Love and Hate

1. Your cunt
2. What countries do general people in your country love and hate most?

I'll start.

>Love : USA
>Hate : China

Other urls found in this thread:

most of them like Germany or Russia and hate usa

t. Che :3

3. What do general people in your country think about Belaruse

What do Japanese people think of MENA? :3
((To answer your question, I don't know what countries people love but everybody hates USA and Israel))

>general people in Japan know only the name

as far as I can tell, people like central/southern european countries like Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France. Maybe UK. Japan, Australia, maybe Estonia.
People hate Russia and middle east
dictatorship shitty little russia

>tfw Russia sempai noticed me :3

>Hell chosun
Love- Japan
Lick his shoes- USA
Hate- Chin and ourselves

Faroe Islands
Love : ???
Hate : Denmark

Why do japs even like the US?

Love: Italy
Hate: Italy

What about Sweden?

Distrust: Italy

Baseball and memes. They have ameriboos just like we have weaboos

Well it's one of those friendly rivalry countries that some like and others hate. Your average uneducated worker guy definitely hates them

Because America has been brainwashing us.

> :3
please kill yourself

go to pray to the mosque, Ahmed

Well, I'm sorry but I guess most Japanese think that's the place which is very danger and always makes war.

Why are there so many who dislike the eu? :(

it's not friday moron

>Love: Italy
>Hate: USA

It's not a bad concept but the execution is shit and we have countries like Poland and Bulgaria in it

Does Japan like Netherlands? :3

go explode some train station then

Love: Italy, Spain, idk
Hate: Chile
Bantz+Love: Uruguay, Brazil

Surprised by Russia being the most disliked, Israel is quite high, Ukraine and Nigeria I have no idea

Love: Russia
Hate: USA

also very surprised by France not being in the top 10, but it is just one newspaper, and the metro at that

Now EU is already not EU

nah to lazy i think i will explode this shithole

Yes, but you guys don't like Japan, right?

>love; France (No memes pls)
>hate; Zimbabwe, and a lot lot more.

Third Reich
Love: Only me
Hate: Everyone

Loves: finlan :3
Hates: russia

Love: USA, Japan and So Kor.
Hate: Philippines and China

>muh Rhodesia

So what? You can't dent that Rhodesia was x1000 vetter than Zimbabwe now, most of Africa was better of under colonial rule.



>kraut comedy

Do Nihonjin like Norway?

nothin dindu we :3

Yes, we love Norway and think Norwegian people are all happy

do it with no mercy

Japan I think the american dick fell out of your mouth, better pick it up again.

>think Norwegian people are all happy


Love: Japan they have a really interesting History according to Pic
Hate: USA, most Muslim/African Countrys and France (more like Rival/Love hate relationship)

To tell you the truth I don't think the average Colombian would probably confuse you with Russia. It doesn't help that your name in Spanish, "Bielorrusia" sounds like "Rusia".

I like you though. would visit Minsk/10 :3

Haha that's right.
But Americans in Japan are actually all decent.
I've never seen a rude American.

check'd and kek'd

Fuck off paki, Blacks had betyer lives under Rhodesian rule.. You can even fin online blacks in Zimbabwe saying they would've been better off under Smith. You're probably some nigger anyway.

Love : - France
- Nordique Country
- Japon
- Canadien
Hate : - Italie (soccer reason)
- Comunist country (China, North Korea, Russia)
- Middle east

T. Bob Bobson

What do you think about your first foreign merchants?

Tits or gtfo.

Love: USA, Denmark or something?
Hate: We hate all our neighbours as well as Russia for MH17 (please pay reparations)

>not having Sup Forums tier opinions
>y-y-you must be paki and black at the same time!!
tickles my pickle

>general people

General Japanese people don't love/hate other country.

Love: Canada (minus quebec)
Hate: France

Its a boy. %%is fine too%%

Uum, I've never thought anything about it, I'm sorry.

why are you hating my country pal

because you're all twats

>Love: UK
>Hate: UK

what do you norwegians think of the faroes ?

Love-Pretty much most white countries, very fond of the US in particualr
Hate-Pakistan, China and ourselves (Indians are very suspicious of other Indians)

Paki clearly, you love the benefits hate the country... Typical.

t. Lives on Danish welfare

Haha Poooooooooo xD

>at least our country don't want to kill us with it's fauna/flora

fuck off you alcoholic, denmark is keeping us trapped by " giving " us 3-4 % of our national income every year, prohibitng us to earn way more than that.

I totally agree for the last part

You can't survive of whaling, also what if we declare war on you and you don't have Denmark to save you?

>desperately tries to make an amusing comment with a shit comeback
good job jobbed

we use whaling for food.

our main export is fishing and it is highly sought after, and we could make millions / billions if we weren't locked down by Denmark.
Why should Denmark wage a war against us? and if so I think the Brits will help us.
they did during WWII when Denmark surrendered within a day.

Independence 2017 !

* note to self
Nuke Japan, get friendship

That's interesting, given the long history of war between us

we the other way around. Hate Germany or Russia and love usa

Hate: Chile
Tsundere relationship: Argentina


reported, saged, called the police

Why don't you declare Independence like the USA? What are you a fucking faggot?

Like: USA,Columbia
Hate: Chile

Yes :D

>HATE dipshit neighborhoods

Personally I don't like Germany and East Europe.

Do you love Russian oligarchs in France?

Je t'aime aussi

Weirdest shit ever.

My grandparents were around for the Japanese occupation of Korea, but they LOVE Japanese people. My grandma can speak fluent Japanese and she likes talking with other Japanese people from around the world.

I don't get it. Did Koreans just get cucked by the BIG BAKA COCK due to their weak, submissive nature?

How in the world did this even happen?

t. Polandball on a Polish flag

>Greece is like that one kid in kindergarten that knows nobody likes him but instead goes "Nuh uh, nuh uh, CHAD is the one that nobody likes".

Where are the Aussies? I was looking forward to them hating us.


>Love: USA, Germany, Belgium, Georgia, Ireland
>Hate: Russia, Gommies (Russia, China, Korea), Middle East, Turkey

Love: Spain, Italy, France and the UK
Hate: Japan, Germany

>rich oilniggers
>not happy