A null pointer is about to compromise your cdn service! What would you do?
Oh snap!
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Use a better language like Java.
>captcha: calle calle
It's okay, I have an exception.
Fire all pajeets responsible
Put my best PR people on it and scapegoat third parties.
I fix the security loophole with my command line via POSIX/CMD to prevent further infection in the mainframe.
Use a better language like Rust.
Rewrite the parser using parser combinators instead of that retarded shit cf-html going on now.
Unplug the monitor so i can't get hacked
Turn it off and go to my real job in academia
>for a string parser that needs to run fast as fuck in limited ram
How about hiring competent devs?
install openbsd
Rewrite the code in Holy C
wasn't a null pointer deref, it was a buffer overrun.
kys my'selvfes
Give out free t-shirts
How could a null pointer compromise anything? Just use a try-catch.
A non-null pointer that's SUPPOSED to be null, on the other hand...
Use a better language like D.
use something like bison, antlr or literally any proper grammar spec language instead of writing the shitty parser in C myself.
not use a shitty cdn
>hire pajeets
>susprised when this happens
But then again nobody will give a shit and forgive cloudfare