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sigh getting real sick of these ryzen posts

you realize Intel is going to respond with something better in the next 8-16 months right? You guys are acting like Intel is going to crawl into a ditch and die. It's great that ayymd is making something that is better than current Intel products. Hopefully it will start a neverending race between the two to innovate new processing methods.

>Be on Sup Forums
>Being sick of the biggest Technolo/g/ news

Pick one.


It's only the beginning. Ryzen being good in multi-threaded tasks is pretty much undeniable, if they also turn out to be as good as Intel with their single core performance then for the next half a year you won't be able to mention Intel without being annoyed by some autistic retard who probably doesn't even own Ryzen and uses FX 8350 on a ricing os.

On the other hand if AMD turns out to be 20 fps behind Intel in vidya then upset Sup Forumsermins will pay back for every single Ryzen shitpost we have right now and for next 6 months you will get sliding "HAHAHA AMD BTFO" threads.

Either way I don't plan on upgrading. Intel will sooner or later drop prices and we will go through AMD vs Nvidia route of AMD catching up while their competition being at least somewhat reasonable in pricing. Intel had it coming.

AMD is knocking it out of the park lately goddamn

Well, there's coffee lake which seems to be a rushed 6-core kaby. It's not clear WTF Intel are doing with sockets though.


I'm all about ryzen man but geez calm the fuck down

7700k still gets more fps in any game so I'll stick to it


We both know those shitposting threads have no discussion in them. It's just more consumerist bullshit full of elementary school "my snickers are better than yours" nonsense. Technology on hardware level doesn't work on Sup Forums because nobody gives a fuck about actual science behind it, they just want to feel good and boost their e-pen by calling competition worse.

But ayymd always gets btfo by both intel and nvidia. See they don't have a cpu that competes to intel's top 6950x, they just have some cheap shit that will sell good. Same for gpus, their top gpu right now is weaker than a low end nvidia 1060.

Dude, you are on Sup Forums. Even on Sup Forums the vast majority are depressed edgy teens jerking off to anime and loli porn on a daily basis. What do you expect?

I'm just waiting for Adobe After Effects / Premiere Pro benchmarks to see if the 1800x is worth buying. I don't game.

The 6950x will destroy your pajeet shit

you mean baseless speculation? Sup Forums should just be shut down for a month after and before the release of any big CPU/GPU lineup.

>See they don't have a cpu that competes to intel's top 6950x

Naples will go up to 32 cores. Adding more cores isn't big or clever.

Good Goy!

pretty sure intel has NEVER lowered prices because of its competition.
not for at least a decade

>making out that AMD are jews for having a sales office in israel
>intel have multiple fab sites and research tems there

I'm not talking about the future, I'm sure intel will have something stronger by then too.

t. person that can't even afford a 6950x

I currently have a 5960x.

Can sell this system for almost the same price that I bought it minus the tax, and build a new system.

From what I can see so far, 1800K will be better than my current 5960x, specially when overclocked. I'm not overclocking my 5960x. It just goes up to 3.66GHz

Even a 7700k kills your not even released pajeet CPOO in any game

Shut the fuck up. Their CPUs actually look good. I have a 6700k but I'm not autistic enough to screech at everyone who is getting the better deal than me. Intel fucked up with Kaby, they can't even stop Jewing in their high end department and if using shitty thermal paste instead of solder in 7700k means few saved bucks then you can bet your ass Intel is gonna sacrifice those 20 degrees Celsius.

Well if that's the case then they will have to come up with something better than AMD in order to keep their ridiculously profitable pricing. Either way competition is a win for both sides.

>not for at least a decade
Because they didn't have a competition. You trollin'?

Wtf who actually does productive things on Sup Forums

Get a 6950x. Ayymd could barely cherrypick 2 scenarions where 1800x wins against the 6900k which means in other scenarios is weaker than it, yet alone the 6950x

Why would I wait 8 months from something that'll only be 5% better than Ryzen?
Sorry shill, I'm AMD now.

Good luck, if you're a gaymer, the 7700k will destroy you in every game and if you do editing the 6950x will destroy you there too

Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your meme 20 degrees hotter 6700k with 1% real world performance gain.

2bh I think Intel will bury amd. I won't be surprised if they drop the igpu totally and start packing in more cores and more powerful cores at that with some insane clock speeds. If anyone can do this it would be Intel. They're mad rich.

It is faster at the same clock and it overclocks higher too. It also has better integrated graphics

Ryzen is actually way more expense than a Kaby Lake i7 in Australia

Wasn't there a demo of ryzen beating the i7 in BF by like 10fps?

There are a few of us. Others mostly just game.

>CDN$ 2,305.00
No thanks.

Also as I said, I'm waiting for the benchmarks. I want to see specifically how 1800x will do in After effects compared to 5960x (what I already have). I'm expecting it will do a lot better.

Yes, ayymd with their 4.0OC 1800x against a 3.5 6900k and it barely beat it. Pick any ayymd cpu against 7700k in games and it will always lose

Can you show me the benchmark of the 7700k destroying the 1700x?

AMD shills are really THAT desperate.

Can't watch to see SUICIDES on Sup Forums after RYSHIT will get exposed by REAL BENCH MARKS IN VIDYA.

Yes, check youtube tomorrow, I can guarantee you it will lose again. Remember how 2 480 destroyed a 1080 at ayymds demo?

prepare for intel price drops

>b-but intel
every time

shit nigga, RAID 0 for work and potential important information? Do you also use a guillotine in your pillow as an alarm in the mornings?


So you have no proof?

can you post a video or benchmark of a 1700x at any more than 5% difference without the amd side being overclock and the intel side at stock boost?

no you can't because all that exists is exactly that.

please post sources or dont post


There is always backup of the content in that partition :)

No worries user.

OH, nice Prescott 2.0 you got there Intel. God bless housefires.

Literally the only person with a level head here.

Intel practically has a monopoly on the enterprise (large scale) & home (small scale) markets because they pack in an iGPU to their computers.

AMD has new processors that match and beat Skylake, but they don't have iGPUs so the big-ticket customers who are businesses looking to buy a massive amount of barely functional workstations, and your parents looking for Facebook machines, are still going to purchase their CPU's.

AMD has to attack Intel's niche if they want to put a dagger into their heart. They are not doing that.

why not just stack it with cache like a proper chip. and speed up the storage path a tad more.

i think that's more likely. They doubled down on igpu and we'll see some licensed parts soon a-la oldskoolish (more just old) powerVR

i don't know why something was quoted must have slideclicked

>he does it


>>Literally the only person with a level head here.
>not understanding intel is not allowed to let amd die. muh antitrust,_Inc._v._Intel_Corp.



Are these people really fighting each other to see what company it's the best?

They don't care about you, why even defend them? Why even be a fanboy of something? That's just stupid and tipical of intellectually inferior people like soccer fans in latin america, or religious people.

I have a good processor right now, maybe in some years I'll replace with whatever it's the best in that moment, I won't care about the brand, because it's just a brand.

Fair enough, enjoy your via nano.

fuck yeah those electrostatic or whatever random number generators were awesome.

file server ran for near a decade no problem before i moved.

whatever enjoy your cyrix

>not knowing what an APU is

What an autistic manchild you are.

or you know Intel just does a price drop and their stuff will still be better value.

homo please

lol @ this homosexual intel shill

This. It's the 480 all over again.