to the 330€ they retail at

Already planned if ryzen delivers single core performance at least within 90% of my i7, I'm going for an 8 core, my Solidworks renderings could use a boost.

>This thread is still up

Shitposting aside I don't care much about Kaby or W10 but Ryzen looks good.


Make it Three

>Blah blah blah ryzen
>Blah blah blah multithread

Literally only useful if you edit video or stream.
The gaming performance difference is negligible for the price.

this. Ryzen is a thing that amd can make really good and so far it looks that way and maybe will push intel like they did back in the day. so im just waiting for the shitstorm of sales and price's dropping like my mental state reading some of these threads


You can always waste your money on Ryzen if you want. It's just that you won't get any utility from it from gaymes.

jewtel shill

>waste your money on things you don't need
Yes, get an i7 for gaming, You really need those cores and threads.
>Consoles still on jaguars
>PS4 has 60+ Million install base
>Publishers will still cater to them well into the next 5 years
>AAA games literally all going to be this way
>Not saving up your money for a better GPU instead
Top kek AMDrone.

Really? What exactly would you need a Ryzen/kabylike for if you have a 6700k?

Like me guess, browsing Sup Forums faster?

>Yes, get an i7 for gaming, You really need those cores and threads.
and what does the ryzen got then? 8c 16th not good enough for gaming? bang for buck in my case and one of the lower end side of ryzen is what im aiming for. no need to pay extra amount of money to be able to brag about my jewtel processor

if you already have a 6700k dont even bother looking for an another cpu for a while.

No you don't.
>8c/16t not good enough for gaming
4 of the cores will be idling useless 99% of the time.
Yeah pay extra for those useless cores. Pajeet approves.


For running 3 virtual machines so you can fap on both Windows, Linux and OSX at the same time while streaming yourself.

Before Ryzen
>go back to Sup Forums you underage vermin!!!!11111
After Ryzen
>Vidyagaem benchmarks are the only ones that matter.

Pls kill urself

I own a fx8320 atm and none of the cores idle's when playing gayme's and other doing other workloads... so I'm doing something wrong buying one then?
all I can say is that every god damn person I know who buys something from Intel ends up a jewtel shill who goes around preaches about their incredible performance'n'shit.
im not preaching my cpu is good at all but im not going for intel in my main rig as a cpu.

>go back to Sup Forums you underage vermin!!!111111!!1
That only happened in video card threads
>Processor threads
>before Ryzen
>after Ryzen
>Paying extra for dogshit you don't need Pajeet poo poo not for me


I saw the same reply pattern yesterday, go away shill

>Doing other workloads
>what's wrong with buying one then?
There's nothing wrong with doing so, keep telling yourself that you 'need' it though.

Pajeets stronk, pajeets united!

>I saw the same reply pattern yesterday
Me too, this constant ryzen shilling is insufferable

Actually things are already moving out of quad cores. Was reading a computerbase analysis that came out yesterday on core scaling in new games, in anticipation of ryzen. Basically pitting the 7700k against higher core count cpu's (6800k, 6900k, etc.).
Out of 14 games, the quad core matched performance on 6, and edged out on only 2 (by small margins mind you). It fell behind significantly on everything else

>muh 14 game comparison
Largely skewed by including Ashes of the nobody plays that shit.

well planning on doing a full rig upgrade. im stuck with a gtx960 (werks but still lags in certain titles)

>gtx 960
Get a better GPU instead of spending $300+ on a processor.

Wait for the 6 core or 4 core ryzens if you want to go AMPoor don't waste your time on the 8 core flagships.

I was going to end the post with

>inb4 I-It's all cherrypicked!!!

But I don't even needed to, it's like fucking clockwork

>it's like fucking clockwerk
Post the benches then, instead of 2nd hand hearsay

but what gpu wouldnt be bottlenecked with my fx8320? oc'd to 4.4Ghz

>fx 8320
Spend $150 on a used haswell or some shit

>He told me where they are and they're even at the fucking frontpage but I still need to be spoonfed


No. got if for 20€ no fucking way im gonna get rid of it now


Please leave, this is an english speaking board

Then don't upgrade.
Bottlenecking is a meme. You'll still get better performance just maybe 4-5 FPS less than a better processor.

>front page
>Literally 5% difference from a 4/8 thread to 6/12 thread

Please learn to read.

Nice argument faggot, you sure countered the whole point there

i posted in another thread but whatever,

i have an amd fx 9590 with a h100 cooler and noctoa static pressure fans on it, its sitting at 45-50 thermal margin right now according to amd overdrive but when i play fallout it goes to like 5 to -5. where did i fuck up?

> CPU store
> only 2 cpu's

Yeah it kinda helps to know the language so you can understand the setups instead of just blindly looking at graphs you know.

amd overdrive is pretty shit if u ask me especially when it comes to temps. use hwmonitor for temps.
and i dont know where did you fuck up since im going air cooled with a hyper 212 evo

tfw not a manchild that plays games and will use all 16 threads

>computers can't be used for anything but playing video games, streaming games and editing video game footage

Is an online translator too dificult for you to use?

Unless you're editing video/streaming/using virtual machines/etc, 4 cores will probably be enough until it's time to upgrade anyways. It will take a while for AMD to carve out a decent chunk in the gaming desktop CPU market share, so most games are going to be optimized for 4 cores for a while to come. Hell, whatever comes below Ryzen R7 will probably be more popular than R7 and have less cores, so other than a few token benchmark games, you'll be fine.

Yeah what are you going to use it for 1337haxor user?

Don't worry about it. 6th Gen Intel Processors are the last Intel processors that officially support W7. I bought my 6700 because of that.