What web browser do you prefer to use and why?
What web browser do you prefer to use and why?
honestly my only problem with this is that Edge is better than shit tier but it's the only place on that chart where it makes sense. This isn't so bad
lynx seems good
>chromium botnet
>excellent tier
good job mate
Is it the same few autists that make these browser threads every day?
Let's be honest for a second: Anyone who doesn't use Chrome or at least Firefox is getting memed by autistic edgelords that trick newbs into using nightly bug fests or sad browers like Vivaldi that will stay at 0.001% userbase. Let's not even talk about the joke that is pale moon.
>'anyone who doesn't use Chrome or at least Firefox' cuck
real men roll their own custom fork
>daily browser war thread #231984
>someone posts the one with WebKit Nightly in "??? Tier"
>"lololol icecat and bleeding edge? wow user"
>"brave is good why isn't it god tier you faggot"
>"you just havent tried vivaldi yet you old hag"
>someone posts the text version
>"oooohhhh my god chromium is literally BOTNET TIER"
>"you faggot, chromium is just open source chrome"
>"nuh uh, jewgle got it's shill hands in it :^)"
>"pale moon is autism"
>"paer mun jus werks for me"
Seriously, don't you guys have anything better to do than this shit? Saged.
real men create their own browsers from scratch
Chrome just werks the best. Firefox is just sad at this point, and Edge is probably gonna overtake it in usefulness when it gets more developed, it's already pretty good and comfy
>some buthurt shmuck posts 'saged dont yer gais have anything to do'
real men create their own internet
Everyone knows real men create their own inter-communication solution, internet's for normies and jews
rinse and repeat senpai
What's the best android web browser?
i heard real men create their own atoms
ungoogled chromium on gentoo because i figured why not go full autism
real men create their own space-time dimension
whatever it takes to browse those furry hentai pics
Opera 12.16
It's the last good one
Why a unstable version of firefox is better than the stable ?
How did you install it?
muh bleeding edge
Well, I've tried literally every browser. Latest one I tried was Opera, and while I really liked it at first, it feels like it getting slow over time and I don't agree with some of the UI desgin. I also think it might be a bit bloated with some features like the RSS reader. (Whats the point? Just use inoreader or something lol).. and I think uBlock is better than operas popup blocker. Im not sure how good Operas VPN service is but it seems alright and like a good idea. Anyways, bottom like comes down to performance and smoothness to me, so I'm swtiching back to Chrome.
Let me know if theres a good browser. They all suck, its just Chrome is the least shitty.
i built it from sauce and run it.
Iridium. Bottom line, it's Chromium without all the botware shit
Chrome because I need speed, I'm not going to use Firefox and don't give a shit about the dozens of autistic "ungoogled" browsers out there
Nightly is fine. Haven't seen a crash or a bug ever. Enjoy your out of date browser.
Iridium looks exactly like chrome. Is it really safe?
Iridium is literally just Chrome but cherrypicked of all the bad parts/botnet shit. Yes, it's safe.
w3m is actually good.
That sounds reasonable. I will give it a shot.
Waterfox. Because I can't live without certain Firefox addons, Chrome's font rendering gives me cancer, and Edge is still too basic.
Iridium 54 still has that fucking "CERTIFICATE ERROR" eachtime you try to browse a legit website, like Amazon.
Pale Moon. It's the best.
Now, to contradict myself:
>looking at PM homepage yesterday
>see they have a survey about the browser
>it's in google docs
>used to get random certificate errors with google docs, but not this time
>page 4 of survey
>certificate error
I still love it and I use it on all of my devices/platforms (win7 chinkpad, nexus 7(shit btw), Mint, and I have it on a flash drive for when I use a computer on campus that doesn't have anything other than IE, Edge, and Chrome).
tfw apple will never put safari on windows again
Only reason - mouse key shortcuts: right+left -> go back, left+right -> go forward. This alone keeps me with Opera for last 10 years.
Yea other browsers might have these extensions as well, I tried it on Chrome and it sucks ass.
Firefox (32-bit)
I'd reccomend Epic as the best web browser
It's a literal botnet. you'd be better off with chrome.