Why aren't you running /ComfyWin10/, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you running /ComfyWin10/, Sup Forums?
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Because there's nothing comfy about being spied on.
Well, I need PhotoShop and Premiere, amongst others, and I occasionally game, so there's not a huge amount of choice. Still comfy.
fuck windows and fuck you
see What do you suggest I do then?
An OS which treats its user like a child and manipulates itself isn't very comfy
Linux+OS and nothing but. Strangely enough, not that the gaming industry is poviding support for it it's getting supports from all ends. The relation here is likely causal. I think that people cherish gaming much more than they admit.
Dual boot
GPU Passthrough.
Just install Ubuntu or another """noob""" linux OS and rice it to your hearts content.
Im using a lightly modified Cinnamon DE and it's comfy as fuck
Because I can update my computer, then leave it running without being forced to turn off my computer. Then can update it again, and then reboot, and it still works.
Because basically I can do whatever the f*** I want, and don't care about games because I am not 14 or autistic.
I use linux because it's free software, because it's not slow as fuck, and because anything I would WANT to do in Windows I can do in Linux.
Microsoft is implementing Linux code in Windows simply to create an illusion, and to make lazy neckbeards stay with them because 'linux is in windows anyway'.
Theres nothing comfortable about that operating system.
Windows is nigger software made by curry niggers and chinese while linux is proud white software. You don't get freedom with windows, you only get a boot to the face while Linux you get freedom to post on the internet to ensure the jews don't fuck over our freedoms to let niggeers invade America so the CIA and NSA can take away more of our freedoms.
GPU Passthrough seems complicated my friend. It's the best way to go but I didn't bother with it cause it seems a long difficult process.
>Well, I need PhotoShop
>and Premiere
>and I occasionally game
SRSLY? Vitrually all larger games are being made for linux or can be done with linux wine.
But I understand if you paid for win 10 or somehow got it for free and can't just ditch it.
*now that the gaming industry is poviding support for it....
what terminal are you using?
also, fuck dual booting
and passthrough doesn't work on my pc
vidya on linux is a joke - dark souls 1 was 3 fps under wine-staging last time i tried
I'm using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows - it can be enabled through developer settings. Cygwin is 2broken4me
Dual boot is too annoying to have to boot again each time I want to do something in whichever operating system.
I don't like giving away control of my Personal Computer.
>Looks up Premiere in excitement of finally being able to switch to Linux fully.
>Sees that the last working version was CS3 at a Bronze rating, CC doesn't work at all.
>CC doesn't work for anything in Linux, meaning you are literally using outdated versions.
Still not there sadly user.
Steam is getting gaming support because Valve is VERY upset about the Windows Store and hasn't wanted to be reliant on Microsoft for their business
Rather Linux is getting gaming support through Steam, to correct myself
Only an idiot would think that minimalism is comfy.
but I am
Not installing Enterprise/Education editions
linux is literally a commie system by design and ideology
you get the drop from helicopter fucking faggot
What features does Windows 10 have that you need and Windows 7 doesn't? I never understood the LTSB meme. Windows 7 still has long term support for three years.
If you're a gamer I can sort of see the "muh DX12" argument, but literally no games have been released without either DX11 or OpenGL support
I actually kinda like the theme
I like the better onedrive integration
Oh and muh DX 12
How did you get sound to work on the linux subsystem? Last I checked that wasn't supported
>Windows 10
>implying those don't have telemetry
idk project neon is plenty comfy
There he is! The macfag!
Is "ShutUp10" really a good windows fix? does anybody use it? does it make any difference?
its not even close to the same thing you stupid faggot. brawer is a time piece company
...are you retarded?
The only thing worse than a Winfag is a Macfag
>he fell for his bait
Hey fammerino, next time you might wanna blank out that Microsoft AutoUpdate program too. That's a macOS only thing.
Enterprise/Education still spies on you just as much. You CAN turn the spyware down to just "basic" spying, but that is not really much different from regular spying. It's just no forced restarts and not ALL the spying is real time.
>Windows 10
The only way to run ubuntu without actually owning your own OS.
Give wallpaper plz
>he isn't an insider fast track beta developer
You might wanna blank out that Microsoft AutoUpdate program too. That's a macOS only thing.
haha worst of both worlds.
because it reboots whenever the fuck ms wants