/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

>What distro should I choose?

>What's the alternative for x?
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fedora is literally shit

It's Linux, not GNU/Linux


>he fell for the arch meme

You can still be saved

who are you talking to.


/r/ing smgl tuxpepe

why are you replying to yourself?

why are you replying to yourself?

By default, all users have the name "Anonymous".
Just ask if you have more questions.

>thingking Sup Forums is more than one person

You caught me! XD


>using the picture of a dead, gay transgender.
who'd blame him.



this guy gets it...

shit, forgot image

intellij ide is just giving me a black screen in bspwm, but works fine in i3. any suggestions?

don't use meme window managers?

Gonna get this plushie one of these days. I already have Tux, and the OpenSUSE chameleon.

fuck got me there
what should i use instead? i often switch between tiling and floating

personally I used dwm back when I was full-time tiling minimalist WMs. these days I use fluxbox, which is floating but it has several built-in commands for quick-tiling and it has been working well for me. there's also pytile/quicktile/whatever python scripts, which I have never used, but I think it's supposed to enable dynamic tiling in any WM/DE

>install Linux like a fucking retard
>dccp vulnerability allows privilege escalation
Well I guess I'll back to fucking OpenBSD. Maybe in 2050 you dumb faggots will get your heads out of your asses and stop adding useless fucking bullshit to the kernel without auditing anything.


>add useless bullshit into the kernel in 2005
>kernel is vulnerable for 10 fucking years
Meanwhile shitnux has 20+ million lines of code in the kernel alone. I wonder how many millions of those lines are vulnerabilities.

>in the kernel alone
where else?

how do I stop screen tearing in i3 floating windows? it's ridiculous, and compton is unusable because it stutters horribly and rapes gayme performance.

thou shalt not reply to trolls

I'm trying to enjoy vim but every single time I save a file with wq and come back to it later it bitches about swap, how the fuck do i make it stop making swap?

set noswapfile

You should try using :help , or just :h something.

if it's bitching about swap it's because you have one left over from a session where it terminated unexpectedly (like you killed it, or you closed the terminal it was in). swap files are usually the same name as the file you were editing with a dot in front and .swp on the end (if there's more than one i think they go swo, swn, swm, ...). the message should tell you all the details. if it's an old swap file that you already recovered from, just delete it (when you are not editing the file, obviously)

using void linux as my new daily driver. killer feature for me: i can send a pull request on github, it gets merged, my package manager sees the update, all in the same day. love the transparency.

github sucks

could always use Gitlab, as long as you don't mind everything being deleted from time to time

anyone used whonix before? is it viable? it says it forces TOR so im worried 99.9% of websites that use google won't work well

When I mount my USB drive with sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/usbstick and copy some files, what would be the proper sequence of actions to make sure the files have been written before unplugging the stick? If I copy and then unmount sudo umount /mnt/usbstick it still shows up in Thunar, where I can then "eject" it with a button press. I want to use CLI only if possible.

I did it. It took me 8 times of starting over with Arch, but I finally got the gist of it. If a file or config isn't there, make it yourself. Took me a bit to understand i3 as well as bash. I got the hang of the terminal, but my god. I've never put so much effort into something like this before. I honestly thought I was gonna give up, but I kept going. I know I'm slow please don't laugh

the umount command won't complete until all the files have been written.
a cp command usually "completes" when the file being copied is fully read, not when it has finished writing (the unwritten part is held in memory). umount won't let you go back to the shell until it has "safely" unmounted the device.
try copying some large file to the stick, then umount as soon as the cp command returns. you'll probably have to wait a while before umount completes, because umount is waiting on the device to finish writing.

Thunar probably shows all block devices whether or not they are mounted. Idk, I haven't used it in ages.

Alright. In that case my iPod is dying I guess.

Choose more user-friendly distro, what a problem?

I want to suffer

Hey Sup Forums,
I m new to linux/gnu
I am currently using Mint with Cinnamon as total noob.

I have already installed TLP, to get better battery life of my x230 chinkpad.

Can you recommend me any other battery life tweaks ?
And any recommended software to have around. thanks for help and any tips

you can throttle the cpu
for $cpu in `grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | cut -f2 -d:`; do sudo cpufreq-set -c$cpu -g powersave; done

to undo, just substitute powersave with ondemand
if you know how many cpus you have (probably 4), you can just do
for $cpu in `seq 0 3`; do ...

should I remove /var/cache/pacman?

whats the difference between all the AUR packages with -git on the end of the name and the normal version? which one should I install?


One is the development version,while the others are snapshots/releases

so should I avoid the -git version then? is it just an early release that is going to eventually become the main package, or is it a beta?

Take a moment and learn about versioning

I love pacaur and the AUR, but I wish pacaur didn't also bother acting as a wrapper for pacman. Why would anyone want to use it instead of pacman for official repo packages?


What is the logical evolution after Arch?

so pacaur -Syua will do the equivalent of pacman -Syu , but only affecting the aur? that's nice, thanks

Source Mage

Void, CRUX, Slackware or Gentoo

> github sucks

any reason, besides 'muh sjw'?

you should avoid -git packages unless you want untested code straight from the developer's drunken commits

i have evolved to void

Muh SJWs is exactly it, though.
They've taken down repos just because it conflicts with their opinions.

>They've taken down repos just because it conflicts with their opinions.

all providers have that option. unless you physically own your own data center and isp, you'll have to play nice. or host your FOSS on TOR, i suppose.

This is driving me insane! How do I sandbox applications with SELinux?

Let's discuss systemd.

>20 million buggy as shit LoC kernel
>add 500k buggy as shit LoC init system/actually does everything frankenprogram
What could go wrong?


Am installing solus as we speak, it gives you a browser during install

Am installing arch as we speak, it gives you a tty during install

Am install ubanto as we speak, it gives you a spyware during install

so, did someone manage to make thumbnails work on ubuntu/mint?

I followed this guide jkisielewicz.fedorapeople.org/#orgfafddff

but I did not manage to install it.

>but I did not manage to install it.
Why exactly? I wrote the guide in a fairly dumb-proof way albeit for Debian.

Any way I can resize the xfce4 drop down terminal?

i doesn't work for noobuntu because reasons.

So you have troubles compiling it?

Which panel colorscheme would you choose?

Theme has dark titlebar and menubar, but otherwise it's a mix of light grey with colour accents.

>Accidentaly chpwn entire system
>No backups

now I have to stare at a black monitor after install completed with some splattered My Legs are
text for an hour before it finally decides to reboot. Is UEFI causing this?

i am a linux noob
i installed a new ssd, to which i want to clone my current linux partition and add it to grub

the disk is listed in
sudo fdisk -l

I've recently taken to calling it


Correct would be just "GNU", but this has several flaws:
- normalfags don't know what you're talking about
- autists may call you autistic

>I don't name the things correctly because people who are wrong will call me out
found the cuck

y'all niggas should read: gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.en.html

Too long! XD

that's what she said

>not xe
Sexist pig

too soon

What is the best way to improve font rendering in Manjaro?
Just noticed I can't install Infinality so I'm looking for alternatives, Thanks.

What are some cool terminal commands?

alias grope='man touch'

curl -s artscene.textfiles.com/vt100/dirty.vt | pv -qL500

Nice one.

Basically all these work, you just need to adjust the speed (py's -L flag).

alias a='alias'


I set up SSH so I could connect to my server from my Android and it works okay.

When I tried to copy my laptop's ecdsa key using my Android to the server's authorized_keys file, and then connect, it says
"Permission denied (publickey)"

Where is it fucked up? I'm not sure because I did the same process on my Android and laptop.

Does the user have read rights on the file?

function topp()
top -Hp $(pgrep -d, "$1")

# USAGE: topp
i.e topp tt
... topp firefox

I think you meant the id_ecdsa on my laptop, but no it doesn't, which is very strange and I can't think why that would be??
Why would I need to set it up that way? I don't remember creating the key as root.

what does this do???

How stable is OpenSuse Tumbleweed?

I find
pkill ""

useful sometimes.

I tried again from scratch and it worked so I guess I fucked up first time.