Really cheap gaming PC

Hey Sup Forums I'm trying to build a gaming PC with a budget of $50. Any tips or suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:

stop being poor


get a dell optiplex or elitedesk of ebay or some shit and put a 1050 in it (probably the lp from MSI)

this too

Would dumpster diving actually work? I did consider it.

Check your state laws, assuming you're in the US of A, some dates allow it, others don't.

I'm from New Zealand

is this just a reference to the $100 build on reddit?


fucking redditfags,

no OP is just poor and wants to use a computer also install gentoo

I might dumpster dive my local pb tech stores dumpsters and hope to find a useful gpu or cpu or whatever. might have to learn to picklock though or take bolt cutters cause I'm pretty sure they padlock them.

I would be guessing Gentoo is a free OS considering it's based off linux?


creigs list, see what people are just getting rid of, then put a 50$ gpu into the first dual core system you can get.

Is this worth it?

Play with yourself. Well within your budget.

Go for a used premade system.
I got a Dell Optiplex 745 for like £6 and upgraded it with more used parts.
It won't play AAA titles but is great for old games and indie games. DOTA 2, LOL and CSGO run perfectly.

what do you want to play OP?
you can salvage parts to run LoL for example for the cost of a sandwich.

orangepi and load it with emulators and roms.

just got a 1060 from pb tech yesterday, their overstock sale was p good

is that case panel custom?

I have the same case but its just a black panel

Just a pic I got for google. It's not mine :P

>HI-POINT (used-probably used in a crime) $49.00
>9mm bullet $.25
>3 gumballs 3 @ $.25

Yes, gentoo is free and can be highly optimized for gaming.

I have seen some computers with i5 2400 for pretty cheap on eBay

the original was posted on Sup Forums, the screenshots on Reddit.
the internet was a mistake

Social engineering

Go to kickstarter and look pathetic


Advertise online that you will collekt old PCs and parts for recycling and slavage from what you collekt. That might giv you a head start.

ebay bids on shitty dell optiplex kinda shit, and probably craigslist for used graphics cards probably

Buy a brick, throw it through shop window, go in steal pc.

Spend the $50 on nice clothes and get a job

Buy a $50 sledgehammer

Break into someone's house

Steal their computer


No it can't.
Don't install Gentoo for the love of God. It's just a meme. If youre looking for gaymin PC operating system, go for Windows XP x64 edition. It's legal to own a copy without a license now, as it is abandonware.

Im going to take a shot in the dark and say English is not your first language. That or your spelling just sucks.

>If youre looking for gaymin PC operating system, go for Windows XP x64 edition. It's legal to own a copy without a license now, as it is abandonware.

By a used office dell and put a high end amd from 2014

Use the search function, you dumb fuck.