John von Neumann - Jewish

John von Neumann - Jewish
John McCarthy - Jewish
Richard Stallman - Jewish

and so many more people with such an impact on technology and computer science.

Yet Sup Forums is anti-semitic as fuck. What gives?

Sup Forums hates success because they're useless NEETs.

Because computers and Internet are cancer and people don't communicate in person anymore.

Guess which board has attracted the most newfags in the last year?
>It has always been like that
Old /prog/ memes don't count

It's Sup Forums. Nobody who is capable of anything comes here. The closest you can get to a computer scientist on Sup Forums is someone who runs linux on a few boxes at home and pretends to be a sysadmin or programms barely functional fizzbuzz-solver. Same is true for /sci/ most people there don't even understand highschool level physics and math.

tldr.: Sup Forums is faggots only. Nobody on this site will ever amount to anything

sources: 10 years of anecdotal data, first hand experience as someone who visists this site regulary

Because (((jews))) are a may may and it's fucking Sup Forums stop being so serious

sounds like a bunch of projection in hopes of continuing to find some kind of pathetic, barely meaning companionship on the basis of your personal failures.

Not true. Most Sup Forums users for example are rich, successful, white businessmen.

Here's where you belong:
Oh wait, even they are ironic. Just kys yours'levles :ยด)

Sup Forums told me they're skilled businessmen who have big degrees in business and they're going to get trump tier wealthy and shut the jews down.

lol butthurt

We're not anti-semitic, we're anti-pajitic.

i'm an architect that does system design for a financial enterprise that generates about $400 million a year in revenue.
I also like shitposting and no one ever lies on the internet right?

Sup Forums is worth millions while your worthless poor liberal ass stays poor.

We need legal/law in technology as much as we need politics/social issues. That is to say, not at all.

What's the point of this self-deprecation? It's inane and childish.

find a line from any of those three that credit their success to being a jew

I too enjoy roleplaying in my free time
hello richard!

>hello richard!
That's me. Now answer my question.

>I'm a failure and everyone I know who uses this board is a failure
>therefore everyone on the board is also either a failure like me or destined to become a failure

I can throw every busword at this post; projecting, anecdotal, hasty generalization, small sample size, literally gay, reddit spacing, insecurity, speaking for the masses when you have no authority, asserting that someone needs to be an expert in the entire field instead of an expert in a single part of said field, assuming veterancy means anything on a site who's founder previously boasted of the ever changing community, where the userbase is anonymous and posts rely on merit alone anyway, posting inane nonsense like this purely for the attention because no one else will stand you with your terrible opinions and attitude which is even palpable through text

wew lad

>John von Neumann - Jewish
And what exactly did he contributre to CS? Protip: FUCKING NOTHING.

>John McCarthy - Jewish
Irish dad.

>Richard Stallman - Jewish
A fucking license.

It's always been like that, newfag.


>being this butthurt
>not being able to spell buzz
and worst of all: you are arguing on the internet. With me. Thats just retarded.

I impaled my knee cap on a drawer handle preventing someone else from falling over, it's really painful so I can't sleep, even with the drugs they gave me, neither of which help my English right now. I'll make more mistakes the longer we go at this, what are you going to do about it sissy la la?

>I impaled my knee cap on a drawer handle

Because jews keep stealing are jobs

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'?

>Yet Sup Forums is anti-semitic as fuck
PROTIP: it's not Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums

>Is on painkillers
>still butthurt


That fucking thing was cast iron and it looked like a thin tiny pinecone at the ends.

Sup Forums keeps happening on Sup Forums and all over Sup Forums, what started as a joke several years ago turned serious on Sup Forums which kept spamming the same illiterate opinions every where.
It doesn't even fit the general profile in some boards, take Sup Forums for example, how did it went from defending free software and hating the botnet and comsumerist thread to defending fucking Trump?

Lot's of people still joke about judaism and ethnic stuff, but then again, extreme stances and satire are so fucking similar...

>I have done your mother

To be fair, von Neumann *did* contribute a lot to pure mathematics, but for some ridiculous reason his name is associated with computers just because he wrote down other people's ideas.

That makes Stallman actually seem like a pretty cool guy, which is oddly conflicting with all of the videos I've seen of him

That is actually pretty cool.

You're not fooling anyone.

They bring it to themselves.

Thanks for the reaction face, user.

Ditch the drugs the hospital gives you and just smoke weed, it basically cures everything and is only illegal because the government wants to protect big pharma

Fuck off, gommie. Weed is degeneracy.

>You're not fooling anyone.
Indeed, to do that i'd have to lie about it.

>forgetting eben moglen

Stallmans skill at banter and shitposting makes him the few jews I actually like. If he wasn't a commie he would be an honorary ayran.

>reaction face
>only 158x241

>half of it is an empty forehead

I'm really afraid that I'm going to become hyper aware of it and be wildly uncomfortable for a few hours. I'll have to read up on it, I know it's good for muscle pain but I have no idea about bone fragmentation. I don't even know much about the knee, there's some kind of jelly sac in there or something. What a complicated mess.

These pills obviously make me irritable when they wear off though so maybe it would be worth it just to calm the h*ck down and get some sleep. Related that substance is becoming legalized in this area.

It's a good one, it's all your my friend.


>To be fair, von Neumann *did* contribute a lot to pure mathematics, but for some ridiculous reason his name is associated with computers just because he wrote down other people's ideas.
Correct. I do not dispute his math ideas at all. He did some great research there. But he didn't do shit in CS! Like you said, he just wrote a gov report on current computer architectures and somehow they named the architecture after him. He didn't invent shit in computer space. I get incensed when ppl mention his name beside the names of great CS innovators.

This is a Sup Forums bait thread. Nobody ever gave a fuck about jewish people in tech accept you.


We jelly

>ctrl+f jew
>only this thread a couple of shitposting threads highlighted

yep, nothing but Sup Forums being Sup Forums...

Git gud.

Jordan do you happen to have that image of a Frozenvoid post where it has text captions like "wtf backwards name wizard bullshit". For some reason I figured you'd have it but maybe not.


I thought they were successful meme farmers

I know the image, not sure if I do have it. Text me later and I'll be able to look but I'm at work right now.

Alright, thanks anyway. If I see you later and remember, I'll ask.

it's tongue in cheek for many of us. I personally find the notion of a global Jewish conspiracy trying to spy on my animes hilarious and I will do whatever it takes to keep that joke going.


NASA Mars 2020 engineer here. You can fuck off.

>and so many more people with such an impact on technology and computer science
go on

I-I mean, I'm still in college and I had a couple of interviews with Dell and a military contractor.

Does that make me touch the successful edge?

You are an exception, I'd be inclined to agree with that fag you react to overall, if you base it on the most vocal poster group.

I hate even the jokes, because they make the retards that are Sup Forums shit seriously think they are normal.

>it's tongue in cheek for many of us

is it?


shut up pol lol

>replying to yourself

Sup Forums is simply plain jelly of Indians and Semites, that's all.

>people that migrate to the US from other countries are more likely to be educated

Damn, who would have guessed?

Where's the poll that shows that Americans in India are more likely to have a college education than the general population?

>religious minorities
Yet another example of Sup Forums's way of reading facts.

You aren't a NASA engineer just because your dad took you to his place of work on take your autistic child to work day.

Sup Forums is autistic, therefore looks at the facts and doesn't care about what lies society perceives as truth, like the logistically and physically impossible holohoax.

Reading facts the Sup Forums way:
>step 1: torture facts until they conform to my biases
>step 2: if this cannot be done call it kike trash

>religious minorities
>not at least recent immigrants
Yet another example of ignoring obvious truths because it's inconsistent with the globalist worldview



>jews in the USA
>recent immigrants
Next you will say christians in Japan are recent immigrants as well.


>implying NASA will land humans on mars in 2020

see the guy you responded to was correct.

Even if you work for NASA you faggots there are so slow most of you will never accomplish anything in your life except for some shitty ass satellites

at least you have a comfy job nobody can fire you from ever cause its so fucking slow

piece of shit government leech

well, obviously that's the case because... guess what... who do you think bankrolls the academic institution?


Good point, specially the sources.

thank you, Satan.

Only somwhat informed opinion in this thread.

Its okay to be jealous. I understand.

I work on the Mars 2020 rover. It's not supposed take people up there you illiterate. Putting rovers on another planet is better than shitposted all day on Sup Forums, and masturbating to Chinese cartoons.

What kind of graduation do you need to work for NASA? I suppose your's is some sort of engineering.

>everybody on the planet - Human
>OP of this thread - stupid fucking Human
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

Lad, if you're still around I have the image for you.

Jews, sure. But what about the Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists on that pic? Also, why the hell is "unaffiliated" considered a "religious minority"?

Regardless of the causes, the main reason that pic is bullshit is that it's trying to imply that correlation = causation in order to further the creator's regressive ideology.

How do you know that you're not the stupid human, and that OP hasn't achieved a form of enlightenment incomprehensible to you?

>racists use correlation = causation fallacy to imply minorities are inferior due to their race/religion
>get mad when we use correlation = causation fallacy to refute them
You can't make this shit up!

I actually agree on both points.

>SJWs use correlation = causation fallacy to imply minorities are superior due to their race/religion
>get mad when Sup Forums uses correlation = causation fallacy to imply minorities are inferior due to their race/religion