"linux is way better than windows bro!"

>"linux is way better than windows bro!"
>can't even play fucking video games or use skype

Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck still uses Skype?

lmao linucks btfo

>not running Linux as your main OS via VM on Windows 7 and using Windows 7 for stuff like gaymen and Skype
>not having the best of both worlds

I do that, but I use Windows 10 instead of shit 7

>"windows is way better than linux bro!"
>can't even use a terminal or package manager

skype is for mormie fags stuck in 2011, and games are for manchildren with 8-foot-long pubes


I guess you're mostly on the way to the best OS setup. I could shitpost about Windows 10 being bad, but it's not too bad if you're willing to overlook the flaws, which I'm not. I prefer Windows 7 because it's more out of the way than 8.1 and 10, which is imperative if you're using a VM to host your main OS.

you know bash is in windows 10 right

>Can't play video games
Yes you can
>Can't use Skype
Yes you can
Try again

As apart of the Linux subsystem
try again

There really is no argument, as we can just dual boot.

At least this argument used to make a little bit of sense before ssd's so maybe for poorfags

>Sudo apt-get(or yum) install wine
Both of your problems solved
If you took some time to actually notice that you can do both of those things with one command and even in some instances, the first one you don't need it, you probably wouldn't have made this thread.

>tfw you play video games but will never have 8 foot long pubes

Someone should make an open source windows like OS just to btfo of linux.

Actually can, though. Windows has had a package manager since Windows 8, and Powershell has existed for a long time.

>8-foot-long pubes
What's with them, why do they grow faster and longer than any other hair?

Arteries and other important tidbits your body has a vested interest in maintaining homeostasis in.

Why hasn't somebody made an OS that takes the best of both worlds? It could run windows and Linux programs natively, have bash as it's main shell, offer you security updates but don't shove them in your face. You could even call it winux or something like that. I would use it all the time. Is it because windows is closed-source or something?

ReactOS. Or that's the goal, anyway. its like 5 broke Russians working on it in between vodka runs, or whenever a government throws money at them.

>At least this argument used to make a little bit of sense before ssd's so maybe for poorfags

I must be missing something here, as I've had no issue dual-booting W7 and any distro I've tried on my laptop's non-SSD drive for a long time now.

There's really two ways that it can turn out if somebody makes a better open source OS.

The first is that the improvements it makes get ported to GNU/Linux and the world moves on.
The second is that it replaces Linux, people recompile their software and the world moves on.

Almost nobody would be BTFO. You'd just accept it and move on. How many people remember the drama over Xfree86 vs X.org? We all made the switch to the newer thing and the world kept moving.


Oh, right! Forgot about that. Kinda looked like trash when i first saw it though. When i first heard the name i thought it was an OS optimized for making reaction(TM) videos. Hey, at least it can run the MEMZ trojan.

take your skype and your manchild escapism devices and get the fuck out of here.

>Windows "package manager"
>only can install shit from the Windows store

>Powershell even being close to bash

>Play games

About 70% of my steam library is native. Up to 98% with wine-gaming-nine (with Native DX support)


Skype is available for Linux, so that's just blatantly wrong, and there are plenty of gaming options.

show me how you load skype into the linux kernel, lol

I use skype NATIVELY on my system daily.
I have enough games on my system.

The world's easiest board to bait.

>not doing a full gpu passthrough and having inferior windows as the host os


most faggots out there. almost everyone i still know uses it because they dont want to spend 10min to install teamspeak and enter a server

you and the ppl you know are 100% retarded

Wine is shit

>or use skype
Off yourserlf son.

.. Are you literally retarded?

I just played skyrim from steam via wine 2.2 and ff xii in pcsx2. Y mad cuck?

Pcsx2 runs slower than in jew-doows, but not this much that i should get fucked ine the ass by capitalist from us&a

I'm ok with Linux and Skype without gaymers.

only need cs and dotes desu, besides don't Sup Forumsermin hate PC gaming?
skype works, the new normo hotness discord does natively as well
>what is chocolatey
>what is conemu/msys/cygwin
powershell is far more powerful out of the box than bash because it can call into .net and win32 libraries.

>what is discord

>can't even play fucking video games or use skype

>what is mumble

You must be 18+ to post on this site
Or just use it on your phone, retard.

>having google apps

kek tasty bait you got there lad