>linux is secure guys!
>11 year old vulnerability
>vulnerability the same age as the lolis you fap to
Linux is secure guys!
>Already patched
Thanks for your shilling pajeet you filthy nigger
That was a quick patch.
Imagine this on Windows. There's probably one of those laying around and still wasn't found by them. Some guys already know but they're keeping their mouth shut and exploit the living hell out of it. It won't be patched any time soon.
Do you feel more stupid now for making this post, user?
Linux is secure because everyone who uses it is poor, and it's not worth trying to steal their money.
So it's been around eleven years and nobody took advantage of it? So what?
>vuln. found in linux
>patched in usually 3 hours flat
>deployed to every distro that matters in a day
>paid pajeets/ /r/windows shills spam it on Sup Forums for years
Its the data that is valuable user
It was patched when discovered. Windows had a much older vulnerability discovered by Google, so what's your point? Obviously windows is worse by your logic.
Linux is the one of the most popular server operating systems and since servers often have a lot of valuable information Linux should be a large target for hackers.
Which arguabely makes Linux more fit for desktop use than server use. The year of the Linux desktop is NOW.
Well yeah, I mean it gets patched before they release details about it you fucking stupid mong. It was probably being exploited for all of those 11 years. It took several weeks for them to fix shellshock completely.
>linux exploit almost as old as you are
Really maks you think
You need to be 18 to use this site
>implying I didn't just turn 18
fuck off my lolis are over 100 years old
>Not fapping to 500 year old lolis
11 year olds aren't lolis.
> Probably one
Check the Stuxnet story, the yankees used 7 there. Apart from the default standard use backdoors there must be thousands of others.
>The premises of Windows 7
I always hear the argument that Linux is more secure because anybody can look at the source code and report bugs/security holes.
But can't the opposite be true? Anyone, including people with malicious intentions, can look at the source code and NOT tell anyone about any security problems they find while they exploit it. It's not like everybody is analyzing the source code of every piece of software they use.
At least with closed source software, developers of sufficient size and budget can pay people to look for security flaws and fix them before other people find them because the people with malicious intent don't have the advantage of being able to look at the source code.
>found and patched
wtf I love updates now.
zdog /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_IP_DCCP
# CONFIG_IP_DCCP is not set
t. gentoo
The Sup Forums OMG TUX BTFO timeline:
Day 1: Vuln found and patched.
Day 6: Everybody is now patched.
Day 12: Sup Forums thread/OMG TUX BTFO
Now think of the literal hundreds of bugs like this that are probably in Windows and we'll never know.
Meanwhile in Redmond:
11 year old vulnerability only known to NSA, Isreal, Soviet Russia, 14 hackers in Wisconsin, and North Korea still unpatched.
Sup Forums provides a valuable service in that i wouldn't otherwise know that i should reboot my computer
Yes it can. Same with proprietary software except instead of looking at the code they try to find security holes differently. With this logic you can also say developers can't be trusted because you can't know if they'll just ignore a piece of malicious code to make themselves rich. I know I would. You also can't know if it's malicious by design, an example is windows 10 and it has a shit ton of developers. It's malicious by design and there's nothing you can do about it because it's proprietary.
Also, Linux isn't secure because it's FOSS. It's secure because it's necessary to make it secure. It's superior on servers so companies benefit from securing it. It would be superior on desktop too if developers started porting the missing 70% of videogames and some professional software.
>an example is windows 10 and it has a shit ton of developers.
This makes it harder to sneak in malicious code though. Because developing it requires so much cooperation, that means that a lot of people would have to be in on it. The more people that are involved in this malicious activity, the higher the chances that someone leaks this info the public become.
>It's malicious by design
According to your subjective morals. Not to mine.
>It's superior on servers so companies benefit from securing it. It
Why do companies that use Linux benefit from security, but companies that use Windows don't? You're contradicting yourself.
Who is to say that this wasn't exploited in the wild? These are all baseless accusations
There's always more 0day, and it's being exploited as we speak. Closed source vs open source does not matter for vulnerability research
Windows has shit security. And if you think global espionage is morally correct then kys. I'd rather have access to only 25% games than support an American spyware corporation. Hell, I'd rather install gentoo.
>Windows has shit security.
Oh no! The government is going to know what kind of anime I watch!
>And if you think global espionage is morally correct then kys.
Are you actually defending the right of radical muslims to organize in secret?
Of course there are flaws as old as the software itself. It's when they get found and exploited that people notice them and patch them.
Linux patches its flaws way faster than windows.
>Are you actually defending the right of radical muslims to organize in secret?
Yes, you fucking cuck. No matter how much freedom YOU give up on you're no more secure than you ever were. Criminals will ALWAYS find a way to organize in secret. Giving away your freedom for a false sense of security means you've already lost. No matter how many incidents your government stages (see: pearl harbour, gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, etc) you shouldn't "compromise". They let these happen to manipulate the people, not fight terrorism.
See youtube.com
>Oh no! The government is going to know what kind of anime I watch!
You're obviously underage or a literal idiot. I, and many other people, don't agree with some things the government would like me to. I don't want to live in a totalitarian world. I'd rather the government didn't have a way to spy on everyone and eliminate unwanted citizens with a different worldview. Fuck you, neo-conservative scum.
It actually has more security features than Linux, but keep spouting shit you don't know.
I.e. control flow guard
I.e. edges anti code execution shit released last week
I.e. RestrictSetThreadContext
At least Linux got ASLR like last year, right?
I wonder why every security agency of every industrial power uses GNU/Linux, then
They don't lmfao
The NSA is almost entirely windows boxes
(On the dev side, their servers are linux)
Ahaha, no. RHEL and custom STIGed ReactOS systems.
Lmfao they don't use reactos for dev please stop
The sysadmins (cucks) and servers are the only things that run Linux, just like the rest of the world
Their dev networks are completely airgapped, nothing class is done on a box that has a real possibility of getting popped, and their networked boxes are running Windows because nobody cares if your nonclass box is popped
>Their dev networks are completely airgapped, nothing class is done on a box that has a real possibility of getting popped, and their networked boxes are running Windows because nobody cares if your nonclass box is popped
Read the Snowden papers, or just meet contractors