Visiting Italy

>visiting Italy
>order a panino with salsiccia (sausage)
>think it's going to be a sandwich with slices of grilled sausage
>the bitch picks up some raw sausage and opens it up
>starts spreading the raw contents of the sausage all over the bread
>puts the other bread slice on top
>"Ok here you go, that will be 3 €!"
>what the shit, this is raw pork and it ain't even cooked
>throw it in the bin, no trichynosis is worth 3 Eurodollars

What the fuck is wrong with Italians? How savage are you that you just eat raw pork? This is in Tuscany btw.

Here in Europe you can eat raw meat or raw eggs, if it's served it's safe.

If you look retarded expect this kind of scams.

>this is raw pork and it ain't even cooked
It wouldn't be raw if it was cooked dumbass

>3 €
this is why i thank god for being undeveloped country yet
wtf, 3.40 dollars for a tiny sandwich
inb4 "we earn more so we can afford it"

we earn more so we can afford it

Italians eat that too? Awesome.

never heard of this here but I know they eat those things in germany

it's basically salame anyway

there are some types of salame that are very easily spreadable and you can eat like that. maybe she was just retarded tho, i dont know. hope you have fun in italy, and pay attention to tourist traps. the food is good, but always check on the internet if its a tourist trap or not. if most italian reviews are negative but most foreign reviews are positive its probably a trap.

>not asking for some Golfetta
you fucked up

That looks like salami bro. That shit is at least cured. This was literally taking a raw sausage or bratwurst and spreading out the contents.

It wasn't the first one I've seen like that.

Non hai mai sentito parlare della salsiccia cruda in Toscana?

It's not a common thing in Italy, but you can find it. She was kind of a bitch giving a tourist a raw sausage sandwich without telling you, but it's totally safe.

That is literally raw pork. No curing, no smoking, nothing. It's called metka here and mett in Germany and it's absolutely delicious.

you are fucking retarded
you've never heard of europeans getting illnesses out of raw sausages have you
It's because it's completely safe to eat that stuff, also delicious

si, ma non ci avevo pensato
im sorry for what happened, hope it doesnt repeat. in what part of italy are you?

>you've never heard of europeans getting illnesses out of raw sausages have you
Actually, if you try to donate blood in the US after having spent time in Europe your blood will at the very leash go through additional screening, assuming they don't outright refuse to take your blood. Shit like what OP is talking about is probably why.

OP is a fucking dipshit i have eaten that shit in both italy and germany but maybe just my alpha as fuck australian stomach of iron being able to process that deliciousness sans-trichynosis sand-wichinosis you fucking son of a bitch, slug 12 tinnies of VB and fucking eat that shit like a nuns cunt, it is delicious you absolute disgrace

Don't visit savage countries such as Italol.

>in what part of italy are you?

Tuscany I told you. Around Pisa.

Dont mind him. Just another Amerinigger in Europe that will end up eating McD for his entire trip.

What the shit is that and where can it be found

>he doesn't eat Mettwurst

What faggot country do you come from?

I say that you are American based on your usage of language. Correct?

Fuck, americans don't know shit about cold cuts. If the meat's not being cooked on a grill or something, it means it's cured, motherfucker. Cured fucking meat, pre cooked and salted like a motherfucker. Believe me, faggot, they wouldn't allow people to sell food that could harm you in any way, even less if its to an empty headed americunt who could sue you for staring kinda wrong at him.

>mfw amerilard cannot handle the banter

Incorrect, but I like American culture.

>be in lelgium
>order mince meat pistolet
>expect cooked meat
>it's just raw flesh on buttered bread
>eat it anyway cause it doesn't seem to kill belgians and i'm in foreign country the least i can do is at least try not be a stupid foreigner and throwing food away is bad
OP is a pussy

>it means it's cured, motherfucker.

No it does not. We literally eat raw meat.
You just take a cut of meat, throw it into a meatgrinder together with some salt and pepper and just put it on bread.
It is great.

That shit looks tasty as fuck.

shit son, calm down

That's cute. OP said it was a sausage, not a paste coming out of a grinder. Sopresatta or salame, I imagine.

Not all sausage is cured though.

By definition, sausage IS litterally paste coming out of a meat grinder, and into a gut.

Nope, you gotta have a casing around it to make sausage, otherwise it's just ground spiced meat. I don't think OP mentioned anything about a grinder or ground meat in a bucket or smn.

>Sopresatta or salame

Did I say it was sopressata or salame you fucking black piece of shit? I said it was "salsiccia", in some parts here they call it "sarsiccia" or even "salciccia".

mr baboon trying to school people
new worlder shithead

>and into a gut

you faggot
get the fuck out
you wasted some precious food. there was more knowledge involved in making that sausage than in entire history of your country
do you think italians just go around eating stuff that will make them ill
you're gay and i hate you

>Being this poor and angry
>On an image board
I'll tell your mom you need some tendies.

Italians can't afford tendies, they're debt monkeys

>there was more knowledge involved in making that sausage than in entire history of your country

woah, calm down you surrendering frog, go eat some pressed raw duck or some of that shit you're used to.

Salsiccia is a generic name for hundreds of different types of cold cuts, you knob head. You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about if you're throwing a hissy fit because you think someone tried to poison you with a sausage.

sounds and looks good imho
would have

why would you ask for a salsiccia and not for salami, you fucking cunt? You asked for salsiccia and she gave you one. Stop complaining. Next time ask for salami, or literally point at the fucking selection of cold cuts right in front of your fucking face! With your IQ I am surprised you managed to survive until now

shut up island monkey

good thing i can still afford your mum, she's that cheap
get out of my country

>Argentine monkey trying to lecture me on Italian culture

That's salumi you retard. Go back to your cage in the zoo.

>US Virgin Islands

That's a flag I've never seen here before, nice one.

With your reading comprehension I'm surprised you're on this board. I told you what I thought it was in the OP. I don't want to eat salami all the time you poor euronigger.

I wouldn't pursue further efforts to instruct this idiot, Italybro. Their whimsical manners and self righteousness acquired from a life in a society where men are children hypnotized by consumerism and fast food makes it impossible for him to see the truth of sacred meat.

it was probably cured sausage tbqh

>He's so poor he can't afford good banter
It's like you've never been to /carib/ before.

>goes to a supermarket counter where they sell salumi
>gets mad when they don't serve him as if he was in a fucking food joint
If they were sell cooked stuff, it is stuff made beforehand, and is at the bottom, literally under your crooked smelly nose, in which case you only would have had to fucking point. I honestly think you should kill yourself

You are right, this is my last reply to him

>Non-Europeans in charge of handling saucisson and other cured/raw meat

That's what you get for thinking bacon is the epitom of pork meat

>goes to a supermarket counter

Did I say it was a supermarket counter you retard? You don't order panini in supermarkets.

yup. they shoudn't really be trusted with food full stop.
>washed eggs
>fructose syrup in everything
>bland GM veggies and fruit
>meat stuffed with hormones
>can't into non-pasturised dairy goods

t. brit who gets triggered by yanks trying to banter us over our food

>cured/raw meat

There's CURED meat and there's putting raw ground pig on bread. I want someone's input who's actually eaten the stuff, not random drooling retards weighing in. Pic related is what she opened up and spread.

Your food is shit, it's literally fried shit (fried fish, fried French fries, fried Yorkshire pudding)

shouldv've gone to mcDonalds where its safe

I'm not going to try to compare it with Italian or French food but it's better than the average North European cuisine. Bare in mind we do not have the climate for your cuisine traditionally: curing meats, herbs, flavoursome vegetables.

This might trigger the Dutchman but the only people who make decent cheese are us, you and the French.

Wait, I just realised you're OP and not Italian. KYS my man. The food quality here is miles better than where you are from. And you are a pussy for not eating that sandwich, sounds delicious.

Haha niggers, I just remembered I took a photo of it while she was doing it as undeniable proof of Italian barbarity. What the shit is this?

I'd take English food over American one every day I think. Not talking about burgers and such, those are obviously tasty as fuck but more every day food

>not every day food

did it not occur to you that she wouldn't have served something dangerous? did it not occur to you to ask/clarify that it was to be eaten as is if were were concerned about muh food hygiene?

You would be a retard to do that. English food in supermarkets is complete processed dogshit, stuff like sausage pastries and meat pies with ingredients of questionable origins. At least in American supermarkets you can get fresh raw ingredients and whatever you want. Even stuff like prosciutto and French cheeses are imported. The ham they sell in Iceland (the store) is atrocious and should only be fed to dogs.

>some pooinloo hands you something to eat
>"Hmm I guess I better eat it, I mean it can't possibly be dangerous coming from a street vendor"

And this is why you're a nation of cucks.

>t. 150 kg Ameriblob

Why would I want to eat French cheese m8, they actually make good ones

that's where you went wrong. Literal alcoholics, junkies and immigrants shop. tesco and asda are pretty poor too, but the quality of food in both of those places is still miles ahead of what you would get in walmart as a standard.

I will admit we eat way too many processed foods (ready meals and the like) because we simply do not have a culture of home cooking in the same way you do. We are becoming much better in our eating habits though.

If you didn't like the way it looked why the fuck did you buy it. She's also wearing a glove you spastic. Better stick to McDonalds and pizzas for the rest of your trip mate.


There are real grocery stores in the US. Walmart is a general store. And how the fuck would you know, not like you've been to either.

>If you didn't like the way it looked why the fuck did you buy it.

I can't just refuse it once she prepares it. I bought it because she made it for me to consume however I want. Which I did by throwing it out.

Oh she's wearing gloves! Yeah guess that will neutralize the brain parasites residing in the raw meat, good thing you pointed this out to me Sherlock.

dont worry bro, there are mcdonalds in italy too but you may want to stay away from the sauces that are too strong

What, and there aren't in the UK?
I was comparing like for like. This is the same as when yanks compare muh microbrews, cheeses or chocolates to our standard stuff. Just admit it, your food is shit.

You make acceptable wine and beer tho, I admit, but you can't into food. Even compared to Northern Europe which is (rightfully) considered shit tier.

I've spent quite a bit of time in the States btw, but only really the West and East coasts. Dread to think what it's like in the middle :3

>What the shit is this?
Deliciousness... I get hungry seeing this.

t. Ignoring the countless posts of Germans, French and Polish who have eaten this stuff regularly without ill effect. I've eaten it myself a few times but things are a bit more strict here (also less popular.) A polish deli sells the minced pork for raw eating (like in your pic, but in plastic not sausage casing) under the counter :^)

You know what's funny. I'm not even American.

keep projecting ranjit

>Smoking doesn't kill you all my friends do it and they're still alive! :^)

Maybe the brainworms are making them dumber so they write that.

Also enjoy your toxoplasmosis:

a disease caused by toxoplasmas, transmitted chiefly through undercooked meat, soil, or in cat faeces. Symptoms of infection generally pass unremarked in adults, but can be dangerous to unborn children.

Where are you from then and why are you so triggered. Canada?

I'm not telling you where I'm from, Ranjit. As for your second question I'm just an angry guy.

How can you not want to eat fucking everything of that? That stuff looks fucking good.

>I want someone's input who's actually eaten the stuff
I eat raw pork all the time, it's fucking good

You are Canadian or American 100%. Enjoy the rest of your stay getting in touch with your ancestors and shit. Hope you find something bland that's palatable to your baby tastebuds.

this this this

I hope you're Canadian, that looks fucking delicious.

>here was more knowledge involved in making that sausage than in entire history of your country

Oh yeah, since surely parasites exist inherently in every piece of meat in existence, regardless of the sanitary conditions in which the animal was raised prior to being butchered.

>modern feedlot intensive farming
>so sanitary!

Back to your cage, monkey.

It's simple: if you don't eat that you aren't white

They wash eggs? Literally why?
Is that why they put them in the fridge too?

>hueee pork is dirty
t. mohammed

On natural eggs there are sometimes feathers and chickenshit but you can just clean that before using the eggs.
Americans wash their eggs so the natural anti-bacterial layer gets destroyed and they go bad really fast unless you store them in a fridge.

I started reading about it right now and it's fucking insane.
They wash the eggs with warm water, then wash them with fucking detergents and then warm water again. What the fuck.

>On natural eggs there are sometimes feathers and chickenshit but you can just clean that before using the eggs.
Of course.

Aaahhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhh...
Pourquoi tu me fais ça user, pourquoi ?!