Install arch

>install arch
>install VB
>try to start vm, get pic related

how do i fix this anons, im not very smart

Other urls found in this thread:

>I use arch
Why am I not surprised :^)

install gentoo
also checked

sudo modprobe vboxdrv

>arch breaks even virtual machines

Install Windows 10. It's free. Literally.

i typed into terminal and it did nothing user

im avoiding windwos 10

next time use snapshots

smug retards, op just forgot to install the vbox module

go to arch wiki page on virtual box and look under section for arch linux hosts. tells you exactly what to do

That and restarting virtualbox should work. Try sudo pacman -S virtualbox-host-modules-arch

You need to load the kernel module likely.

Pacman actually warns you to do that when install it.

why do you like ruining fun

holy fuck
please delete this image

Have you tried running:
As root?

reading these anons, thanks for the tips

this fixed it, thank you user

i ran that first but it did nothing, i got an error message

> using virtualbox in 2017

> not using xspice

> not using qemu and kvm

> not using xen

> not using literally anything else instead

shiggy diggy!

i havent heard of any of those. VB is what i used on windows for stuff

Then you should read up on it.

holy shit maybe read the fucking arch wiki you tard
cant believe Sup Forums actually spoonfed you, even the arch forums wouldnt

why do people who can't even google shit feel confident enough to install arch

Can you fucking read? it fucking tells you how to fix it

the arch shilling on Sup Forums convinces them to try it

use an OS that isn't total shit. Arch is for children and manchildren with too much free time.

Sometimes Sup Forums is just better without trollz0rz

i thought ubuntu was the one for childrens, if only all the childrens were able to install arch, which implies reading, the world would be better