How the fck do I use this shit ?!
The last 4 buttons aren't clear to me
NEO wm es7100
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think they're clear to anyone
Let me fix OP's image to have a higher resolution. Maybe now we can read the labels, yes?
Just a sec i'll upload a second pic
I would if I had one
Here's a second pic
take a better photo of all the controls
This is perplexing.
happy Asian lady likes pill on towel or I sign
seems she doesn't like bubble shirt
Best guess
I have fixed it.
great , now I only need to guess which is which
I'm typically a fan of being a Strong Independent Man Who Don't Need No Manual, but in this instance... RTFM.
already said I don't have one
Just moved to this new apartment , didn't bought this washing machine , got it with the apatment
Press the buttons and see what happens.
You have a model number. I assume you have access to Google. Do the math.
Read the man pages before using
ya dingus
no one Know's that make
only result is Whirlpool Neo and some smart Machines
Looks like it is a Yuropease product. If the manual is also in Yuropeasean, then it would be useless, unless OP can speak it.
Wow, sucks to be you OP, where the fuck do you live?
If you suceed to find a manual on Yuropeasean i would learn the fckin language
Croatia , EU
Latinic part of Europe
Hold down button 2 and 4 to have a child.
I am guessing Bulgaria.
Can you pull the machine away from the wall? The label on the back (with the serial # and shit) might have more info, like a website or phone number. It's also possible this is a white-label product manufactured by a different company which posts their manuals online.
ask a woman
fucking designfags and their impenetrable heiroglyphics. JUST USE FUCKING WORDS YOU PRETENTIOUS CUNTS.
I will First thing in the morning, it's like 5 am here
Well, I'm out of ideas. Best bet is probably asking Sup Forums, or throwing "yuropoor washer dryer symbols" into Google Images. Good luck.
rotate wheel, push left round button and right round button
1st from right is to start
3rd from right is to dry
before start you need to rotate leftmost wheel
Latinic? LATINIC?? Seriously, motherfucker? Latinic? You deserve to have that fuckass chinese washing machine explode in your stupid face. Hope a place in trade school is waiting for you, cause your dumb ass is too stupid for college. And too stupid to operate a simple washing machine.
1. Prewash
2. Permanent press
3. Colors
4. Bleach