What required courses are in a typical CS degree?

Thinking about doing CS

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Ethical Computing
Inclusive Computing

Sounds like electives as opposed to required courses?

discrete math

>What required courses are in a typical CS degree?
Every university posts the curriculum online. Find a school you like and look up the classes.

How hard is that class?

Is Operating Systems, Algorithms typical for most CS majors?

get a business degree and learn the programming part on your own

-Basic Programming (Python, Java, Any OOP languages etc)

-Low level systems programming (C, x86 Assembly)

-Data Structures (Stack, Queue, Linked List, Binary Trees, Hash Tables, Priority Queues)

-Algorithms (Quick-sort, Merge-sort, Heap-sort, Dijkstra's, P vs NP Concept understanding, etc.)

-Compilers (Functional Programming E.g: Haskell n shit)

-Operating Systems (Use Linux F4gg0t)

-Computer Networks and Security

-MISC: Web programming (HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT) Maybe also learn a popular framework as well.

Excellent answer user! Thanks.

There are a lot of different cs degrees and they have very different courses. I picked the easiest one since you dont learn shit in college anyway. Just make sure the drgree says cs on it somewhere lol

Community college / Pajeet tier:
- Basic Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operating Systems
- OOD Group Project course
- Discrete math
- Low-level stuff (bitwise math, memory, C programming)

1st world university standard (+):
- Automata Theory
- Logic
- CPU Architecture
- Analysis of Algorithms and DS
- Databases
- Networks
- Artificial Intelligence

Good university tier (+):
- Parallel computing
- Machine Learning
- Compilers
- Compression
- Data Science

post cs memes

you missed all important CS classes and only listed first-year stuff.

formal languages, automata theory, computability, logic, knowledge based systems,... ?

At QUT in Australia you get the regular stuff

>Programming principles
>Database management
>Am I black enough? Indigenous Australia representation
>Indigenous knowledge: research ethics and practices

You know, just the important stuff

Just read these and save yourself the trouble and money.

I havent seen a CS department offer JUST a course on computability theory.

I took a legit computability theory course (used boolos) and it was all mathematics. Nothing CS related. Other than undeciability problems which really isnt what CS focuses on.

You probably mean Automata, which courses computability but not the entire semester.

how much of this is actually relevant to a random $60k/year codemonkey job though?

read these if you want to be a hobbyist

go to a university if you want to be a real software developer


Thanks brah, good man

No prob user, just remember that it was a Pajeet who helped you.

Got any examples of really hard-hitting books/resources for someone who just wants a simple codemonkey job? Something that applies to any language would be great.

You're confused. More than 1/3 of those are electives.

Not terribly. Gonna have to do some proofs n sheeit

Why is OS usually recommended before doing research in a field like security? What about OS / low level details do security people focus on?

Depends what you want to learn

Python: interactivepython.org/courselib/static/thinkcspy/index.html

Java: mooc.fi/courses/2013/programming-part-1/

>Am I black enough? Indigenous Australia representation

OP, you need to learn a programming language first. Most CS graduates started with LISP (tutorialspoint.com/lisp/) or Malbolge (lscheffer.com/malbolge.shtml).
If you get the hang of those, feel free to enroll.

Thanks for the links. How up-to-date is the Python link? I know a little bit of Python 2 but I'm an amateur at best. Also, can you recommend things to look into after I complete that?


If you want a code monkey job look up Agile Dev in Ruby/Rails on edx or something. Or look up the book series "You don't know JS".

If you want to learn Computer Science, the best place is to find a university you like (Carnagie Mellon, MIT, Stanford ect) and look at their undergrad degree structure. Go to the course home page and see if any lecture videos are avail plus notes plus recommended reading/texts ect. Often they are. Then you do that.

While you do it, you get the Art of Computer Programming book series to compliment the university courses, because you won't remember anything unless you do hard problems in computer science. In TAOCP you will do problems on every single kind of tree that exists, and have a solid idea about trees so if it ever comes up in an interview or on the job you'll know exactly what to do because you did the work. Obviously you can't do all the problems in TAOCP as some will take a lifetime like "Implement an entire operating system in MMIX, call it NNIX". Everything in that book series is what you will come across in a CS undergrad when you compare chapters with university syllabus. Arrays/Tables, Lists, Trees, Combinatorics, Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, O notation ect ect.

>simple codemonkey job
Read the Front End Developer's Handbook

And make things, you only learn by doing

>If you want a code monkey job look up Agile Dev in Ruby/Rails on edx or something. Or look up the book series "You don't know JS".
I'll look into those, thanks.

At the moment, I'm just looking for an upgrade to my McJob. If I can get something in the field--even a low-tier code monkey job that pays a really mediocre salary--I'll be happy. If that's possible, I'll worry about a degree later.

Someone recommended learning iOS and Android dev and suggested that there are a lot of open positions if I'm willing to relocate and be someone's slave for a while, so I've been looking into that as of late, but obviously I know nothing. I really appreciate your advice.

2 hard 4 u prbly

lmao i just left that shitshow behind for UQ

most self-masturbatory, underwhelming place i've ever been to desu

C/IAB201 are jokes, not even kidding

You might want to look at the cs curriculum for the universities you want to apply for.

The electives vary, but you will almost certainly have to do these
Along with some maths (calculus, discrete math, probabilty & stats, linear algebra)

also holy shit, a rare fucking sighting seeing an user from bris

actual solid advice

>that last book

>t. Professor Worried About Job

If you can go to school without student loans it's worth it. Otherwise, get some IT certs, learn to script and pivot into programming.

Major in Math, Minor in CS

>Programming I & II
>Data Structures and Algorithms
>2 or 3 electives that you are interested in. Just don't waste time with HCI and bullshit like that.

>data structure and algorithm
>operating system
>software engineering practice

take one year off and do your own self-study then reevaluate going to college, you could save a lot of money this way.

most universities like are revolutionary marxism indoctrination facilities, and they aren't even trying to be ironic about it.

there are posters about marxism conferences everywhere

What are you studying?

I'm only considering QUT for BA in engineering (honours) (software and computers)

I don't even think they can call it computer science at QUT, it has to go under a BA in IT. But even with IQ it's a BA in science. I don't think Australia has decent CS courses.

Oh and btw. That CS course is $28,300 per year. $85,000 in debt before you can even get a fucking internship and you're not even a real computer scientist afterwards. Even the fucking engineering honours course is only $9100 per year.

yeah it's totally fucked

desu, i knew everything in those courses when i was 15 years old, after doing the stuff on my own since i was ten. and it's so bad there, at qut, that i had to pretend i was learning stuff, or else i would actually offend the teachers and be ridiculed.

anyway, studying applied math/economics dual program now. had straight 7's in those easy af courses too, so it's not like i couldn't do it, it's just so easy it's boring.

made me mad, actually, that i was paying that much of my savings for that

it's basically a codemonkey degree, but even then none of the students (in my classes) were really motivated to learn, and they did more complaining than actual studying

disdain for plebs


1st year:
-Calculus, Linear Algebra, intro statistics
-Intro to comp sci (algorithms, sorting, time complexity, trees, OOP, OS's, scripting) probably taught with Python or Java
2nd year:
-More calculus, more linear, now including some analysis, formal logic, more stats
-Paradigms of programming languages, advanced OS concepts, databases,intro machine learning
3rd year:
-Abstract algebras and more and more analysis, more stats if you're not a brainlet
-Networking and security, advanced algorithms, and time complexity shit, automata, software engineering, simulation stuff
4th year:
-Compilers, parallel computing, computability theories, more OS stuff, more programing paradigms, more about databases and data science, more about machine learning

This is roughly how my shit is structured at my uni

There's of course the other way, you just teach yourself an undergrad and work in the 'industry' while spending time learning $THING.

Once you learn a lot about $THING you can then apply to grad schools and get in directly, bypassing bachelor completely even if you don't have one. Jacob Appelbaum did this he dropped out of community college now is getting his PhD in Europe in cryptography.

Most Euro schools have english taught grad schools and you can get direct entry to masters or PhD if you can prove you know your shit, like say in Program Synthesis, Crypto, Complexity research, Programming Language Theory ect. Pick a $THING you are interested in and use sci-hub to keep up with latest research papers

calc I and II, Linear Algebra, discrete math, Algorithms, Data Structures. Those are the ones that seem to universally be in the CS curriculum across schools.

It's simple if you do your homework.

what uni, sounds based

> go to uni for computer science
> its actually software engineering


Theoretical CS, Funktional programming and all the math you can fit in just to stop retards from getting a CS degree

this sounds intimating sheesh

i fucking hate this shit

Those are used at university user.

actual degree (which - funny thing - actually matters to employers) + networking + structure + access to technology

you won't get those by watching youtube videos + reading books

t. brainlet

what's the fucking problem? do you not want to develop software? I guess if you want to go into academia or do some real cutting edge research pure CS is the way to go. it's hard to find actual computer science programs anymore. many universities have not yet separated CS and SE out into distinct programs.

let's see, what did we have?

- Discrete maths
- Math analysis
- Computational logic
- Numerical analysis
- Databases
- Operating systems
- Basic data structures & algos
- Computer architecture
- Embedded systems
- Digital protocols and interfaces
- Basics of robotics
- Parallel computing
- Distributed computing
- Declarative programming
- Basics of electronics
- Systems security

and some more that I can't be bothered to remember right now.

>actually putting an ethics book on there

Reminder that there are a bunch of studies in the last few years by experimental philosophers (x-phi) that shows that: 1) ethicists are either just as good at moral reasoning as the general public, or worse, and; 2) ethics as taught by professional philosophers doesn't actually improve moral reasoning and moral acts.

Professional moral philosophy as taught in ethics classes is a con job. Moral philosophers are basically the contemporary equivalent of sophists.

>Wait, are you saying that finding the fastest fizzbuzz algorithm isn't useful and I won't get paid for doing that?

>wanting to develop software

I only had to do ~3 SE style classes.

Indigenous Feminist Lesbian Studies


it's typical for the first 2-3 years to be equivalent but to branch off the last few semesters. CS students focus on theory and math, SE students keep programming

If getting a job as a programmer is your goal I'd recommend ignoring a degree and looking for a programming bootcamp, or learning on your own, if you can find the motivation.
- a slav half a year away from his bachelor's in CS

>low level
would have never thought to see this

come on, by modern standards, C is pretty low level.
asm usually has its own course or is taught as part of computer architecture / embedded.

c and ASM are usually taught in same class.

>am I black enough?
What the fuck