Wat do, Sup Forums? I have way more than enough money to do both several times over, but I wanted to keep my checking account at a certain dollar figure, so I can only do one. Kid is a fucking disappointment, high school dropout shitbird.
Ryzen rig, or bail junkie son out of jail?
Way to fuck up raising your kid I guess.
i'd go with the ryzen rig desu
let your son's mom take care of him
sounds like you have already made up your mind and are seeking validation for it
nice job parenting btw
Is he hot? Maybe you can coerce him into fucking you in exchange for bailing him out.
Little brat got everything he wanted. He does rack disciprine, though. Badly.
Leaving him in there won't teach him anything, he'll hate you more (especially if he knows you chose a computer over him) and he'll likely OD in the near future.
Bailing him out won't teach him anything and he'll OD in the future.
In any case, you problem will eventually solve itself. Buy the new computer.
what is the point of bail if you're still going to jail later?
it's only purpose is to flee prosecution
He's not going to appreciate it either way so just buy the rig you want.
Why'd you fuck your son up so much? You monster
Let him get started on time served when he pleas out
Also, don't have kids if you can't afford to raise them (i.e. send them to a magnet school or better)
magnet schools are a scam
>Little brat got everything he wanted.
My brother has been an addict for 20 years now, my mom has been bailing him out since he was 15. She lets him and his junkie girlfriend and shit for brains kids live at there house for free. He's been to rehab 5 times, jail 40 plus times and fights with my mom and threatens to kill her on a daily basis even though she has helped him for so long even though she doesn't have the money.
Your son will end up the same either way.
Get the computer now and teach your son that he can't always get what he wants, but you can.
Leave him in jail so he has time to think about how bad he fucked up.
i agree.
you can't always be there. he's gonna hit rock fucking bottom and shit will eventually turn around.
My friend went from weed to herione like a faggot and now that I'm out of the military and smoke weed every day it pisses me off when he gets on his faggy soapbox about drugs. No one I know is that much of a fucking retard to jump from pot to heroine and I sure as hell don;'t plan on it. That's the issue with kids, they just want to get "higher" and not just ride the wave.
Neither, buy some dope.
Leave Michael where he is, he doesn't deserve freedom
The Ryzen. Let the system handle that shithead.
Your kid is more important than a new PC.
Also: Discipline your kids. Do not raise a generation of weaklings, things are bad enough as it is.
Jesus, what a fucker. Goddamn junkies.
Leave him in jail.
If that isn't a good enough lession for him to change his life, he's screwed anyway.
It'd be one thing if he were someone otherwise dependable who got into a bad mess just once, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Sometimes you gotta use tough love. When he realizes that you're putting your foot down he might change.
Real funny to see you redpilled shitheads fuck up your kids then go on to suggest shit that's only gonna make him more fucked up
Tell him you bought yourself a computer, and tell him that you're perfectly allowed to spend all your money on a computer if he thinks it's okay to spend all his money on fuckin drugs.
Bail him out and take him some where to dry out. You're no man if you cant keep a kid off drugs by force.
This reflects more on you than him you fucking lazy cunt. You had the kid now do everything in you power to protect it you fucking coward.
What sort of heartless father would OP be, to let his son rot in jail?
This is why there needs to be a federal investigation on the CIA and bankers who fund the drug market. Jamal who deals drugs is tiny compared to our own government who love the illegal trade on drugs. Big money to be made on it.
If my son or daughter was a worthless junkie, I'd let him rot in jail if not just to withdrawal in the worst possible place
Look dude, sometimes you really gotta say enough is enough and show him some tough love.
I don't know his kid.
If I did, I might say something different.
But all I know about him is that he's a dropout junkie. So from what I do know, he could use some jail time.
>i'm afraid to keep my children in check
Remove yourself from the gene pool.
fuck you
You should look into the SEA response to drugs, after learning a lesson from China's opium wars. In most of SEA, any type of recreational drug trade is punished with the death sentence.
Yes, DEATH sentence.
>he got everything he wanted
>you someone how cannot bail him out and buy a computer
Nice lie senpai 2k is nothing,and you making it something shows your a shit dad,in a poor neighborhood who didnt help his son stay away from drugs
I understand the general sentiment: The kid needs discipline, and to understand that he is being punished for his actions. I agree with this.
...now ask yourself if he is going to learn anything in prison. He will be around other junkies. What ideas is he going to pick up from them? Will he learn self control in prison? Self respect? Will he change for the better?
Once they're 18 you have no right to tell them what to do. If they want to finish school and get high all day then you have no legal right to tell them to do anything else.
but, he is. He's getting real time anyway, why waste money when he's just going to get out and dope out as much as he can until his trial?
>Once they're 18 you have no right to tell them what to do.
Oh fucking boohoo. Slap them around.
>but I can be charged
You sicken me. I belted the fuck out of my father for not belting a pedophile. Man up, or forever be seen as a pussy.
Dear God reading this comments horrifies me
If your kid/someone you care about is actually in jail and needs to be bailed out for the price of a new computer, please do so.
Not bailing this kid out will make him feel even more abandoned/angry/worthless, and definitely make his drug problem MUCH worse.
People fuck up for all sorts of reasons but your son is an addict. He won't get clean out of personal responsibility/harsh punishment, some might, but for a majority of addicts this is not the reality
Compassionate environment, good role models, caring parents, & most importantly medical treatment. These are the sort of things that make addicts clean. He's more fucked up emotionally/physically than you can likely imagine if he's been shooting heroin. The slightest helping hand can make a huge difference.
Don't be a shit parent and actually do something for your son. Shithead or disappointment, he's still your kid, he's still family, and he still has his whole life ahead of him. You're probably all he's got.
He shouldn't be in jail in the first place, drug addiction is a medical addiction and it should be treated as such.
Go read up on how our drug laws compare with the rest of the modern world, and how we dehumanize and profit from jailing addicts.
I hope the best for you and your son and please do what's right for him.
Depends. If he's been to jail for drugs before, buy the computer. If it's a first offense, bail him.
I guess you don't know any dopeheads. You can't change them. Heroin is a lifelong battle, you're never free, will remember that high for the rest of your life and always want it again. This is why only the most determined get clean and the other 80% relapse.
I suspect most of the people in this thread are redpilled kids/don't have children of their own.
Please read for a reasonable response
I know many people that have fucked up, dropped out, been addicted, been to jail. A caring family is what set them straight. Recovering from addiction and finding meaning of life is one of the hardest battles your son will face. He probably has much deeper mental issues such as depression/anxiety that led to his addiction.
The best thing for you to do is care for your son, have him move back in, and get him rehab as well as a shrink. Encourage him to get his GED (there are all sorts of resources available), and consider even sending him to Uni. In the States, scoring high enough on your GRE/ACT makes you eligible for all sorts of scholarships.
>violence solves everything
If it is your kid, you will fight for him to be in that 20%.
>I guess you don't know any dopeheads.
I do not. Perhaps the "death penalty for drug trade in SEA" has something to do with that.
>you will fight for him to be in that 20%
You can't instill determination in someone that refuses help because they still have something in their system. The literal best thing to do is get them 100% sober, for long enough, and hope they see the light.
>life of drugs and incarceration
>a swift booting and being forcibly moved to a new place with possibly less drugs in order to get you on the right path. just like rehab, but more personalized.
It's your child, and showing more care for your personal well being and comfort does nothing to help your heir. Anything less is akin to cuckery.
The jews love the drug trade, that's partially why they're so opposed to the wall. Jamal or Tyrone shoot each other? Another 10 will replace them. Build a wall to stop inflow of drugs, that'll put a huge dent in profit. I swear if you killed just ONE of these bankers per week, you'll see the drug flow disappear pretty goddamn fast.
>being forcibly moved to a new place
Oh sure, let me uproot my entire family, move away from the rest of my family, solely because my child is a worthless piece of shit that only lives to get high
You sound like an omega autist that failed to raise your son properly. You just threw money and things at him to make him happy and now you're mad that he's a piece of shit. You know that being a parent means being proactive, right? I hope you and your junky son die so your genes don't spread.
Yeah, because it's in the best interest of the family. You're touting family values, but disregarding them at the same time.
Just because it's inconvenient for you. But guess what, that's what children are, and always be. Inconvenient. You chose to stick it in, now take care of what came out.
If you cant do that for one of your children, what are the others to expect from their dad. That you're going to have a beer with the man that beats your daughter to a pulp and not let her leave the house?
You also need to let them go and make their own life. You can't keep telling them they're a good boy when they're fucking 30.
> Sup Forums giving advice on parenting AND parts purchase
How can a single board be so wrong on every subject
>when they're fucking 30.
Well then. Should have said that earlier. It gives some leeway. But you still see that he's going no where. You still have to put the boot up his arse. Otherwise you're condoning being scum. That it's OK for your family members to be scum, and no one is to try as hard as they can to fix it.
You gave him some leeway. And he continues to fuck up. But it's not all lost from here. You should have acted sooner. But you can still recover. Even if it fails, you know you tried. You wife will know you tried, your kids will know you tried. If you don't, they'll know you don't care enough for them.
A parents love is meant to be forever, but words are just that. Actions speak louder. Failure to act is deafening
>i have money to do both
better bail your yuppie son out of jail before someone eats him.
>I belted the fuck out of my father for not belting a pedophile
What did he mean by this?
Rig. Junkieson didn't listen to you wjen he had the chance. Now it is tough love time.
Get the ryzen 1800x too
Fuck the kid, let him learn that there are consequences when you act like a turd.
Leave him in, take a picture of the computer, and then visit, show him the picture and tell him you love this thing more then him and that should be fucking sad, but you feel nothing due to how much of a disappointment he is.
No such thing as a bad child, just bad parents lol
If this is the first time then bail him out and tell him this is his once chance and then honestly try and help him get clean. If it isn't or if he fucks up again fuck it and leave him to the wolves. Life is too short to try and save junkie family members that refuse to be saved.
why would you remove your delinquent from con college?
don't you realize this is the only schooling he's ever going to obtain?