Laptop sticker thread, you know what to do here.
Laptop sticker thread, you know what to do here
I have a clean x200, what stickers do I need?
you'll actually stand out more if you don't sticker your laptop
my x200 looks like I pulled it from the trash with the wear on the cover, yet I still wouldn't cover it with meme stickers
>two sticker threads
for what purpose
Oh look a newfag who cant in2catalogue
reported underage
Here's your (you)
>placing stickers at all
>completely covering it with stickers
What sort of sticker should I get?
I have no interests.
I don't want to be showing brands for free everytime I use my laptop though.
The only stickers that belong on a laptop.
>shit gimmicks
kill yourself
There we go
>not being a unique little snowflake by making your lappy personal
are all these stickers from redbubble?
Make it yourself. You just need some sticker paper ($9 for a stack of 100 letter sized sheets) and a printer, a lot better quality than Redbubble garbage too. Redbubble looks like they print in 160dpi, a piece of shit $14 inkjet can do 2400dpi.
just brought it
>Trump and RMS together
>ancap ball and GNU
contradictory as fuck
but that's probably your intention, it looks ironic
>unironically photoshopping anime characters in real world photos
uh.. okay, user-kun.
Yeah, that's why he did it ironically. He has a fucking cory in the house pic with some japanese text on it for god's sake.
Been debating putting my Trump 2016 bumper sticker on one of my Thinkpads but I'd hate to potentially hurt my employment or side business.
So no stickers for now.
Kill yourselves
These threads should be deleted on sight
>nu-male: the laptop
Kevin, s'il te plait, va te coucher.
>Open Source Hardware
(・∀・ )
the life of anyone who has laptop stickers should be deleted on sight
is that the laptop that Telus was giving away for free a few years ago?
Very cute!
probably meant in relation to Arduino, don't you think?
best one yet
>he has a laptop that came with stickers
hahaha... fucking poorfags.
I'm already not feeling too well, but your filth in this image pushed me very close to the edge of throwing up on myself.
my media server
Only the Vegeta one is acceptable
>be bought stickers and put them on a mac
>the tiny thinkpad
>that mother fucking desk
fucking children in here
>I have no interests.
Then don't get stickers, get a skin or something if you want to customize your laptop.
Nice ENS sticker man.
>Want to get some doujin music-related stickers
>Nothing/next to nothing exists for the circles I like
>Don't really want to use this sticker that came with a pretty rare album I bought
Shit sorta sucks. Should I just get some album arts printed or something?
>Nice ENS sticker man
Thanks, bought mine from Redbubble because of convenience but yeah i guess you could do this to make your own stickers.
I like the "cash money sticker"
can you please tell me where you got it?
Love the Stallman sticker.
>reiterating the obvious
I just want a ryzen sticker and Lisa Su sticker....
thirding and here's a guide from last thread
I never considered stickers, but what would you use for a laptop with hackintosh?
I would probably consider an apple logo with something else.
you make me puke. i hate you.
Thank you. I was wondering more about the content of the sticker itself than where to get it printed though.
where did you buy the ones with anime girls and niggers
God tier reporting in
What makes you think that?
What's with you people and all these random ass stickers on your laptops
Are you schoolgirls by any chance?
>Are you schoolgirls by any chance?
i wish
Since I have access to professional machines, I do my stickers the professional way:
>monochromatic stickers
- do the vectorisation job in Illustrator, with clean outline path
- choose a vinyl of the right color
- send the job to the cutting plotter
- remove the useless parts, I don't know what's the English term
- pick and paste the sticker with the sticky paper thing
That's how I did the Benighted sticker on (red on the left)
>color/printed stickers
- do whatever on Photoshop/Illustrator/Paint
- add an outline path for cutting
- print that shit on a printer 20 times the size if the sticker
- Laminate that on the laminating machine with lamination paper
- cut with the cutting plotter, remove the parts, ect...
- paste.
That's how I made the Gojira and Igorrr stickers.
Others are from gigs
I hate you based on your stickers.
Lil peep and X are fucking garbage.
These are all fucking terrible
Boards Of Canada, my fucking nigger.
>get old thinkpad style laptop for $140 from uni surplus
>currently ricing it out for max A E S T H E T I C
>get some stickers to match
r8 em
Fash as fuck
I like JetPens better but neat nonetheless.
Link to that VHS one? I'm loving the one at the very bottom too.
This one looks neat, what do you think Sup Forums?
Two IBM Thinkpad stickers, one for the lid and one for the palm rest
Pic related is a T420
Oh shit boi. I love metal slug
me too :(
that kana is fugged up m8
Post cute anime stickers!
Would put on laptop
where can I get those?
I can hear the muffed screams of pain under all of that shit on "muh laptob"
i honestly cringe at people like you
Should I?
Original idea. Donut steel.
Too late already stoled for future use
eBay, 2 for ~$10 CAD
>$5 for a sticker
what thinkpad is this?
Time to make you regret that.
>neatly aligned stickers on a laptop
absolute worst tier.
either bomb the fuck out of it until you've got full sticker coverage, or put one single sticker straight and neatly in the center. There is no inbetween.
Where's the best place to get cheap stickers printed that don't add a white stroke around everything?
where did you get the meme ball sticker