Is CS saturated in Canada?

Not googling, asking Sup Forums, or asking /r/cscareerquestions because they're all politicized to hell and give you biased shitty answers and ban you if you make them upset by mocking their sacred cows. The worst one is google, because you constantly get spammed with "STEM shortage" articles.

I have worked for 10 months, basically part time remote, to make this app for this guy. I answered an add on craigslist. My GPA was 3.1 when I took the job and I couldn't get into coop, mainly because I'm doing school remotely. He didn't even ask about my GPA. Now, this isn't really a formal job arrangement. He just gives me specs, and then I go figure out how to code it. He's happy with the app I have produced so far. I'm probably going to put it in the store before summer. He wants to charge quite a bit for the app. I am pretty much his Pajeet.

Here's the bad part. I'm working for free. Now it's true that I don't need the money because I live with my parents, but it would be nice to not have my bank account constantly overdrawn if I make a major purchase. I bought a new computer over Christmas, and I still haven't zeroed my debit card completely. I applied at all of the big 4, IBM, and local companies that are subsidiaries of the big 4. None of them gave me any attention. This was before I took the job from this random guy.

So guys, what the fuck should I do? This is going to drag on forever. I thought this would be a nice summer project, but the app ended up requiring like 100,000 lines of code. He still wants to add more shit, and I'm going to graduate in the summer. I'm pretty sure I got memed into a meme degree. There is no STEM shortage. If there were, I wouldn't be working for free in the informal gig economy. There are days when I get out of bed so I can add him on LinkedIn eventually. I am working for a fucking LinkedIn contact. I hate being a millennial. He hasn't even paid the cost of my licenses for the app stores, and he said he would.

Other urls found in this thread:

Accounting is also saturated

In Canada?

Is everything that isn't a government cartel saturated?

>not going to trade school

good goy,another reason for to come here and work

And literally one wave of applied machine learning away from book keepers going out of business
One wave of good tax office integration SDK away from regular Joe schmoe """ accountant""" being out of business and one wave of we are a very poor country and your company money looks like a nice fat pork chop legislation away from having no fun transfer pricing dutch Irish sandwich memes.

I know a lot of tradesmen. They do back breaking work, work in the middle of nowhere, and go through long periods of unemployment during recessions.

No fucking thanks.

And don't forget that the government wants a third of a million immigrants a year for no reason.

>not falling for the superior ECE meme
stay strong fellow leaf

>And don't forget that the government wants a third of a million immigrants a year for no reason.

Always amuses me that the same do-gooders who want to let in anyone, are the same people being chicken littles about automation of most jobs. They also tend to be the same sort of people that argue for economic reasons for immigration (muh growth), while simultaneously decrying capitalism. I would almost chalk this up to them not thinking things through, but considering their sneering, smug sociopathy my bet is that they just pick whatever political positions allows them to fuck their enemies depending upon the moment.

>doing work for some rando guy on Craisglists for free
>for 10 months
>for literally nothing
>100k loc
Are you actually retarded? Might as well invite him over to fuck your sister in the ass.

there is no shortage in CS. STEM is different than CS. real wages for developers, testers, support, etc haven't risen much in the last 10 years. pajeets will not understand this and companies ignore it because they can profit from it. The only place's that aren't saturated are places where uneducated people live that need IT/developers. Think poor parts of the US and 3rd world countries.

Every single part of his story suggests he's retarded, yes.

>b-b-but their poor and illiterate

I am an american, but I am in a very much "I got mine" mode. I'm packing away money for the next tech bubble popping, and when it does, i'm buying a house and a ton of guns. immigrants be damned.

>Not asking Sup Forums

Where do you think you are?

Why they fuck would IBM hire some fucking kid who went to ITT tech and got a 3.1 gpa?

It's not there ain't jobs out there, it's that you're retarded.

i've been trying to HIRE young people, but the only resumes im getting are chock full of lies. People have been applying for senior roles with default rails generated garbage in their githubs.

>working for free in the informal gig economy.
this is exactly what the (marxists) wanted

Unless you have an in, in Canada you have to get away from the major cities to get your first CS job before you can even consider applying for a Job in a major city. There is no shortage, there are stable amounts. The problem is most of the population lives in one of the few major cities.

well said

Bait. But anyway, stop working for free, idiot.

>ban you if you make them upset by mocking their sacred cows.
Judging from this, maybe you can't get hired because you have an abrasive, combative and negative personality and people of value do not want to associate with you.

Just a thought.

I got a job as a C# dev in Montreal with basically no credentials. the pay is nothing to write home about but it pays the bills and allows me to live comfortably.

my boss constantly complains about not being able to find decent .NET devs. I've heard stories from back before they hired me. people with CS degrees not being able to solve FizzBuzz level problems.

I can't tell you what it's like all over the country but I'm certain you'll find something within a couple of months (at worst) if you just keep sending out resumes. IMO the problem with CS is not lack of jobs, but rather the difficulty in getting the right people in the right positions.

They are tards who just fight for the cause du jour. No thought process. Pure virtue signalling.

I thought this argument would come up. The program is through an accredited public university.

>Employment rights begin at 3.5 GPA.


You're probably asking for too much experience then. Why else would they feel the need to lie?

Marxists seem to be right that capitalism is in crisis. If they weren't, I wouldn't be working for free for some guy who owns a huge house and a nice car.

There are no jobs of any kind outside of major cities. I'm not even really in a "major" city.

If I weren't any of those things, why would I use Sup Forums? Also, how will they know I'm an asshole if they don't even call me back?

>the pay is nothing to write home about
>my boss constantly complains about not being able to find decent .NET devs

I think I know why your boss has this problem.