/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

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FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
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Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

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straight fucking toilet water

when are we going to get OPs that aren't pure hook shit?

need more practice


It's ok to be a virgin, guys.

Just got my IPT browser set up, I am all set now lads!

I'll be vigilant until this thread gets deleted to make a non retarded one.

nice forced meme you stupid nigger


I think you missed the board you were trying to post on. Luckily I am here to help you with a link you can click on!

Please stay out, nigger.

I think you missed the board you were trying to post on. Luckily I am here to help you with a link you can click on!

who /mirroring entire trackers onto google drive unlimited/ here?

>being against racism makes you lgbt

Pretty much, faggot. Now stay out.

>demonotaku bitch on AB now

yeah just look at pope Francis

this kid is pure bismuth


oh look at the hurt slowflake feeling so insecure about his gay feelings

>tfw mah boy alastor got banned on EMP

I can't take the queuing anymore. Every day I get in line wait and eventually disconnect. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

he's also banned on REDtarded

who is he, why was he banned

Somebody reply to him

he asked to be disabled on a few trackers

dunno about empornium or Redacted

Why don't girls get impressed when I tell them I am a member of over two dozen private tracker websites?


post a lot on the conspiracy corner

Favorable digits.

people getting banned for discussing politics is realy sad to see. everyone is doing censorship.

>shitting a porn tracker with american politics


is rebbit down or something?

its a constant echo chamber of sheep telling each other trump is evil and nothing is happening in sweden and blah blah blah. you see these threads every time you load the site. sometimes it's hard to resist just saying "no that's wrong" and showing proof.

he won't forget this slight

If only you had some.

some what

He is in good terms with the admins though.

They can overrule that Leviafag anytime

>everyone is doing censorship.
pooloo doesn't censor.

25 yo, virgin, still live with parents, full time delivery driver. Trackers are my rpg to keep life going. Been at this for 2 years now. IRC for socialising. Various other time sink websites to keep my mind busy.
I like driving, listening to podcasts and books and then coming home after a long day to help with house work and home duties. Parents are too nice to me.
I just want life to end.


Ask that to some Mod from pornbay

proof for those conspiracy theories

How do you socialize on tracker IRCs? everyone treats me likes hit.

If you have a full time job why are you still living with your parents?

you have lots of potential for FLS on ANY music tracker senpai


I was just explaining a point, not trying to debate specifics. retard.

t. Mobius

>as an american drumpf supporter who has never stepped foot outside of my country, let me tell you why sweden is a terrible country and why you need nazis like me to teach you how to run it

join the army

Find better networks and channels.
No excuses, still in the pipeline. Need some more savings.
I never thought about that, nice idea. I participate a lot on the forums and IRC but have a tendency to move from place to place after getting closer to people.

>highest amount of rape per capita
>nothing wrong

Pick one.

the point is you shouldn't be banned for saying this, or the opposite of this.

first for [RED]ACTED is a great name!

you finish prepping the bull wilson?

what is FLS short for?

You were explaining a point about how echo chambers make you retarded by ignoring facts in favor of a story. When called out on not having facts about the very examples you raised you got upset and ran to your story.

no john, u are the retards

Free Leech Staff. Special category of Torrent Moderator, they can download what they need to verify whatever.

They banned Mobious too?

but is not him according to emp mods

Why don't you go read what constitutes "rape" in Sweden before you say that it has the "highest amount of rape per capita".

Comparing rape across countries is a huge problem because of differences in definitions and reporting. According to official statistics there's probably 0 rape in North Korea and Saudi Arabia. I'll take a vacation to Sweden any day.

>it wasn't actually alastor
>it was barty crouch
Mind Blown

go away SJW

Getting banned on EMP? Ya got to be reedacted as fuck to get banned on a porn tracker. Download porn, jack off, then move on. Maybe you have to be the sort of guy to flood someone's inbox with abuse for misusing the female.completion tag.


he was discussing things in a perfectly reasonable and calm manner

the problem is he was blowing holes in the narrative, so they silenced him.

it's really saddening to a culture destroying itself.

thanks to lbsterman, empornium is now full to the brim with retarded whatcucks who spend his fucking time posting on the conspiracy corner about shit that no one cares

>listening to podcasts
which ones?

is the hit and run system broken on ggn?

a bunch of torrents i've seeded over 1:1 or over 3 days have been flagged by the hit and run system

Yeah it's trashed, you can safely ignore HnRs
Also their torrent history scheduler has been broken for the last few days

what other timesink sites

dear torrentbros, what trackers have PUNKY BREWSTER S4 so that I know what to try to aim for?


what's the problem with people sayng things on a forum? literally just leave them to have opinions and don't read it if you don't want to. it doesn't do anything.

in sweeden rape has a much broader definition. what might only be sexual assault in other counties is rape in sweeden. for example grabbing a breast is rape.

also, individual counts of the incidents are all recorded as another rape. if you rape a girl 10 times that's 10 rapes on their stats.

with this in mind sweeden is one of the safest places in the world to be a woman.

go discuss this on EMP

>honestly responding to a Nazi troll

Not worth it, man

i live in a bubble i don't know what emp is

I don't know what point you're trying to make

Now that MTV will close can anyone send me a invite? ;_;

i was asked to go post somewhere but i don't know what or where they were talking about so i can't comply


What should I seed with my seedbox Sup Forums?

I lost my anal virginity yesterday :3


oops, i forgot what tab i was in, i dont usually post here i was just correcting someone

> not a single comment about a specific tracker or technology, just bickering.

well done Sup Forums great thread

fuck off maidenslayer

fuck off kyle

>tfw running out of space on my laptop and USB hard drive
What do? Is my only option getting a desktop PC?

Not an SJW, try again. Not into identity politics.

You cared when you thought it supported your "fuck Sweden" argument.

Fuck you nazi

no...but you probably should before exploring the other options anyway

Why don't you have a desktop? How are you going to encode video, user-kun?

Accused of being an SJW and a nazi in the same thread.

PTG, death of subtlety and civility, friends.

Autosnatch every torrent on a tracker with decent traffic and be content

change your passwords boys!!!

cloudflare might have sprayed your private tracker info across the web!



What's the alternative then?

Because my laptop was a gift and buying a proper desktop pc will take me some time.
I-i don't make video e-encodes...

Fake news


cloudflare pr team leave my forum

There's a lot of REDACTED text in there.


Cloud storage. Like the one amazon offers. A bigger external drive. If you can't afford a computer you aren't going to be building a NAS or anything.